In The Woods - HEart of the Ages...


Jun 25, 2002
38 the best thing out of Norway ever. I'll hold this vinyl like a treasure of mine, althought some crappy cd-version lies on my table, but this DLP is :worship:

This is just a 10/10 record of all time, although some says Omnio is much better, but that's false information. :loco:

I don't know if there's something wrong with me, but Strange In Stereo is very distant release for me, I just don't get it like the first two.

I think I'll suck some inspiration from this to me and just worship it like the second best release ever :worship:

What's the best release ever? Perpetual Burn by almighty Jason Becker, shame on you!
I listened to my 5 ItW releases just these past few days. Return to the Isle of Men rules. I hated it at first, but man, it blew me away the other day. HEart of the Ages is, indeed, ItW's finest hour, and is one of the best albums to come out of Norway (and probably Europe).

Omnio is magnificent, but lacks some of the flair that HotA displays. Maybe because it's a more subdued release and has zero black metal vocals, and also features the female singer more prominently.

Strange in Stereo was a bore to listen to. I didnt like it.

3x7 on a Pilgrimmage is OK. SOme of it's good some of it sucks.
J. said:
Omnio is magnificent, but lacks some of the flair that HotA displays. Maybe because it's a more subdued release and has zero black metal vocals, and also features the female singer more prominently.
Was going to ask "so how does this compare to Omnio?" but uh, there we go. I just have a CD-R of Omnio, only listened to it once or twice but I do like it.
NAD, just imagine Omnio having less of the female vocals, and more Burzum-esque vocals, and more a black metal feel, and you'll have HotA.
love love love ITW! If you want to hear something from HotA NAD i have MSN and can send you a track.
Carbonized said:
love love love ITW! If you want to hear something from HotA NAD i have MSN and can send you a track.
It's alright, since you already burned me those ITW CDs. :D I'll give Omnio a serious listen and if I like it, I'll probably start with HEart of the Ages.

BTW, is there any reason both H and E are capitalized?
I read a funny (new) interview by the ex-ITW vocalist (from new Finnish inferno-mag) and he said, that he really wanted to record HotA with clean vocals only, but others refused and then he went to do the vocals for Yearning the Seeds of a New Dimension and recorded the whole vocals in one take and got a most terrible headaches of all times. I believe that, if you listen the vocals, so much emotion and mostly so harsh performance with the best screams available.
i remember reading once about the origin of the capitalization of the H and E. Jan said something like he wanted the title to be interpreted 2 ways, as heart and art or something like that. don't quote me on it though.
Carbonized said:
i remember reading once about the origin of the capitalization of the H and E. Jan said something like he wanted the title to be interpreted 2 ways, as heart and art or something like that. don't quote me on it though.
You're right - I read that same interview in a copy of LotFP.
M.Lehto said:
I believe that, if you listen the vocals, so much emotion and mostly so harsh performance with the best screams available.
Yeah those screams are quite powerful. Only heard the first half of this album so far (this morning actually), and had to stop it at "Epilogue". So far it's pretty interesting - hasn't sunk in yet obviously - but it's very different to what I expected. I was thinking it was going to be very 'earthy' in the way Agalloch, Primordial, or Empyrium might be, but instead it's pretty 'astral', no? Almost like a combination of Arcturus and Anathema.
I've listened to Omnio about 5 times, I don't see anything special with it. Good but not great.