is any of you going to sentenced/lacuna coil at biebob tomorrow?

Just came back from the Sentenced/Lacuna Coil gig in London. well, actually it was Lcauna Coil/Sentenced... I can't believe that Sentenced were supporting Lacuna Coil... How did that happen?

Anyway, it was an ok gig. No moshing, just a bit of headbanging, but nothing to remind that it was a metal concert... I don't know why this happened... Sentenced did not play that well... It was a 45 minute show and they played mostly songs from the new album (5 out of 10 songs were from the new album) and few things from the older ones... At least they played Nepenthe :grin: :grin:

Lacuna Coil were a bit better... Again no moshing, no headbanging, just very calm concert... Maybe if Lacuna Coil were supporting Sentenced it would be a bit better...

Anyway, take care :)
Originally posted by sol83
I think Sentenced are way boring and overrated..... Amorphis is a killer Suomi band though.... Ok, now you can start the cursing....
fucken rubbish. i was skeptical but sentenced totally rocked when i saw them the other day. nice guys too. and they dont wear stupid clothes...
Originally posted by Dying_Swan
Hahaha! Yeah! Lacuna Coil's clothes were soooooooo hilarious!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Take care :)

Probably because they're more into the Gothicscene... but still: whyyyyyy :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :( I can tell you about it tomorrow ;) :rock:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
@ moody&Eos swearing

I'm impressed, people!

yeah, speechless too :grin:
Originally posted by Dying_Swan
Just came back from the Sentenced/Lacuna Coil gig in London. well, actually it was Lcauna Coil/Sentenced... I can't believe that Sentenced were supporting Lacuna Coil... How did that happen?

I'm not sure that I got what you mean here ?
Originally posted by Don Corleone
me? what am i supposed to do? :lol: :lol:

why dont you go ahead and bring them here, ashure? :lol:

joking aside, danny, les hasnt responded to me yet! :(

I thought you're into a kind of organization like Istanbul University rock club or something.hell you do know what I mean anyway:heh:
Originally posted by ashure
I'm not sure that I got what you mean here ?
What I meant is that it was advertised that Lacuna Coil would be supporting Sentenced and when we went to the gig Sentenced were supporting Lacuna Coil. Outside the London Astoria where there was a list of all the gigs that were taking place there, it said on the 31st Oct, that Sentenced would be playing... It didn' even mention Lacuna Coil...
Originally posted by ashure
I thought you're into a kind of organization like Istanbul University rock club or something.hell you do know what I mean anyway:heh:

well, sort of. but it's istanbul technical university. i will try to persuade the club to bring anathema/antimatter to the famous 5-day rock fest in may at my uni., but i havent received anything yet from the guys. :(
Originally posted by Don Corleone
well, sort of. but it's istanbul technical university. i will try to persuade the club to bring anathema/antimatter to the famous 5-day rock fest in may at my uni., but i havent received anything yet from the guys. :(

Yeah, you should try that!

And for the Sentenced/Lacuna Coil-gig. It was outstanding. The opening band (Blackshine) was at first ear okay, but it was too much of the same... it was boring after 4 songs...
Then Sentenced. :rock: Fuckin amazing! they know what music is about! and they (I met 2 of them) are really nice lads! cheers
Lacuna Coil was good too, altough i was a bit to amazed by sentenced. When a song finished I would like to scream SENTENCED, but I didn't do it. It would be better the other way around, because I would have enjoyed the Lacunashow more. But Lacuna Coil is much more known in Belgium then Sentenced, sooooo :( I said it before on this board: Christina is a CHICK! (what about them eh?)
Sentenced are proper blokes, Sami Lopakka is one of the nicest guys i ever met and they fucken rock on stage. you might not like them music but you gotta admit they're no posers and they're 100% genuine :rock:
Originally posted by moody
Sentenced are proper blokes, Sami Lopakka is one of the nicest guys i ever met and they fucken rock on stage. you might not like them music but you gotta admit they're no posers and they're 100% genuine :rock:
Totally agree... The guys are really great... Though they didn't paly long enough in London and they did not play much of their old stuff... At least they gave us a great Nepenthe :D

Take care :)
Originally posted by Dying_Swan
Lacuna Coil were a bit better... Again no moshing, no headbanging, just very calm concert... Maybe if Lacuna Coil were supporting Sentenced it would be a bit better...

Anyway, take care :)

I banged my head off on Tight Rope and LC were damn great! And you suck :) And the fact that Sentenced were the support act was the greatest surprise of the night.... it made mine anyway..

You can check this thread for the playlists:

Lacuna Coil / Sentenced gig
sentenced being the support act allowed me to spend more time with them so all in all, it was better this way :grin:
I like both bands about the same.. but I would prefer Sentenced to be the hearliner... On the posters for the concert in Switzerland Sentenced is written above Lacuna Coil and in bigger letters... So I still hope that they´ll be the headliner... or they could drop that opening act and so both bands could play longer :grin: