IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Well if she likes grown ass men with loli avatars who loves Anime then some of you guys are right up her alley.

It actually makes me a bit sad half of the regular posters here are weebs

LOL, fucking brutal :D my man. This thread has taken a bit of a weird turn with the JS/JSS/SoD love triangle stuff. Try an open relationship. Menage a Trois. It might be fun.

Anyway, I'm throwing a shout out to another underrated IF track - Condemned.

Best song on ASOP by some distance imo. Easily Anders' best vocal work on the album. Some of his growls/screams on this song are Colony/Clayman level, and the cleans are fine also. Awesome drumming, riffs and melodies all over this track too. Lyrics are much better than everything else on the album. Only thing that lets the song down is the production, the guitar tone needs work and the vocals are at times at too narrow of a band which makes them sound really condensed - especially the cleans.

I genuinely think Condemned could have been on Come Clarity. I wish it had been, as better production would have made this song even more sweet.
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Well if she likes grown ass men with loli avatars who loves Anime then some of you guys are right up her alley.

It actually makes me a bit sad half of the regular posters here are weebs
That's a rather liberal use of weeb. Liking anime =/= weeb. Weeb is someone who is obsessed with the Japanese culture. You know, someone who types retarded shit like namaste Krofius san (=.=), want to be my waifu??? and stuff.

Personally I detest everyone who got consumed by a genre or culture they like. I can listen to rap music without hanging chains in my neck, I can listen to metal without talking about my steel padded boots, and I can watch an anime and treat it as the Japanese equivalent of a TV series, without pretending to be KAWAII SAMA. To me, beer-bellied guys with unwashed Clayman sweaters are just as pathetic as weebs.

Let's not get started on the anime stuff again :D Krofi-kun does not approve. I do like brutal Krofius though, he's been far too mellow recently. Some of his barbs on the SOAPF thread are fucking savage. I love it.
I mean... Condemned is a pretty good song.

My man :cool:

This discussion definitely goes in the wrong direction

No shit. You started it by swooning over Bjorn. I understand, but get your head in the game, Sister. We're here to both praise and rip on all things In Flames. Albums threads are part-war, part-celebration. No lovers quarrels or driving guys crazy. We've got a reputation to uphold.

Normally I'd have my lieutenant A88 alongside me to maintain order, but as he's AWOL I'm taking the responsibility on myself. Don't let me down.
My man :cool:

No shit. You started it by swooning over Bjorn. I understand, but get your head in the game, Sister. We're here to both praise and rip on all things In Flames. Albums threads are part-war, part-celebration. No lovers quarrels or driving guys crazy. We've got a reputation to uphold.

Normally I'd have my lieutenant A88 alongside me to maintain order, but as he's AWOL I'm taking the responsibility on myself. Don't let me down.
Y right, my mistake sorry for that stupid comments
Very funny btw why y hate him so much ,we should respect each other , like A big In Flames family

The family seems to be a bit dysfunctional. Back in 2002, after only posting a few messages about In Flames for the first time in my life, I was already told to fuck off. :D I don't even remember what it was about. Wasn't RTR-bashing for sure, as I've always liked that album.

It wasn't here though, but on (R.I.P.)
Y right, my mistake sorry for that stupid comments
Lmao, look what you did @DE4life (IT AUTOCOMPLETES NOW??? I thought the admins were long dead on this site), now she thinks she's done something wrong. Now that actually made me feel some pity.

It's all fine to swoon over the band members; it would be a hundred times worse if IF's vocalist was a hot chick, like the one from Arch Enemy.

Also, in time people will understand that ASOP > SOAPF. Until then, we have to take our little victories, like the praising of Condemned.
Anyway, I'm throwing a shout out to another underrated IF track - Condemned.

Best song on ASOP by some distance imo. Easily Anders' best vocal work on the album. Some of his growls/screams on this song are Colony/Clayman level, and the cleans are fine also. Awesome drumming, riffs and melodies all over this track too. Lyrics are much better than everything else on the album. Only thing that lets the song down is the production, the guitar tone needs work and the vocals are at times at too narrow of a band which makes them sound really condensed - especially the cleans.

I genuinely think Condemned could have been on Come Clarity. I wish it had been, as better production would have made this song even more sweet.

This is indeed one of the best songs from ASOP and I dont know how but like you said its so underrated. I actually have no problem with ASOP like many of you guys but recently I noticed that indeed it has a weak production. Listening The Mirrors Truth too much made me realize it :D Anyway, this song has suffered from this problem a bit too much in my opinion. Cause it has awesome riffs and melodies but you cant really hear them on track, specifically the chorus lead. When I like a songs riffs, I download its Guitar Pro from internet and I try to play it on guitar. It might not be %100 correct but it gives you ideas about the song. I'm gonna put Condemned's chorus here so you can listen and actually hear this awesome riff. Again, it might not be %100 correct but its close to this one.

Might sound funny here but its actually one of the awesome riffs I heard from IF.
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Y right, my mistake sorry for that stupid comments

Stand by me and I'll stand by you :cool: us vets have travelled this road multiple times and we know how to see it through.

