Irrational Fears

I'm too fucking awesome for words.
I've never dreamed about camel spiders :cool:
Though i once dreamed about being chased by a massive spider while a mad scientist laughed. I was in the backgarden of his castle thingy. I eventually threw myself on the floor, and I could feel all the little hairs on the spider pass over my face.
I had that one like 8 years ago, but I still remember it perfectly.

:lol: that ones rather odd!

Then again so is camel spiders...
last night I had a dream and the GMD people were in it, I think because I was on UM right before I went to sleep....

anyways I dreamed that all the people here were rabbits, and we all spoke french and sometimes japanese. And we were building a tower.
That's pretty much all I can remember though...
It was very weird.
Was I in it? And if I was, did I speak Japanese?

Yeah you were in it :)
I don't know if you've ever read Watership Down, but it's one of my favorite books and I sometimes have rabbit dreams because of it. Anyways, I picture you like Pipkin, the small one.

The language was like a mixture of both french and japanese, and lapine, but if you haven't read the book, you wouldn't know what that is.
I had this dream I was jerking off and than I woke up with a hard on.
Yeah you were in it :)
I don't know if you've ever read Watership Down, but it's one of my favorite books and I sometimes have rabbit dreams because of it. Anyways, I picture you like Pipkin, the small one.

The language was like a mixture of both french and japanese, and lapine, but if you haven't read the book, you wouldn't know what that is.

I see.
I love dreams with people I don't know irl like most people on this forum, but for some reason in the dream your mind associates a random face with the name so it feels like you "know" them for the duration of the dream. Really weird.
anyways I dreamed that all the people here were rabbits, and we all spoke french and sometimes japanese. And we were building a tower.
That's pretty much all I can remember though...
It was very weird.

Was Zeph in it? ;)
Because you know what rabbits do?
Eh? Nudgenudge. Winkwink.

I've had lots of dreams with GMD people in them since I often go on right before I sleep.

My epic CC dream is the only one I've ever had involving UM thankfully. For some reason you had the same face as my mates brother.

I never have UM dreams, ever.

Epic fail tbh.