is any of you going to sentenced/lacuna coil at biebob tomorrow?

Originally posted by Don Corleone
sentenced are the MOST depressing band ever.

especially if you play them songs on an acoustic guitar, i can easily get people depressed this way, ask danny about it.
Originally posted by sol83
I've created war once again! I'm probably a horrible person... Anyway, Sentenced might indeed be great lads and that's adorable but that won't change me mind about their music...

whatever, but it sounded like you were trying to convince us they're crap :p
Originally posted by Eos
and at the end it´s

"I´ll kill myself
I´ll blow my brains onto the wall
See you in hell
I will not take this anymore
This is where it ends
I´ll put a bullet in my head
and just (or yes?) drop dead
This is where it ends this is where I will draw the line
Excuse me while I kill myself" sweet! :D
No, Blackshine, an gotheburg-metalband (that's what they call the genre they're playing :rolleyes: ) opens the show. Don't know if it does count for all the gigs...
Mostly they were supporting Lacuna Coil, few times they headlined... depends on the popularity of the bands in the country they playing, I guess
sentenced - "fragile"

"So many times I have brought you down
that I have already lost all count
and I seem to be doing it again
No matter how hard I have tried
I have crumbled time after time
and kept failing in the end

Sometimes it feels it would be better for you all
If I ceased to exist or was never born at all

So many times I have let you down
shadowed the shine of our sun
and drowned you in tears and misery
that it is hard for me to see
how you can after all these years
still be standing by me

Sometimes it feels it would be better for us all
If I ceased to exist or was never born at all
Sometimes it feels it would be easier to fall
than to flutter in the air with these wings so weak and torn"

Originally posted by Eos
I ment: did Sentenced play before Lacuna Coil on all the concerts of this tour? ;)
that's what i'd like to know, as well. but since i'll see them here in milan, i guess lacuna coil will play after sentenced...
Originally posted by Mariner
Mostly they were supporting Lacuna Coil, few times they headlined... depends on the popularity of the bands in the country they're playing, I guess

I guess this is the answer...