IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Hmm I don't remember him playing Dead Eternity, I only remember him playing Dead God In Me and him having difficulties but still managing some kickdrum rhythm mid-song or something.
Right, right, it was "Dead God in Me." They're both D-songs, haha.
Great song!

I'm not a huge fan of Anders' muttering in the verses — as much as people don't like his singing, I think something like he did on "Dawn of a New Day" or "My Sweet Shadow" could've worked better here — and I think the transitions to the chorus are too jarring. But you can't deny that acoustic melody and that amazing outro solo. The bass kicks ass in this song, too.
Probably the best In Flames song :headbang:

I've actually had the intro as my ringtone for like 2 years, it's very nice indeed. Also used to have Satellites and Astronauts as my texting signal many years ago.

I really like the muttering style of vocals since it's so unique, and the dynamic in the transitions to the chorus growls is awesome IMO. I really like the little drum fill into the chorus where vocals and that lead guitar melody kicks in at the same time, it's like a powerful blow. Also I don't know what the effect/sample/keyboard is called but that sound in the background during the verses is really cool, it's a tiny bit similar to the one in that Colony bridge or whatever you call it. Maybe it's called loops or something?

Dawn of a New Day is one of my favorites from R2R actually. Never been a huge fan of My Sweet Shadow but live it's fucking awesome, especially when they used to have it as last song with all the pyro and fireworks and shit.
It makes me happy to see how this forum is active even in the late hours (In EU anyway). It would be even better if we could've discuss the new album but there's not any news about it.
Still argue that Colony and SOAPF have the best production of any IF albums. Everything fills out well, everything sounds massive.

Colony is one of the best productions to nail the modern metal sound without sounding overproduced. SOAPF is the closest thing to getting that again.
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Jester Script Transfigured was the exact song I was thinking about, while arguing in the Cyhra thread about Jesper's new music. Just listen to this, don't even mind the vocals. This music is original and can stand on its own feet, not just some background shit or 4-5 seconds reminder that it could have been this if it went on.

This is ambitious music. And that solo... <3 rivaling Zombie Inc.

The ending is fucking weird though - once again, for better or worse. There's like 20 guitarists playing already, and then Slash from Guns N' Roses walked into the wrong studio and recorded some random ass solo at the end. I mean what the fuck is that.
JST is one of my absolute favourites off Whoracle. It's funny because it was also the first song I ever heard from In Flames. Some girl sent it to me over AIM (RIP) along with Moonshield. I took one listen to told her to fuck off sending me satanic music :D because I was a 13 year old dipshit. She persevered though and sent me OFTW. That was the gateway, and by the next year I'd obviously reached inside, numbed and the pain and come around with answers as I loved both TJR and Whoracle :cool:

JST also contains my favourite lyric line in the entire of In Flames' discography:

"We've only seen outlines of the beginning
At its core, the slowly moving raptor
Will make the very notion of hell
Seem celestial in comparison"

Fuck yeah. Amazing. Although I think these lyrics were written by Sundin rather than Anders, as they aren't his style at all and I believe Niklas wrote the vast majority of Whoracle's lyrics based on concepts from Anders.

As an aside Sundin is an incredibly underrated lyricist. People should be celebrating his poetic genius. The guy has written some of the best lyrics across any musical genre imo. I can understand people struggling to like DT's Skydancer musically (although I love it), but dem lyrics. Dem fucking lyrics. Best lyrics on any album in existence.

"I have been told to honour life
and what therein I'll find
but if all I see is darkness,
let me die and wake up blind
As the gleaming blade before me,
singing lullabies of loss
Whispering "Death is your redeemer
to the Paradise you've lost""

My man :cool: yes. I better stop before I start getting turned on. Seriously though, huge respect to Niklas Sundin. The lyrics to TJR as a whole are a big part of why I dig that album so much. They fit perfectly with the music.
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edit: not sure if I'm retarded or just that this board sucks. I wouldn't count any of these out, but I can't paste an image for the life of me.
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Did you find any result from the first Google search? Just askin' for a friend. :D

Jokes aside are you fan of Celldweller, Slave?
Oops, forgot to crop those out!!!! No, I didn't, so my only hope is the darkweb.

I am a huge fan of Celldweller. I would risk and say that he is probably in my top 3, fighting with IF for the 2nd spot. If we count HT+Meteora Linkin Park in, then top 5.

