IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

If you really want to impress the IF UM old school crew then you need to be able to appreciate and dance to... this:

DJ BoBo, bitches :cool:
Bobo is amazing. My uncle looks 95% just like him. Real story.

This is a shit song from him though.

Bro. Pirates of Dance is awesome.

Speaking of awesome, why don't you like Lunar Strain? Starforsaken came on when I was walking to work this morning, it's great. Dat intro, dem riffs, dem growls, dat solo. OK the production isn't the best, but still better than ASOP.

Learn to love it.
If we're talking about techno, E-Type is my favorite :D

I've also listened to BoBo and Pet Shop Boys quite a bit.

Here I was thinking DJ BoBo was some obscure, camp music that metalheads wouldn't know anything about :D next people will be saying they're fans of DJ Mendez too.
Did i hear techno?!

Bro. Pirates of Dance is awesome.

Speaking of awesome, why don't you like Lunar Strain?
I only recall a few songs by name, so I had to check. The intro is 2 million decibels louder than the rest of the song and the transition is shit. Mikael Stanne sucks ass. I never did and never will understand people, who dig this kind of singing style. He's fucking screeching. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. And yes, I've got better production equipments in my cellar and I don't even have a cellar.

That being said, if we throw out Stanne and the intro to the garbage where they belong, and run this through any modern day production ,then it's definitely not bad. Clad In Shadows not bad either, minus Stanne. Behind Space is absolute shit, the only really good parts are the acoustic parts there, so of course they removed them in the remake. Everlost part 2 rocks.

Anyway, Lunar Strain is like the Tesco edition of TJR. You know, when you live in welfare, and you want to buy some good MDM music, but the cashier tells you that you are poor as fuck, so you can only afford LS. You buy it in your shame and try your best to convince yourself that it's actually good. It's not.
The intro is 2 million decibels louder than the rest of the song and the transition is shit.

It sounds great. I agree the transition is abrupt, but it's not a big deal.

Mikael Stanne sucks ass.


It's definitely not bad.


Behind Space is absolute shit, the only really good parts are the acoustic parts there, so of course they removed them in the remake. Everlost part 2 rocks.

Agreed on Everlost Part 2 (part 1 sucks a dong) but Behind Space is awesome. Granted the production on the LS version can make it difficult to listen to at points, but Behind Space '99 is immense, and if you don't like that then shame on you.

Anyway, Lunar Strain is like the Tesco edition of TJR. You know, when you live in welfare, and you want to buy some good MDM music, but the cashier tells you that you are poor as fuck, so you can only afford LS. You buy it in your shame and try your best to convince yourself that it's actually good. It's not.

I'm impressed that you know Tesco. Do they have those in Hungary? I figured you guys still shop at local markets and shit. How would the cashier know my financial status though? Also I'd say it's more likely LS would be more expensive than TJR due to relative rarity.

Anyway, Upon an Oaken Throne kicks your balls off.

Jester Slave: Dead By Moshpit :cool:
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In my very first concert I was actually killed by a mosh pit. I thought I can just jump around from start to finish with my 50 kilos. Nope.

Yes, we have Tesco. Lidl as well. We also have market days twice a week. We are a great mix of culture. And the cashier knows your financial status by looking at your worn out, faded Clayman jumpsuit.

@galvanized His cleans are nice, obviously. His growls and screams? Absolute ass. There is no excuse for such a shitty, uninspired performance that can be heard on LS. Maybe he's better on his DT albums, I don't know. Here's my ranking of IF vocalists, which by the way is universally accepted all around the globe, so feel free to reference this list in the future:
1. Anders from Whoracle onwards*
2. Henke Forss
3. Anders on TJR
4-98. sound of nails scratching on the blackboard
99. Mikael Stanne

