Is anyone catching the KsE + TDWP + DT tour?


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I totally fucked up and didn't bring enough money for merch - only ended up getting a DT shirt, but realized I neeeed one of the KsE ones.

I have a feeling they won't be selling it on any other tour/webstore - it says "Philswitch Engage" on it... and as someone who honestly felt I've never seen Killswitch sound better than with Phil tonight, I've gotta have that one.

Anyone going to one of the future shows and would be down for picking me up/shipping me a shirt?
Now there's a surprise, Phil was better than Howard?

Every Phil performance I've seen he's always been flat and gets the audience to sing the cleans instead.

Dude can scream like a mofo though.
Öwen;8942438 said:
Now there's a surprise, Phil was better than Howard?

Every Phil performance I've seen he's always been flat and gets the audience to sing the cleans instead.

Dude can scream like a mofo though.

There was a lot of the audience taking over tonight, but that's perfectly understandable, given the phil-in (:lol:) situation.

When he was singing, though, I felt that his voice fit the band loooads better than Howard's ever did, and his screams/growls are just head and shoulders above Howard's.

I'm a bit biased, I guess - I'm one of the AOJB-fanboi's who thinks that KsE has just gone downhill since. I still love the band, but I really don't like the road they've gone down, especially with the last album, and Howards overly operatic cleans and *painfully* immature/annoying/emo lyrics just kill it for me. Hell, Phil was supposed to replace Jesse Leach in the first place!

Seeing them with Phil was a total breath of fresh air, and I really hope that it's more than just Howard being sick and taking a tour off and that Phil replaces him permanently.

I can dream, can't I?
Nobody? I neeeeeeds it!
