Probably on here when you joined because cello's are awesome.

By the way, everyone, I PMd MistressofDeception asking "where does mistress of deception come from" but i was asking where the NAME came from, not the person, It so blatantly sounded like a dodgy internet chat up line.

Ol, when you're stalking someone on the internet, you're not supposed to announce it to everyone. Especially in a place where the stalkee is likely to read that you are doing it too.:lol:

Not that I would know...
hahaha im not! i wanted to know where the name came from, but i thought it stupid posting a thread to get her attention to ask. I just thought it funny she didn't reply so I caused offence somehow. Plus I did add that the deception may mean that she's a man...

sorry Miss!
I didn't notice your messages, to be honest... it didn't notify me or anything.
It is a Coroner song, if that's what you meant.
but :lol: @ you talking about me being/not being a man.
He can't help it, it's not easy to get of your habits.
(and hurray for Coroner, even though I prefer Punishment for Decadence)
Probably on here when you joined because cello's are awesome.

By the way, everyone, I PMd MistressofDeception asking "where does mistress of deception come from" but i was asking where the NAME came from, not the person, It so blatantly sounded like a dodgy internet chat up line.


I presumed it was a reworking of Heathen's 'Victims of Deception'. Sadly, I was wrong. Heathen kick buttocks!