Speaking of praising and ripping In Flames, I listened to STYE in full for the first time in a while. It's actually a pretty interesting album. Still one of their weaker effort post-2000, but there's some stuff which is cool. STYE definitely has an "atmosphere" and trademark stuff which marks it out as a cohesive album.

F(r)iend - 5/10 - pretty boring on album imo. It's better in a live environment, as almost all STYE tracks are, but on this album it's one of those typical "heavy" tracks they've tried over the years which doesn't really suit them.

The Quiet Place - 8/10 - this got ripped to shreds when it was first released, but it's a really good commercial metal track. My opinion of it has improved a lot over the years.

Dead Alone - 6.5/10 - another track which underwhelms on record but kicks ass in a live environment. I highly recommend checking out the Used & Abused performance of this song, it sounds great.

Touch of Red - 7/10 - I always thought this track was decent, if not great. I dig the riffs, and the chorus is pretty good. The lyrics are obviously about alcohol abuse which is interesting. I wonder if Jesper had any influence on the lyrics?

Like You Better Dead - 7.5/10 - dumb song title and some questionable lyrics, but this is another one which is retrospectively pretty good. I already covered it on the last page.

My Sweet Shadow - 7/10 - weaker than the other commercial single, TQP, imo. It's alright but honestly over the years my appreciation of this one has decreased. I find it a little boring to listen to these days. Possibly because it was played live so often. Electronics are a little overused imo.

Evil in a Closet - 8/10 - This is a really cool track. I love the melodies and atmosphere of this song. Anders vocals are a bit hit and miss, but it doesn't ruin the song by any means.

In Search for I - 7/10 - nice riffs again. Chorus lyrics are lame. "I am ready to give you the M, it might even be the E"... okay :D generally though Anders vocals are pretty beastly on this one.

Borders and Shading - 7/10 - a great tribute to Microsoft Word. Another song with some good melodies, particularly around the 2:20 mark, and solid vocals for the most part by Anders.

Superhero of the Computer Rage - 7/10 - a nice, fast paced song. Good vocals from Anders. Cleans are a bit weird but they fit the music fine. This it the good kind of heavy that In Flames do, along with stuff like Vacuum from Come Clarity. The only slight complaint I have is that it's kind of similar to ISFI.

Dial 595-Escape - 7/10 - one of my favourites when the album was originally released. I still like the melodies in the song but it doesn't have that much value as far as repeated listens are concerned. Best part of this song was that if you called the number back then it connected to some guy who got really pissed off with metalheads calling him :D In Flames, always trolling.

Bottled - 1/10 - the single mark is for the lyrics, which are actually fine. The rest of the song is total boredom though. No need for me to say any more, my hatred for this track is well known.

Discover Me Like Emptiness - 7.5/10 - the production on this song lets it down a bit imo. Vocals are sometimes too low in the mix. Overall a nice, varied track with a lot going for it. One of the more distinctive songs from the album for sure.

Damn, based on this my overall rating for STYE is probably a 7 or 7.5. I like this album more than I thought. It's not one I'll put on very often, but the songs on here are largely solid albeit a pretty big departure from what had come before it. Anders is pretty good on this album imo. His voice sounds way healthier and stronger than on Clayman or Reroute. He belts out some really powerful growls/screams. The riffs and melodies on the album are very distinctive to the sound STYE was going for. Most of it is fine although at times can sound a little samey across the album. Not bad though. Drumming is solid if not spectacular throughout. Bass is just there, as always, but nothing wrong with it.

STYE, you age like a fine wine. I appreciate you more now than I did back then.
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Lmao, look what you did @DE4life (IT AUTOCOMPLETES NOW??? I thought the admins were long dead on this site), now she thinks she's done something wrong. Now that actually made me feel some pity.

It's all fine to swoon over the band members; it would be a hundred times worse if IF's vocalist was a hot chick, like the one from Arch Enemy.

Also, in time people will understand that ASOP > SOAPF. Until then, we have to take our little victories, like the praising of Condemned.

:D I was only kidding around. Sister will get to know my sense of humour in time, I'm sure.

You're wrong on ASOP > SOAPF, but that's okay. I'd love to hear ASOP with proper production but I don't know if that will ever happen. It deserves a remaster (and the lyrics/vocals to be completely redone). What's sad is that on Condemned in particular you can hear Anders doing some great vocals. Don't know why he didn't do more of this across the album.

This is indeed one of the best songs from ASOP and I dont know how but like you said its so underrated. I actually have no problem with ASOP like many of you guys but recently I noticed that indeed it has a weak production. Listening The Mirrors Truth too much made me realize it :D Anyway, this song has suffered from this problem a bit too much in my opinion. Cause it has awesome riffs and melodies but you cant really hear them on track, specifically the chorus lead. When I like a songs riffs, I download its Guitar Pro from internet and I try to play it on guitar. It might not be %100 correct but it gives you ideas about the song. I'm gonna put Condemned's chorus here so you can listen and actually hear this awesome riff. Again, it might not be %100 correct but its close to this one.

