Ipod Touch, is it really worth it?

Point being, it should be drag and drop from the beginning. If you have to follow a tutorial to actually be able to use ipod like you would use any regular mp3 player, it's a symptom of it failing its purpose.

Fuck itunes.


its autosync from the start which is more convenient for most people?
lol naw, was not a personal attack at all. just my overly excessive opinion i guess. for me, i'd rather spend the 600$ on a new guitar or something but thats just me :p

didn't mean to offend you, sorry if i did.

Then again, how many people use their guitars to full extent? :rolleyes:
Anyone tried Creative ZEN? I heard they are good, but i've never actually tried one myself, they are supposedly vastly superior to iShits
Anyone tried Creative ZEN? I heard they are good, but i've never actually tried one myself, they are supposedly vastly superior to iShits
Nope, but my friend had one. It went broke almost immediately when he got it. Now he has got Ipod.
Personally I think it looks butt ugly AND it's way too expensive.
Have you seen the new ipod range? Again, looks ugly. Do I want that in my pocket? Not so much.
and probably produces ten times the sound quality of shitty windows media player or the like?

Proof or stfu. Windows Media Player doesn't produce a lesser sound quality in any way at all. Why the fuck would it? Think logically.

Winamp>everything else anyway.
The simple answer...It's and Ipod so no.

And yes Creative do pwn. I have a creative jukebox III and although there is no chance of being able to carry it in any pocket unless you are a kangaroo or have tardis pockets I reckon it could still beat ten shades of shit out of any Ipod.
Oh look it's the 'lets bash iPods because I want to be alternative' bandwagon.

I have an iPod, and I fucking love it. It does exactly what I want it to do, it plays music, it plays video, and it's incredibly easy to use. I've also used Creative Zens but I always end up coming back to the iPod.

Although I do agree that iTunes is a load of cock.