is any of you going to sentenced/lacuna coil at biebob tomorrow?

now look what you've done, people.. :eek:
i just had to bought tcwl couple days ago, eh.. to find out the truth :rolleyes: i've got not enough time to get into every each song, but what's this' point i wanted to say, that's not so bad at all! yet they're not the very faves of mine.. but, yes.. lyrics are just great. and i'm fallen in love with 'excuse me while i kill myself'

and yet, the cd-covers are coolest i've seen for a while! (when opening it first, i've thought a mo i've bought a book? :grin: ) stylish work.
Originally posted by speakinstone
now look what you've done, people.. :eek:
i just had to bought tcwl couple days ago, eh.. to find out the truth :rolleyes:

good girl. get into 'crimson', their best album :rock:
Originally posted by Don Corleone
hehe, better late than never, speakinstone.

that's so me. actually i was just havin a little break of this kind of stuff.. eh, to get me mind clear :rolleyes: for brand new views, eh..?

..seems it tooks like ?? yrs, since amok..? :grin:
a moment in time.

btw crimson sound familiar at first :confused: ..then realized wasp's crimson IDOL that was.

:grin: :grin: :spin:
good album it is that WASP one. it has that song i like, i think it's called 'the idol', the one that goes 'where is your loooove, to shelter meeee' etc. i like his voice, the boy Blackie.
Originally posted by speakinstone
and i'm fallen in love with 'excuse me while i kill myself'

Haha, that's my favourite too *is there something growing :D *
I kill myself, i blow my brains out to the world, see you in hell, i can't take this anymoooooore, this is where it ends i put a bullet in my head, i just drop dead!
check this for proper doom

its been a long cold winter without you
i've been dying on the inside over you
you just slipped though my fingers
as life turned away
its been a long cold winter since that day

and i cant find the strength now to carry on
and i cant even speak anyone

you just slipped though my fingers
and i feel so ashamed
you just slipped though my fingers
who's to blame?

you chose a fine time to leave me
on this long lonely trail
you just slipped through my fingers
and i failed

key : E minor
subject : the truth
is this a finished song already? you know, vocals, chords, bass blablabla? :eek: wooooohooooo I'm eagerly waiting to see it released :grin:
Originally posted by pagan2002
check this for proper doom

its been a long cold winter without you
i've been dying on the inside over you
you just slipped though my fingers
as life turned away
its been a long cold winter since that day

and i cant find the strength now to carry on
and i cant even speak anyone

you just slipped though my fingers
and i feel so ashamed
you just slipped though my fingers
who's to blame?

you chose a fine time to leave me
on this long lonely trail
you just slipped through my fingers
and i failed

key : E minor
subject : the truth


*beingimpatienttohearthesewordsbeingsungbyyourcousineventually* :spin:

really nice words

Originally posted by moody
good album it is that WASP one. it has that song i like, i think it's called 'the idol', the one that goes 'where is your loooove, to shelter meeee' etc. i like his voice, the boy Blackie.

The Idol was my truly fave!! :rock: I must
check my old cassettes if I'd find it.. i wonder if it's still that rrrocck..?! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Mariner
Haha, that's my favourite too *is there something growing :D *
I kill myself, i blow my brains out to the world, see you in hell, i can't take this anymoooooore, this is where it ends i put a bullet in my head, i just drop dead!

Woowauu, I'm fallin to love this song more and's growin..?
'I will pull this through
Not having a reason is no excuse
What the hell do you suppose I have left to lose?