Into Eternity

Apr 10, 2004
I seriously don't believe why this band is playing? I understand they are the oddball but they are NOT power or progressive metal. I listen to the mp3's and they sound like death/thrash/hardcore hybrid. Plus I don't like the nu metal-ish clean vocals. Plus there riffs don't flow together to me. This bands throws transitions out of nowhere that don't make sense. This band also steals alot of riffs similair to Shadows Fall, Children of Bodom, Killswitch Engage, In Flames, Soilwork, God Forbid, Arch Enemy, Chimiara ( somtimes ), ect... I remember reading one of there ad's where they were supposedly like death meets dream theater but i don't see the influence what soo fucking ever!
Which begs the question: what exactly is power or progressive metal in your opinion?

Thrashtilldeath666 said:
I seriously don't believe why this band is playing? I understand they are the oddball but they are NOT power or progressive metal. I listen to the mp3's and they sound like death/thrash/hardcore hybrid. Plus I don't like the nu metal-ish clean vocals. Plus there riffs don't flow together to me. This bands throws transitions out of nowhere that don't make sense. This band also steals alot of riffs similair to Shadows Fall, Children of Bodom, Killswitch Engage, In Flames, Soilwork, God Forbid, Arch Enemy, Chimiara ( somtimes ), ect... I remember reading one of there ad's where they were supposedly like death meets dream theater but i don't see the influence what soo fucking ever!
You don't have a clue, do you?

Funniest statement = "nu metal-ish clean vocals" :lol: If you DID have a clue, you'd realize their clean vocals come from the Yes/Vanden Plas school of group harmonizing, but that would take a brain to figure out.
I think Into Eternity are different and unique. Buried in Oblivion is a great album! The guitar work is incredible. I just don't get the nu-metal comparison at all. I love the clean vocals and the death vocals as well. It's too bad they'll only get 45 minutes to play.
Into Eternity has what 6 albums out? I've found 3 so far. Taking from bands like Killswitch, Soilwork, God Forbid and Chimara, more like the other way around.

What's prog about them? hmmm lemme think, howz about the MUSIC? If you don't hear prog elements in this music I don't know what to tell you, and I'm not a prog-head.

Nu-metal vocals? Unless I'm deaf, I don't hear them, I hear one of their vocalists who can actually sing, and not whine like some Korn wannabe. Granted, my own personal vocal ability is in line with the other guys growling and rasping, but I know any amount of talent when I hear it.. and these guys have it.

I'll agree with you on one point, I don't hear the Dream Theatre comparison, DT usually has the effect of Nyquil on me and these guys more like Joly Cola.
Well, I definitely can hear ProgPower influences in Into Eternity's music although I do hate the vocals. I have Buried Into Oblivion and it definitely is pretty good but I do hate the vocals. Other than that, I don't think there is too much question as to why they're playing at ProgPower.
Well i don't like the hardcore riffs and definitly not the vocals. I'm not taking anything away from there musicianship. Btw I see no vocals in there similair to Vanden Plas/Yes so whoever said that don't make me laugh! lmao

If anything those horrible clean nu metal-ish vocals sound like a sour ozzy osbourne.
Thrashtilldeath666 said:
I seriously don't believe why this band is playing?
Quite possibly the best band on the bill.

Thrashtilldeath666 said:
I understand they are the oddball but they are NOT power or progressive metal.
They're not "progressive"? Have you listened to the new CD? Have you listened to the amazing guitar play, phenomenal bass work, insane drumming and multi-part harmonies?

Thrashtilldeath666 said:
I listen to the mp3's and they sound like death/thrash/hardcore hybrid. Plus I don't like the nu metal-ish clean vocals.
What? You've lost me here. What is it about the clean vocals that are at all NuMetal? Have you even heard "Black Sea of Agony" or "Morose Seclusion"? I'd love for you to name me even one NuMetal singer who could handle those vocal lines.

Thrashtilldeath666 said:
Plus there riffs don't flow together to me. This bands throws transitions out of nowhere that don't make sense.
Maybe they don't make sense to you. That doesn't mean they don't make sense.

Thrashtilldeath666 said:
This band also steals alot of riffs similair to Shadows Fall, Children of Bodom, Killswitch Engage, In Flames, Soilwork, God Forbid, Arch Enemy, Chimiara ( somtimes ), ect...
With the exception of Chimaira, I'm a fan of all those bands to one extant or another (I've seen all of them live). I hear zero, zilch, goose egg, nada, nothing that sounds similar between those bands and Into Eternity. I think all of those bands sound somewhat similar to each other, but sound nothing like Into Eternity.

Please post to the board the name of the Into Eternity song and the name of the song, from one of the bands that you mentioned, that sounds similar.

