New Metal Member
I'm not bashing Ipod because I want to be on any bandwagon because that's just pathetic. I'm bashing Ipod because I really don't like them.
I have an iPod, and I fucking love it. It does exactly what I want it to do, it plays music, it plays video, and it's incredibly easy to use.
Oh look it's the 'lets bash iPods because I want to be alternative' bandwagon.
I have an iPod, and I fucking love it. It does exactly what I want it to do, it plays music, it plays video, and it's incredibly easy to use. I've also used Creative Zens but I always end up coming back to the iPod.
Although I do agree that iTunes is a load of cock.
ipods are really fucking annoying sometimes because if you leave your house you cant add anything.
Like every mp3 player.... Are you retarded? Or just Joe?
Like every mp3 player.... Are you retarded? Or just Joe?
why do you jump straight for the throat?
I'm a redhead too :Smug:.
I'm a redhead too :Smug:.
Haha, don't worry! My ex was a redhead too.