*for simplicity's sake we ignore his cleans now, as it's a whole different topic, but even Anders' worst ever whiny, off-beat, off-pitch performance sounds like Pavarotti compared to the shitshow that is Mikael Stanne on Lunar Strain. The very definition of an elitist metalhead is claiming that it's actually good. "Naah brooo, you don't get iiiiit" - sure.
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It' amazing how Slave joined this forum four years ago now, and back then his inability to grasp the concept of an opinion was quite funny. So much time has passed since then, but still he fails to understand what an opinion means. Now it's just sad. If somebody disagrees about Stanne's harsh vocals they're instantly an elitist metalhead idiot rather than just somebody with a differing opinion on what good harsh vocals sound like :D truly impressive lack of character growth.
Anders screams/growls definitely have more emotion than Stanne since the mid-00's when Stanne had to change his technique. Cleans Anders may sound more emotional at times (mainly sad/pathetic) but Stanne has a much better singing voice. Mainly because he can actually sing.

As for creativity, I don't know. Stanne's lyrics have been much better than Anders' for most time periods, and are light years ahead in modern times. No idea how much either of them really contribute to the musical side of things.
It' amazing how Slave joined this forum four years ago now, and back then his inability to grasp the concept of an opinion was quite funny. So much time has passed since then, but still he fails to understand what an opinion means. Now it's just sad. If somebody disagrees about Stanne's harsh vocals they're instantly an elitist metalhead idiot rather than just somebody with a differing opinion on what good harsh vocals sound like :D truly impressive lack of character growth.
Thanks. Thinking the Moon is made up from cheese is also an opinion, but I don't see the problem calling it out. Opinions only go that far.

Also, it's important to understand that I do not deny the fact that some people may genuinely like that horrible performance on LS. But if you don't think that only elitists jerk themselves off to LS and Stanne's performance on that record, then you are just being PC for no reason. It's trademark elitism, when people think that if something is obscured, half-assed, rare and barely known, then it's great, because THEY totally understand it.

It's absolutely pathetic, but you can see it so much. Even the band themselves come out and say that yeah, we were very bad back then, it's absolute trash music, people still fixate on it, because they want to feel special.
Thanks. Thinking the Moon is made up from cheese is also an opinion, but I don't see the problem calling it out. Opinions only go that far.

Also, it's important to understand that I do not deny the fact that some people may genuinely like that horrible performance on LS. But if you don't think that only elitists jerk themselves off to LS and Stanne's performance on that record, then you are just being PC for no reason. It's trademark elitism, when people think that if something is obscured, half-assed, rare and barely known, then it's great, because THEY totally understand it.

It's absolutely pathetic, but you can see it so much. Even the band themselves come out and say that yeah, we were very bad back then, it's absolute trash music, people still fixate on it, because they want to feel special.

You're confusing objective reasoning ("moon is made of cheese" - obviously false and scientifically proven to be nonsense) with subjective reasoning ("I like [insert band/artwork/writing] because it sounds/looks/reads good to me").

I like Lunar Strain because I think there's a charm in the low production values, and there's a lot of songs on it I dig. I think the vocals are decent, there's some nice riffs and solos, atmosphere of the album is consistent and there's plenty of creativity on show even if some of it feels rushed and incomplete. You may completely disagree but both sides are just opinions, not facts. You seem to be struggling with that concept, and the idea of "I think it sucks therefore it sucks, and anybody who disagrees is an idiot/asshole/elitist" is pretty narrow minded. We've been down this road many times before though, so I think you're either intentionally trolling for a reaction or just unable to broaden your perception beyond your own ideas of what is good and what is bad. It's funny because I think you're pretty close. When you say "some people may genuinely like that horrible performance on LS" you're almost there, but including the word "horrible" shows that you consider it's worthlessness an intrinsic value rather than an opinion you have of that album.

As far as I remember only Jesper came out and said the songs were rushed and not really representative of IF best work. If you have other quotes from the people involved that specifically say the things you claim - "trash music" - then I'd like to see them as I don't remember any of the other members saying so. In truth though, even if any of the people involved in making the album did say that, it's still just an opinion. Subjectively someone may love something I've written even if I think it sucks. As the author my opinion isn't absolute authority, it's just my own opinion on the things I wrote. If others see value in that then my opinion doesn't denigrate what others get out of it in any way.