wow, this really came out even better with the added vocals!
You are absolutely right because this music without voice it´s somehow lifeless.
Holy crap! Mega props to everyone involved in this. This is just awesome sounding. It did my ears good to hear this, and restored my faith in music to hear people cover this classic so well.
Thanks a lot. If we do something we have to do it in the better way possible or simply we dont do it. But your comment means a lot to me and to stilllifer.

Yeah true....that's the problem if you want to edit everything at anytime...
I freeze tracks or deactivate them if I edit something when programming drums 1 gzutar is enough and so on....
but a newer pc would be pure win...mine's always a pussy with too much reverb loaded lol
Freeze is really useful sometimes. Ahah, yeah reverb sometimes can be a really PITA.
Oh yeh Nuno, if you'd like, I could get this run though the iron maiden preset on metal foundry(im not sure how much help that would be though!)
Thanks a lot for the offer

I want to thank all the people that are being supporting this. Mega props to all of you cause you are the best.