Inferno Festival

Originally posted by Blackspirit
The Inferno Festival in 2003 will be over three days!!!
:eek:))) It will have around 30 bands on two stages, and
some threeday passes will be for sale during November.
I sure as hell am getting my ticket early!! >:eek:)

So, who's going?! Morgana? hehe.... >:eek:)

Yup, I'll be there :)

I'm checking the prizes for a flight to Oslo already :)
good bands ?
I think there will be many good bands, np,
going there ?
well, as the 2 precedent years, I will deicide me one week before the festival I guess ....
Originally posted by Morgana
Actually I love to go there not only for the bands, I also like the atmosphere and meeting up with UMers.

Yeah, got to agree! Last year, the first day I was
mainly there just for the festival itself.... The music
wasn't my deal at all, except for Windir.... :eek:) But
now my taste has changed... a lot >:eek:P hehe....
I'm looking forward to the festival, that's for sure!

And Tribalchemy; I hope it won't be sold out until
you decide to go >:eek:P
Unfortunatly I wasnt able to go to the festival this year :(
Simply because I had no way of getting home at 0300 on a Saturday "morning".
The last train that was going in my diredtion left Oslo at 0030, so...
Well Im hoping to go next year though.

Profano: I dont think you really understood what was said, Windir was not kicked off the festival, they played at the kick off party on Thursday, therefore they were a kick off band...get it?
Agressor: that's sad to read that, as last year some metalheads also had problems to find a place (yes, when you come from such 'poor' countries like Lithuania and so on, you can't pay for the luxus scandinavian hotels beside the festival)
Anyhow, we were a few to help out & propose some places at our homes,