Irrational Fears

llama you know what would suck. If you happened to wake up in the dark feeling something in your boxers and it was one of those big spiders touching your balls. I would die
I remember watching my brother feed a deer a hotdog when we were in our youth. After the deer finished the hotdog, it tried to eat the rest of my brother's hand.

I always thought deer were herbivores.
I also remember this creepy deer that stared at me for like 30 minutes.


I'm fairly certain that's one spider biting onto another.

I saw two wasp-like insects attatched to one another once, (they were attached at the very back of thier [thorax?]) one was way stronger and just flew where ever it wated to, the other got draged behind. I've got a pretty good photo of it, i'll try to post it soon.

Oh, and I am afraid of the dark, it's a fear that just never goes away, I'm constantl'y afriad. I'm not absolutely petrified, though ans it's pretty easy to basically ignore it.

I'm fucking insanely afraid of centipedes, too. I used to really be fascinated by them when I was a kid. I have no Idea when or why I started to be afraid of them. But when I was going camping (this was when I was already afraid of them) I was told to be careful of poisonous centipedes... I was like "they're fucking poisonous now!?" I don't think it actually increased my fear of them, though.
I found a small spider crawling across my lap earlier today as I was sitting at the comp. I scooped it up into a cup from my desk and tossed it outside.

I've had a number of spiders show up in my room over the past month, which is kind of surprising since the apartment's in pretty good condition and my room's on the second floor. I think I need to get the window screens replaced, or seal up some of the gaps in them.
I found a small spider crawling across my lap earlier today as I was sitting at the comp. I scooped it up into a cup from my desk and tossed it outside.

I've had a number of spiders show up in my room over the past month, which is kind of surprising since the apartment's in pretty good condition and my room's on the second floor. I think I need to get the window screens replaced, or seal up some of the gaps in them.

Spiders never really scared me. I suppose if I encountered a big one it might; but I usually leave the little ones that I see in my room. I hope that they catch all the other bugs in their webs.

I know that they say the smaller the spider, the more dangerous it is. But whatever, I'll take my chances.

I actually really love deer. I don't find them frightening at all. They're always in my yard back home. I've grown up around them, and stood several feet away from them before and just stared at them, frozen. I think it's a really cool experience.
I'm going to have nightmares later. I don't even know what I would do if one of those got on me. I freak out if a june bug is near me.

I was dreaming about those things last night. I totally blame JFAD :lol:


I would have a boner.

I fucking lol'd. Well done.

I also remember this creepy deer that stared at me for like 30 minutes.

I would swear at it until it ran off.
I generally swear at animals until they run off.
I would stare at it until it turned over and then I'd SHOOT IT IN THE FUCKING BACK AND EAT IT RAW :kickass: :kickass: