Ipod Touch, is it really worth it?

I have an iPod, and I fucking love it. It does exactly what I want it to do, it plays music, it plays video, and it's incredibly easy to use.

The same as most MP3 players these days, only they are way overpriced and most MP3 players don't make you put up with shitty software. I had a nice LG video MP3 player, $160 for 8gb. More music than I needed for something like a 2 day trip.

I had the thing for 3 weeks, then my job ended and school started, didn't think I would use it since I have a car stereo, so I returned it within 30 days for full refund...now that I can't afford it anymore, wish I still had it :p

The fact that Ipods work, isn't all that special of a feature.

P.S. anyone have that Feint song int he commercial stuck in their head forever?
Oh look it's the 'lets bash iPods because I want to be alternative' bandwagon.

I have an iPod, and I fucking love it. It does exactly what I want it to do, it plays music, it plays video, and it's incredibly easy to use. I've also used Creative Zens but I always end up coming back to the iPod.

Although I do agree that iTunes is a load of cock.

I agree with you here. I have a iPod nano, that I got for xmas, and it works fine.
No way, it's not worth it! The other ipods that just hold music are good enough for me. The only way i'm getting a new one is if it can hold much more music and take pics.
i saw it yesterday a fat kid had it where we were for meal.
its really impressive but i can spend 400$ / 250€ better than for that

i have:


just in silver - 2GB - 120€
it pwnz

2x headphone out

sd/sm/cf/xd card reader
ipods are really fucking annoying sometimes because if you leave your house you cant add anything.
Like every mp3 player.... Are you retarded? Or just Joe?

why do you jump straight for the throat? i have my opinion you have yours. btw mp3 players you can just drag and drop via usb cord anytime anyplace its more convenient then ipods in that respect but ipods hold more thats why i use them. but if your not at home the ipod sync will erase everything on your ipod b/c your itunes library isnt present to put on the device. and WTF why does everyone keep calling me joe?