Thrashtilldeath666 said:
I remember reading one of there ad's where they were supposedly like death meets dream theater but i don't see the influence what soo fucking ever!
Really? It's pretty clear to me.

I think it's generally a bad idea to critique a band based on a few downloaded MP3s off a band's web site. They always fail to give you an accurate picture of what the band is truly about.

General Zod said:
Quite possibly the best band on the bill.

They're not "progressive"? Have you listened to the new CD? Have you listened to the amazing guitar play, phenomenal bass work, insane drumming and multi-part harmonies?

What? You've lost me here. What is it about the clean vocals that are at all NuMetal? Have you even heard "Black Sea of Agony" or "Morose Seclusion"? I'd love for you to name me even one NuMetal singer who could handle those vocal lines.

Maybe they don't make sense to you. That doesn't mean they don't make sense.

With the exception of Chimaira, I'm a fan of all those bands to one extant or another (I've seen all of them live). I hear zero, zilch, goose egg, nada, nothing that sounds similar between those bands and Into Eternity. I think all of those bands sound somewhat similar to each other, but sound nothing like Into Eternity.

Please post to the board the name of the Into Eternity song and the name of the song, from one of the bands that you mentioned, that sounds similar.

Really? It's pretty clear to me.

I think it's generally a bad idea to critique a band based on a few downloaded MP3s off a band's web site. They always fail to give you an accurate picture of what the band is truly about.


Best band on the Bill? LOL but hey you are entitled to your opinion. I'm no music nazi. My friend burned me Dead but Dreaming & i seen them live. They are progressive but the riffs are repetitive. I listen to one new song off there new album and that song is "isolation" and It has riffs similair to Shadows Fall, At The Gates, Nevermore, and a horrible attempted riff of Dream Theater. The clean vocals sound like some nu metal band mixed with Ozzy Osbourne. Them making making sense to me is only my opinion once agian. I think it doesn't make sense cuz they one minute do a thrash riff then next throw in some at the gates like riff the next and it doesn't flow to me. If you don't hear the rip off riff's then i don't know what to tell you.
Thrashtilldeath666 said:
Well i don't like the hardcore riffs and definitly not the vocals. I'm not taking anything away from there musicianship. Btw I see no vocals in there similair to Vanden Plas/Yes so whoever said that don't make me laugh! lmao

If anything those horrible clean nu metal-ish vocals sound like a sour ozzy osbourne.
You aren't very bright, are you?
This is an interesting discussion! ha-ha.

For the record I formed the band in 1996....I started doing the clean/death thing in 1993/1994. I was a big fan of Cynic and I liked that they were doing that duel vocal thing.
I grew up on Bay Area thrash, so I imagine bands like Shadows Fall,Killsitch did as well. We have the same influences.
I don't exactly like Nu-Metal at all. I'm not going to slag it though because I'll repect any artist that is out there slugging it out in a van across the country.....

Tim Roth
intoeternity said:
This is an interesting discussion! ha-ha.

For the record I formed the band in 1996....I started doing the clean/death thing in 1993/1994. I was a big fan of Cynic and I liked that they were doing that duel vocal thing.
I grew up on Bay Area thrash, so I imagine bands like Shadows Fall,Killsitch did as well. We have the same influences.
I don't exactly like Nu-Metal at all. I'm not going to slag it though because I'll repect any artist that is out there slugging it out in a van across the country.....

Tim Roth
INTO ETERNITY fucking rules! End of discussion! By the way, Tim. Could it possibly be the Nevermore U.S. tour you'll be on?
I think it's easier still.

Into Eternity are playing ProgPower USA because.......they're great at what they do.

--And it's great to have a band playing this year who I've been playing fairly steadily on the radio here in Atlanta. WREKage is more of an extreme-metal show so we haven't featured too many ProgPower bands, not 'til lately -- but Into Eternity goes pretty far back in our playlists.
I have to say that I've been following this discussion since it's inception and not being a big death metal fan (I like Morbid Angel, Slayer) I wasn't to sure I Liked the addition of Into Eternity to the lineup. However, I refrained from making comments until AFTER hearing the whole CD and I must say I'm glad I did. I was just astounded by the music on Buried In Oblivion. It is so much better than either of the last two CD's and the music just seemed much more powerful and the vocal harmonies on Embraced By Desolation were just incredible. I am really looking forward to hearing them live.

I think it's a shame that anyone has discredited them based on a few 30 second clips, this band has it all and is by no means a stretch to be included on the PRogPower bill. :worship:
General Zod said:
Quite possibly the best band on the bill.

I think I would have to agree with you on that one. Into Eternity should in no way be associated with numetal. They are one of the best bands out there today, keeping the metal scene fresh with great music and new ideas. I'm looking forward to seeing them at PPV more than any other band.