IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

The MDM designation in general bugs me to be honest. It's such a loosely defined genre. Really what most people mean when they say MDM is heavy/melodic metal with harsh vocals. How many elements of "death metal" are there in Clayman, for example? A few blast beats here and there? Listen to actual Death Metal bands and they sound literally nothing like bands like IF or Arch Enemy. The only link you could really make in TJR/Whoracle days was the low, gutteral vocals, but then Anders changed to higher pitched screaming which you rarely if ever hear in actual Death Metal bands, so again, what's left in Colony or Clayman that is death metal? If nothing, why is it being called Melodic DEATH metal?

Best track off Verkligheten imo. Dat solo starting at 03:37 :cool: blows Bjorn's stuff out of the water I'm afraid, as does Arch Enemy's guitar work.
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If you like soooloooooos go listen buckethead or Dragonforce they have a lot of soooooloooos
Btw this solo is nothing special;)
But riff is quite good

Solos should be done tastefully and rarely, if you throw solos in everywhere like Dragonforce or in the same position every song like nu In Flames then they become boring and shit. A bit like how Power Rangers became boring when the same stuff happened every episode. Black (metal) Ranger Polish Girl Laverna of Destruction, it's morphin(e) time!
I am Necrolai the queen of the vampires and you are my jester slaves, in flames is the greatest and if you say something bad about them you will dieeeeeeeeeeeNecrolai.jpg
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People don’t ask them why their new albums suck because it’s 1.) easily treated as an opinion (which it is, at the end of the day, and you can argue objectivity but most of the time that’s just a way of saying “no my opinion is right because X and Y”) and because it’s 2.) the interviewer’s job to get information from the band about their album, tours, and what’s happening in the band itself, not grill them about music quality. It’s not like this is 60 Minutes.

The interviewers gushing over the band are also doing it wrong.

Anders’ likely response to “why do your new albums suck” would probably be “we’re happy with it, I personally don’t think we’ve changed much, and I’m glad that you care, at least.”