Irrational Fears

Yeah I get night terrors sometimes too, they're so awful.

When I work too much, I'll have dreams about being naked at work and that's always quite awkward.
My normal dreams usually involve things like dinosaurs, interesting architecture and deserts. My languages get mixed up when I sleep and sometimes when I dream, I'll meet people who speak a really strange mixture of english, french, spanish, japanese, arabic and farsi. It's very odd.
i'll have dreams of me in my underwear and my dream won't let me put on clothes, so i accept and partyboy everwhere, then i piss myself in my dream and my underwear falls of :rolleyes: yep :lol:
Has anyone ever had the dream where they walk to the edge of the stairs in their house and jump down from the top? I used to have this dream a ton when I was little, but I haven't had it in years. In the dream, instead of hitting the floor at the bottom of the stairs, the floor would melt away and I would keep falling. It usually would feel as though my fall would slow, and suddenly I was gently placed back in my bed. It was weird. I must have had the dream a hundred times.
This used to happen to me a lot.

It sounds like some of you are experiencing sleep paralysis, which sounds really frightening.
I have that floating to the bottom of the stairs thing.
it's awesome.

Sometimes I'll be half way between asleep and awake, not noticing the difference, and something will fly at my face and I'll wake up with a jolt. Usually pretty awesome :p

Anyone get like recurring dreams, where they know it's a recurring dream?
I once had a dream that a giant purple blob was destroying the school, then had it again. and i was like. "WTf.I know what to do"