Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death


Apr 5, 2003
Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death
EMI / Sony Music Entertainment - September 5th, 2006
By Brandon Strader


The first two seconds of the new Iron Maiden abomination are brilliant. There's a guy making an "Aiiee!" sound in a goofy voice. Iron Maiden really needs no introduction, so let's hop right in. There are a few things you may notice when the first track, "Different World", starts up. First, the guitar work sounds like it could be handled by one guy with a possible solo or lead on top, for a max of two guitarists and that's being polite. The rhythm section isn't as complex as to suggest there are three guitarists in the band. When they start doing a three-part guitar lead harmony in the first song, you can tell they have three guys there, yet with studio layering they could have done it with one guy anyway. I think the point is, the rhythms are weak and powerchord-fueled, just like the majority of their previous work. A lot of powerchords, and familiar progressions. The production isn't so great, as it lacks a lot of high-end and treble in the mix and on the crashes and hats.

It's easy to tell Bruce Dickinson is really putting effort into his vocals, as they sound full of strength and large. He's really yelling them out with heavy metal fervor. "These Colours Don't Run" smoothly enters with a couple broken chords and a melodic guitar lead played overtop. The heavy rhythms and vocals enter the song, and you can immediately tell it is Iron Maiden not only because of the distinct sound and vocals, but because they totally raped their past material yet again to make another song that sounds like a lot of the songs they've already done. It's incredible that they've got the same part in so many different songs, it's almost sickening. The rhythm in the chorus of "These Colours Don't Run" vaguely reminds me of "Wicker Man" just to name one similarity. Half way through the song they enter a good passage with a keyboard orchestration and a slowly sweeping guitar guitar performance, which is really one of the better and touching moments of the album that seems to dictate all of the hardship the guys have gone through.... or perhaps it's just a moment of good songwriting and I may be exaggerating a bit with the whole "hardship" angle. The solo is something we could actually learn to play, rather than the shredfests these guys are known for, so that is very cool. Dickinson enters the track closer to the end with some "choir" vocals along with the rhythm that are pretty cool. Then the song descends back into the mediocre verse, and eventually ends with the cool clean passage from the opening.

A Matter of Life And Death is sort of like a mixed bag. You've got the same ol' stuff from previous albums and the typical Maiden material, yet there are also a lot of great moments and passages mixed throughout the album. If they had taken all these great passages and combined them into one 10-minute song, and just scrapped the rest, they would be well on their way to their next good album. Instead we've got this mixture of a lot of bad and some good. People will buy this and love it because, well, it's from Iron Maiden and they don't know any better. Instead of AMOLAD, I must recommend Raising Hell and Rock In Rio. Maiden is really one of those bands that should stick to the live performance of their old material, which is why Raising Hell is so incredible - plus it's got illusionists in it, what's cooler than that? Definitely check out A Matter Of Life And Death, give it a couple listens, and if you like it, buy it. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, especially not fans of the earlier Maiden genius.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Iron Maiden Website
Official Sony Music Website
I found this album to be full of dry material. Either way, Iron Maiden is still one of the greatest bands to ever exist.
Well I'm a total Iron Maiden freak. I find that this album is better than Brave New World, yet not as creative, and MUCH better than what I've heard of Dance of Death (which does not interest me at all, even with good tracks like Rainmaker and Journeyman).

It's a good, descriptive review, but I wish you didn't stop the song by song thing after two tracks. There are some songs on here that stick out. The last four tracks, while still being derivative, are quite good if you like rehash. Benjamin Breeg, for instance, is familiar material but handled in a different and interesting way. The Legacy is one of the best post Seventh Son songs.

I do agree that they should have done something different. They should GET OUT OF E. They should utilize the 3 guitarist aspect MUCH more. Maybe they (or is it just Harris?) will get that eventually, but I feel like no matter how long I wait, Maiden is going to sound too much like Maiden.

