In, out

..I think it's quite usual for them to stay at home till they're around 25-30...

oh well they actually say the average is in the range 30-40... I mean in the whole nation!
and about me...
I'm Italian but I've been living abroad so i just will say that at the moment I'm living in a student corridor in sweden so I'm sharing the kitchen basically.
The reason behind this is that I wanted to live/work/study in sweden and I thought this was the best choice not to feel alone when moving. I mean I know it's really hard to share an accommodation (I did that in the UK and I was really lucky to have fantastic housemates although it takes lot of patience) but i prefer that than living alone! :ill: :ill: :ill:
No, this thread is not about sex :-p

Well damn, you fooled me.

- do you live with your parents, by yourself/with room-mates, or with your partner?

By myself in a tiny apartment.

- what are the reasons behind your choice (e.g. desire for independence, strict parents, no money etc depending on the answer)?

Moved here for work and of course if I had not, my parents would've most
likely thrown me out anyway.

- what's the general trend for young people (18-26 or so) in your country? do they mostly live at home?

I know a few people here who live with their parents, but I think it's mostly
cos this is rural area so not everyone can just up and move out so easy and
a lot of people have rather large houses as well.
To be honest tho, I shouldn't answer this since I don't know a lot of people
of those ages and I also am not in my country, so the above is all guess work.

- does your government do anything to help young people move out of parental homes?

Fucked if I know. I know tho that if you get a job where you have to move
you can get somekind of a moving fee, if you are out of work that is.
Last I heard it's about 11k Swedish, so about €1200.

- does this extend or is limited to people who start families?

No fucking idea.