Celldweller is criminally underrated imo, and I'm very glad that he seems to be rather wealthy despite not being world-famous. I will forever remember the time I first heard of him. I was in primary school, playing an MMORPG (Ragnarok, if s1's curious), and I was talking to this girl, whom I had a typical MMO-crush on, and we sent songs to eachother via MSN Messenger. She sent me The Last Firstborn, and I kid you not, it like hypnotized me. I just sit in front of the monitor while playing the song on repeat and I kept watching the abstract forms in the Windows Media Player. It was a good night!!

I admit, he does go overboard with the Celldweller feat. Circle of Dust (Scandroid remix)* stuff, but he's done so fucking much already, that he most definitely gets a pass from me for being borderline schizophrenic.

Are you aware of his Argyle Park stuff as well? There's one damn good song there:

*for those of you who don't understand: all 3 "bands" consists of only himself.
I am a huge fan of Celldweller. I would risk and say that he is probably in my top 3, fighting with IF for the 2nd spot. If we count HT+Meteora Linkin Park in, then top 5.

Celldweller is criminally underrated imo, and I'm very glad that he seems to be rather wealthy despite not being world-famous. I will forever remember the time I first heard of him. I was in primary school, playing an MMORPG (Ragnarok, if s1's curious), and I was talking to this girl, whom I had a typical MMO-crush on, and we sent songs to eachother via MSN Messenger. She sent me The Last Firstborn, and I kid you not, it like hypnotized me. I just sit in front of the monitor while playing the song on repeat and I kept watching the abstract forms in the Windows Media Player. It was a good night!!

I admit, he does go overboard with the Celldweller feat. Circle of Dust (Scandroid remix)* stuff, but he's done so fucking much already, that he most definitely gets a pass from me for being borderline schizophrenic.

Are you aware of his Argyle Park stuff as well? There's one damn good song there:

*for those of you who don't understand: all 3 "bands" consists of only himself.

Ah MSN Messenger, good times.

I probably heard Celldweller from Need For Speed and was a huge fan back then. Title album and Blackstar albums are pretty awesome. I remember that waiting for the parts of Blackstar album, was too excited for it. Eventually I lost interest in him, didnt heard the last album Offworld. I'm not really into his Scandroid project actually, not my style at all.

Never heard this Argyle Park stuff before, on first listen it felt like softer version of the Finnish band Turmion Katilot. Not bad but dont think I will listen to it that much. It feels like a lifetime ago but I was very into this stuff. At some point of my life my favorite bands were Static-X and Celldweller. :D

By the way whos side are you guys on, Eminem or Machine Gun Kelly? haha :D
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Lmao, you know Turmion Katilot as well? They are awesome! :D You didn't mention Circle of Dust though.

And I don't get the Eminem stuff. Some guy said it the best: the thing is, if Eminem made a diss track, and the only lyric would be "you suck!!", people would still go crazy and claim that Eminem absolutely destroyed that guy, because he's Eminem.

I only listened to Killshot, and yeah, it has some zinger lines, but man, was I disappointed after reading how Eminem ANNIHILATED the rap scene... But hey, the kids are happy and excited, and in the end it's all that matters.
I'm not sure kids are that into Eminem any more :D more like people my age who heard him when he was starting out. His first few albums were really good, but since Relapse he hasn't been great. Recovery had a few good songs on it though. I've only ever heard one MGK song, Invincible, which was pretty good. No idea what the rest of his discography is like. Anyway we all know Jake E. is the best modern rapper.
Lmao, you know Turmion Katilot as well? They are awesome! :D You didn't mention Circle of Dust though.

Of course I do, awesome band indeed. I listen them for a long time actually, was checking their new album like 2 days ago. Their song Suolainen Kapteeni was my favorite song for a long time. And I didnt mention Circle of Dust cause I have no idea about the project. Didnt heard any songs but I might check them.

About the Eminem and MGK thing; I heard the 2 songs and they're pretty good actually. I knew MGK from a Papa Roach song but I think Rap Devil was fine. Song wise I would chose Rap Devil but you cant really reply to Killshot, I think it ended the diss war pretty heavily. :D
Haha I remember that plintus dude back from JesterHead forums back in 2007/2008, he also posted here a bit back in 2008/2009 or something, don't really know why he was a part of Jesterhead cause he didn't seem to have any positive to say whatsoever about the band as far as I can remember.

Maybe he was deliberately trying to get banned, at least on subconscious level. :)

IIRC he said he actually took some pride in his "achievement", and even had "Proudly banned from" in his Everdying sig. :D
Not really my kind of music nowadays :D I think I'd have liked it when I was younger, but nowadays my music has to have some sweet melodies.