Industrial elements on AYDY?

zakk_hate_me_666 said:
and i thought they were always gonna be awesome!!!!!!

actually about 2003 i started doubting that.

yep. im gonna go over to ASK JANNE and ask him why he let alexi fuck COB over like that

Don't worry man, they'll go back to the good stuff once they realize they realize that what they're making is no good, or at least once Alexi realizes.

History repeats you Megadeth's - Risk - Album
i hate industrial too, but its not like COB is gonna be an industrial band now. they just said some elements. and even if there were some industrial elements i think COB would still be able to make it sound good.

what im pissed about though is that its even more straight forward thatn HCDR. what i always liked about COB was how intricate there songs were and how they had all those bridges and shit. now their song structures are starting to resemble like punk songs. thats what happened to In Flames, all their songs are structured as weakly as pop/rock/punk songs.
and its not that the new COB wont be good, its just that it could be so much better if alexi would stop being lazy and write some more complex songs
Wings of a dream said:
Don't worry man, they'll go back to the good stuff once they realize they realize that what they're making is no good, or at least once Alexi realizes.

History repeats you Megadeth's - Risk - Album
I'd like to think that...I'm afraid there is a big conspiracy here (label?)... check Soilwork and In Flames' first albums and check their latest (nah you don't have to) : they all became electronic-industrial chugga metal.

Only Dark Tranquillity seems to have balanced it well with the so called 'new' elements. I liked the last Dimmu also.

I mean, if bands don't want to follow trend and shit like that ; they should stick a little more with their original sound....cause that's what lots of band are not doing right now.
I don't get this shit. You guys bitch about the new album that you haven't even heard yet, and then you all have the nerve to call a bunch of other bands CoB copycats for sounding like older CoB. I guess there is no pleasing you. If you haven't noticed, CoB repeated a lot of rhythm parts in a lot of older songs. Follow the Reaper is composed out of like 40% of the rhythm from Black Widow, for fuck's sake. They were out of ideas long ago. Just deal with it and let Alexi fuck shit up in Drop C and scream about all of his angst like a demonically possessed member of Simple Plan. So what if it sucks. You don't have to buy it, I don't have to buy it... but I bet at least half of us are gonna buy it, listen a couple of times, find a few good songs out of it, and then admit to kinda liking it.
Of course. We bitch or praise what we see in news from artists we (still) like. I'll still listen to it when it comes out. But you can't stop people from reacting over this... some liked the album tiltle, some did not, some liked the song names other didnt, some thought the industrial elements were interesting...some didnt. What's wrong with that?

And Saying 'long time ago' and 'Follow The Reaper' in the same sentence is not right though. :p
im definatly buying the cd, it wont be that bad, its just people are upset they are changing to a more generic style. I by no means think newer COB sucks, its just going in a less awesome direction. But im still excited to hear the new songs and maybe will like it a lot since i dont have high sandards for it.
I look forward to it. After all, TLS will be on it... and I imagine the rest of the album will hold a similar style to that and Knuckleduster.
@gkelter - Good point with the Black Widow comment.

@juoppo - I agree about the SoB board. Almost all the little kids on there are annoying and more than half of the posts are meaningless. It is my favorite COB site though.

I guess in the magazine it said Alexi was LISTENING to static-x, and not "AYDY will sound like or is influenced by Static-X".
Why is everybody forgetting that Knuckleduster will be on the new album..?!
It's a born-to-be live thriller, they can't just throw it away. It will just be altered.

Alexi will sing the vocals to suit the new album style, and probably clearer, and redo his guitar leads.. maybe he's got something wicked in his back pocket and the song will be terrific.

The cruel fact is that there will likely be only probably one or two or three songs on the album that are better than Trashed, Lost & Strungout. But hey, isn't that a damn good reason to buy the album. I dunno about you people but I can't wait.
The mid paragraph was for T,L&S..

What I think is a problem in the song construction of Knuckleduster is that the mood gets lower and more 'depressed' in time. It's much more adrenalinic in the beginning. But when you think about it, it has'to be like that.. hope they'll figure something out.
Who said it will not be on the album? Why the hell wouldn't it..??
The band had'to decide between two songs of the new album to put together with the new single. I guess if it's not gonna be on the album, it has'to be too bad a song for it, so the album must be pretty damn cool.