Irrational Fears

I had one cool one were I blow up some SAM type plane blowy uppy things so some British jets could fly over the asian country I was in. Then I cut some enemy soldiers throat with a knife.

Every other dream is random and stupid. Sometimes sick.
I had one cool one were I blow up some SAM type plane blowy uppy things so some British jets could fly over the asian country I was in. Then I cut some enemy soldiers throat with a knife.

Nice. Those are some of the best dreams - the ones where you're the star of your own private action movie.
I am Ommatophobic, which means i fear eyes. I'm not nearly as afraid as i use to be but the fear still looms in me. It isn't to the point of a noticeable extent anymore but as a child i had poor eye contact.
Since we're talking about dreams I have a somewhat odd question: has anyone had a long shirt dream? By that I mean have you had a dream where you are mostly naked in a public place except for a long shirt with which you try to cover yourself up? I have these occasionally and a few friends of mine have had them to.
I usually have dreams that either foreshadow coming events or stuff that could be found in a Stephen King book.
Since we're talking about dreams I have a somewhat odd question: has anyone had a long shirt dream? By that I mean have you had a dream where you are mostly naked in a public place except for a long shirt with which you try to cover yourself up? I have these occasionally and a few friends of mine have had them to.

I have too occasionally.

I also have this one recurring dream that 10,000 redback spiders are crawling all over my body and biting me and I'm screaming but no-one can hear me. Gross.
Mine dreams are some fucked up hybrids of demons, raping, satanic worships and boobs.

Mine are like that also. Well a few at least. Also have any of you had a dream about something embarrassing or something like that and you hope you didn't talk about it or anything? I also can tell the future in some of my dreams. Like sometimes I'm in a certain situation and I'm like I've dreamed about this! Then I had one where I was falling, then when I woke up I shook. Then I had one where I was in the middle of a war, then a grenade hit me, I yelled "FUCK YOU" then died. The scary thing was it was pitch black, then when I woke up, I couldn't move. My body was paralyzed for like 40 seconds. I was scared out of my mind.
Since we're talking about dreams I have a somewhat odd question: has anyone had a long shirt dream? By that I mean have you had a dream where you are mostly naked in a public place except for a long shirt with which you try to cover yourself up? I have these occasionally and a few friends of mine have had them to.

Not sure if I've had that specifically, but I know I've had a lot of dreams about being naked in public and trying to cover myself or hide from people. Those dreams are pretty stressful when they're happening, but always funny as hell after I've woken up. In one of them, I was wearing a thin wrapping of toilet paper instead of clothes, and it was gradually coming loose and falling off of me in pieces.
I have the naked in public dreams often.

Night Terrors are worse than any fucked up dream. I use to get them all the time and now it is occasional. Nothing is worse when it's like some demon with tremendous strength is smothering you while growling in your ear and the ones where you fall asleep on your back are worse because it's like something on your chest while holding both your arms down with your wrists.

I swear some are just really fucked up and violent and feels like I'm going crazy to try and get it off because it feels like an entity and there's something really evil about it. It's like how much further down can you try and push me fuck off. I don't understand what it is trying to do and say IT because while sleeping it's really real until waking up.
Yeah, I remember there was one about the apocalypse, then I said I could save everyone by waking up and they would be real again. So then I tried to wake up in my dream to save the world.
Has anyone ever had the dream where they walk to the edge of the stairs in their house and jump down from the top? I used to have this dream a ton when I was little, but I haven't had it in years. In the dream, instead of hitting the floor at the bottom of the stairs, the floor would melt away and I would keep falling. It usually would feel as though my fall would slow, and suddenly I was gently placed back in my bed. It was weird. I must have had the dream a hundred times.

@Cookie: I've never had the long shirt dream, but I've dreams about being naked.
I've also had dreams where a stranger would come, when my mom left me, and I would be molested. This was when I was younger. He would laugh while he did it. I've had it multiple times.
I have mental scars. Well actually it wasn't really being molested as I was being tickled to death. But sometimes he touched my penis. I was scared.