But it's really an okay album. The reason for so much slagging and underappreciating is because Maiden is one of the best metal bands ever. The album is still about a 7/10 in my opinion.
I've been exposed to Iron Maiden my whole life basically! I'd have to say I experienced everything. I probably like about an average of 4 or 5 songs on each of their albums, including the newer Brave New World and Dance of Death... and now A Matter of Life and Death... They've been around since well before I was born, so I had a lot of catching up to do when I popped out. :)
Oinkness said:
I've been exposed to Iron Maiden my whole life basically! I'd have to say I experienced everything. I probably like about an average of 4 or 5 songs on each of their albums, including the newer Brave New World and Dance of Death... and now A Matter of Life and Death... They've been around since well before I was born, so I had a lot of catching up to do when I popped out. :)

That's cool man. I wasn't trying to call you out or anything, I was just really curious. It's never too late to become a Maiden fan. I've got 5 & 8 year old boys who absolutely love the band, almost to the point of me getting tired of them talking about them so much. But deep down I guess I'm glowing inside.
well Im a fan of early Maiden genius and I like this album. Ok so some riffs are a little familar, all in all its a mature Maiden on display and they actually sound a little more relevant now than some of the late 90's efforts
I really like some of the songs on this CD and I am really bored when listening to others. Bruce definitely puts a lot of efforts in his vocals this time around. It is top notch. The entire band sounds great. I really like the opening track "Differet Worlds" but it is the only song on the CD where I cringe when I hear Bruce sing the chorus. Unlike the opening of the song, it sounds like he loses momentum and just doesn't put the effort in to bellow out the great chorus that it could be.
A Matter of Life and Death has that X-factor vibe into it only better. I Gave it a 9/10!! Up the Irons! :headbang:
Allow me a moment to indulge myself.

Iron maiden- a matter of life and death
I read the above posts and just shake my head. Maiden is known the world over but in my view this is a curse and a blessing. Some fans hate everything just because it's not paul or blaze. Others can't get past the eighties. That saying let get right to it.

A matter of life and death is a wonderful album that is leaps and bounds different then all their other albums. Way more prog than ever before it seems that the band has been reinvigorated. Stale in no way this albums delivers the goods. But their is some filler on this album. but Maiden filler is still pretty good. The production of this album is way better then Dance of death. And Bruce sounds awesome not strained like on dance. Lets look at the album.

Different world- in my view the song of the album maybe even of the year. Bruce starts that album off with a bang his voice is still amasing even after over 20 years of singing. As for the band this song their not doing anything earth shatteringly original but it works for the song. The perfect choice for the first track. The lyrics are very moving to me. Maybe we should listen to Bruce.

These colors don't run - A first listen I didn't like this song. With no reason as to why that quickly changed later on. Returning to maiden's sound is Steve harris. Gone from the mix of dance he is lush and playing with alot talent on this song. Adrian, Dave and janick all change parts here and there. weaving in and out of the sound. A dense motherfucker that needs to be heard with headphones to hear all the little things. Like the stringes from a Orchestra at about 3 minutes in. Lyrics wise this baby is all about a soldier being overseas.

Brighter then a thousand suns- Is the second single from this album. * minutes of top notch Maiden. A Orchestra is taking part in this one as well.
The lyrics deal with the atomic bomb. Timely lyrics indeed. Nicko hasn't been addressed yet. I feel his drums are fine sound wise. The symbols are perfect. Everything is at the right level in the mix. Another Maiden classic.

The pilgram - After starting with a three punch combo amoflad> Takes a bit of twist into the unknown. Maiden plays a riff that is very arabic sounding on this track which in a big switch in their normal sound. Some may think this song is filler but I think that the placement hurts this song. After the first three tracks this song just does not keep up. Still a decent song though.

