Inferno Festival

Originally posted by Blackspirit
Ah! Thanks for bringing back some nice memories
Morgie! :eek:))) It was a great festival indeed! :eek:)
Wonder how it will be next year, with Jens no
longer having anything to do with it....

We'll see, I did not know he has no longer anything to do with it.
I guess, it will be still the same. Anyway, let's see what bands are going to be there, hopefully Borknagar... :)
Ihvertfaill tre støkka, om Hellspawn kjæm hit nån gång :).

Itj ferr å vårrå ækkel, Blackspirit, men du e nød te å væks opp i de
henn miljøe' vess du ska få te å skriv årntli trøndersk ;) :p

@ Vagabond: sjølvironisk meint, off kårs :D
Originally posted by Karldin
Ihvertfaill tre støkka, om Hellspawn kjæm hit nån gång :).

Itj ferr å vårrå ækkel, Blackspirit, men du e nød te å væks opp i de
henn miljøe' vess du ska få te å skriv årntli trøndersk ;) :p

@ Vagabond: sjølvironisk meint, off kårs :D

Jadajada, eg veit eg veit. E no egentlig nordlænning
sjøll, men fan, *lægg om* har jo faktisk bodd i
sørnorge siden jeg var et lite småtråkk! Er'kke lett å
være meg og skrive trønder da vettu! >;oP

Men hva faen har detta med Infernofestivalen å
gjørra? *Virre med hue*

Who's going to the festival next year? I'll be there I
guess >:eek:) Just hope there will be som great bands
as well! hehehe... :eek:)
Of course it has nothing to do with Inferno. That's what we're
good at, isn't it, subtly changing a thread to something
completely different and unrelevant :p

Anyways, I'll try to be there. As I said I really wanted to go the
first two times, but it was just plain impossible.
hehe... trønder power =)

anyways, would love to go to the inferno festival but i have to work... damnit...

im gonna go to the in flames consert in oslo before x-mas so i guess i have to be satisfied...
Originally posted by red_beef
@Morgana: Thanks of the picture links! :)

- red_ beef [wanting so much to go to Norway to see Inferno Festival :cry:]


I was lucky that my accident happend the day after Inferno, I would have been gone mad if it would have been the day before, 'cause I actually was there to see Vintersorg. Of course it was great to see all the other bands as well. Erm, I should say those I have seen I missed most bands playing down the J. Dee...
Lost In Time and Windir were the only bands I saw there.
i had this same problem one year ago, but later page was up again...