Words to live by

Here's a simple but good quote:
"The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see and things the mind cannot understand." --Author Unknown
If you find your life boring, you can always increase the tempo, but it causes that your life will end quicker.
RealHazard said:
@rahivn: You´re meaning my remark or your life?

my life. your remark could also possibly end after the word "life", thus leaving the reader with a sense of foreboding doom and painful bowel movement. but critics do not specifically avail such an editing, as of yet. :p

rahvin. (not name-dropping)
"Vaikka suku sammuu, ei sisu lopu. Aina on tehty mitä aiottu, vaikka katto on liian alhaalla ja köysi liian paksu."
"hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now."


There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it
Jane Austen knew her stuff...

Life's a piece of shit when you look at it
so did Monty Python

I keep on living in this my only wish that life will be good some day

When you have no one, no one can hurt you
Go Renkse

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
Dunno who said that, but it's oh so true...
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My mom has something posted on her fridge which is about feminists going too far or something.

"Why do something you aren't good at, just to be equal?"