Might sound funny here but its actually one of the awesome riffs I heard from IF.

Could not agree more. ASOP's production really kills a lot of great instrumental elements. Such a shame.

Schehf's cover of Condemned gives a better insight into how it'd sound even more awesome with ballsier production. Same for pretty much all the ASOP tracks - he did a few, so they're worth checking out.
The family seems to be a bit dysfunctional. Back in 2002, after only posting a few messages about In Flames for the first time in my life, I was already told to fuck off. :D I don't even remember what it was about. Wasn't RTR-bashing for sure, as I've always liked that album.

It wasn't here though, but on (R.I.P.)

:D that sounds like the IF family I know and love. But yeah, if you can't handle being told to fuck off, you aren't going to last long around here.

Everdying seems like a lifetime ago now. That community was so active. This place was too, for a while, pretty much until the SOAPF party ended. For whatever reason it's never been the same after that.
:D I was only kidding around. Sister will get to know my sense of humour in time, I'm sure.

You're wrong on ASOP > SOAPF, but that's okay. I'd love to hear ASOP with proper production but I don't know if that will ever happen. It deserves a remaster (and the lyrics/vocals to be completely redone). What's sad is that on Condemned in particular you can hear Anders doing some great vocals. Don't know why he didn't do more of this across the album.

Could not agree more. ASOP's production really kills a lot of great instrumental elements. Such a shame.

Schehf's cover of Condemned gives a better insight into how it'd sound even more awesome with ballsier production. Same for pretty much all the ASOP tracks - he did a few, so they're worth checking out.

Dude, I was just about to say. Condemned is the best song on ASOP although the EP had 2-3 tracks that were decent as well. But production was weak. THE definitive recording is actually Schef’s recording. MUCH more powerful.
I just checked Schef's band,"This Cold Life" for the first time. You can clearly hear those In Flames influences. Its hard to not hear it actually. :D I know you guys like to bash Anders for pretty much everything but I think with any other singers beside Anders, we could hear something like this or Cyhra in my opinion. Its good but I cant really get into it. Anders is the one of the biggest reasons for the success of the IF.

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When Jesper left, a lot of people said Schehf should be the replacement member. He would have been great for holding down the old school influence. I remember thinking at the time that he might stunt the composition though. Little did I know that the new guitarist would have minimal writing influence. If Niklas wasn’t such a reliable guy Schehf would have been just fine. They already hired young guys for the bass and drums.
"Condemned" was my favorite off of ASOP back when it first released. Nowadays I dig "Disconnected", "Alias" and "Drenched in Fear" the most. Say what you will about Anders and his performance/lyrics on these songs — the instrumentation on each of them is fucking awesome, imo.

Actually, the bridge of "Condemned" reminds me a lot of the bridge of "Stand Ablaze." Starting at 2:04 here...

...and 3:35 here:

I know Anders was once shat upon for saying that IF's modern music would be indistinguishable from their old stuff if you just gave the new stuff old production. I don't think they'd sound identical, but I really think that the perceived difference between old and new IF would be quite a bit smaller if every album had, say, Colony's production.
Also yeah, "Like You Better Dead" is great for sure. Grew on me substantially over the years. I think every single song on STYE is quality. Anders near his modern peak, some of my favorite IF lyrics ("Testing higher mentality / I conquer myself through this / A furious path to walk / New space exists beyond / In silence I dwell displeased /Remain with the seed of unfulfillment"), great variety of songs, good atmosphere, and catchy as fuck. Album is fun. Nothing else in IF's catalog sounds like it.

Again, I was stunned to find out people hated it.
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Actually, the bridge of "Condemned" reminds me a lot of the bridge of "Stand Ablaze." Starting at 2:04 here...
Good catch on the bridge. The bridge of Condemned was always one of my favorite parts.

Also I think that Schehf band recording actually shows that being a good vocalist is harder than just holding down some growls. We give Anders a lot of shit but he does have the performer mentality. Maybe his secret is alcohol. Or maybe he truly learned not to give a f*ck and is now fully enlightened.
Also yeah, "Like You Better Dead" is great for sure. Grew on me substantially over the years. I think every single song on STYE is quality. Anders near his modern peak, some of my favorite IF lyrics ("Testing higher mentality / I conquer myself through this / A furious path to walk / New space exists beyond / In silence I dwell displeased /Remain with the seed of unfulfillment"), great variety of songs, good atmosphere, and catchy as fuck. Album is fun. Nothing else in IF's catalog sounds like it.

Again, I was stunned to find out people hated it.
One issue to me is the lack of solos and “cool” guitar work. Overall the songs are not bad though. Another issue to me is the production.

Their production was iffy in that era... it’s definitely better now but I think they still haven’t found their holy grail.
RtR - Murky, smoothed our sound
STYE - Too crunchy, drums sound tinny
CC - Too compressed, clipped, hot
ASOP - Too weak, dry tone
SOAPF - Overall good and balanced but the distortion was maybe too tight, sterile at times. “Modern”
SC - Production actually decent but no serious metal to test it out.
Battles - Again it’s Ok but lacks power.