Longest day - Lyrics this song is about what the title says it deals with. Bruce melodies a great fit with the music the band is providing for him. Back up vocals show their face in this song. their a little more noticable then on the other songs. It doesn't song like bruce dubbing it over. Sounds like maybe Steve? Well the extra vocals is just another cog in this great song.

Out of the shadows- About birth believe it or not. One of the stronger songs that isn't one of the singles. Band wise everybody seems to be on another level on this song. A prog feel seeps into the track as well.

Reincarnation of benjamin breeg- The intro is ghostly and gives me a quick chill and makes my hair stand up. Once the band kicks in heavy the riff is simple but sounds so origianal not like some rehashed riff from some other maiden cd. The First single from the cd is a great representative of this cd. It says yeah we're Maiden but maybe not the Maiden you were expecting.

For the greater good of god - An okay song at best. For the greater good of god is repeated to many times if you ask me. The rest of the song just leaves me wanting more.

Lord of light Is a filler song. A track that I glass over as often as possible. There's no other reason other then I just don't like it.

The legacy- The closer is yet another filler song in my view. Which is a shame. A terrible end to a cd that otherwise would have been better then ssoass.

Closing thoughts. At about a hour and 12 minutes. This cd could lose one track and be just fine. Lord of light maybe could have been cut. but it wasn't so that hurts it's score. Is this cd worth buying. Hell yes. It didn't meet or exceed my high high expectation. Yet this album is still top 10 material to me. Take a listen see what you think.
Got a copy of the album after I saw them Oct 16, and I think it's just another formula album for them. Don't get me wrong, I fuckin LOVE Maiden but totally lost interest as time wore on... everything after Somewhere in Time seems to sound identical.. (is it just me?) Finally got a chance to see them so I jumped at it. Took a few pics to share with whoever cares.

Iron Maiden Review

5 outta 10. Buy it if you wanna help keep the juggernaut rolling...
I had this downloaded.

Didn't like it at first.

Grew to like it.

Bought the CD.

Heard about their live set list, playing the whole album, decided not to go.

CD hasn't even been spun once.

Shelf life = 4 weeks.
@ FuglyBastid

Cool pics man, what a sweet lookin' stage set. Holy shite!!! Unfortunately they didn't come to MN this time, haven't since Brave New World, and I didn't feel like making the trip to Detroit or Chi-town. Next time for sure though.
That gun eddie is carrying looks fair crap but the stage sets look quite nice. I don't like Bruce's outfit either but then I am kinda picky =P
I am going watching Maiden next month, I am rather excited as its the first time I have been able to get tickets so it should be good, I am seated however but I know someone who works at the MEN and reckons he can get me into standing =D
The new album I thought was good but I haven't taken to it much its just sort of been banged on the i-pod and then the cd itself has been left on a shelf and never touched. I think I find it kinda too slow in parts, I do like the old material alot so maybe I want them to be more like older albums but saying that I really enjoyed Brave New World. However I reckon that there gonna give it up soon, I don't want them too but with increasing concert prices I reckon that this may all be a pension plan.
Well I got this CD about a month ago and at first I thought it sucked, then after a couple of listens I decided that the first song was okay, but that in general it sucked hugely. Then I heard about the live set and sold my tickets on eBay. I'm not against modern Maiden at all, I liked both Brave New World and the other one.........dur :erk: Although I have to say that since Maiden reformed they seemed to have forgotten how to write varied songs, there's too many 10 minute songs - I mean I like To Tame a Land, but I don't want 8 of them and no Trooper, know what I mean?

Anyway. I can't really give too much detail in review of this Cd because I can't remember it that much - it just hasn't made any kind of positive impression - but I do know there's one really terrible 'fast' bit, I'm sure you probably know the bit I'm talking about if you've heard it.

Hmm, so I would say it's certainly below average. Certainly in the context of their back catalogue.

BUT, while i was annoyed about the live thing and sold my tickets, I do admire the band for what they are doing as far as keeping themselves current and not trading on their past like for example Kiss.