Is early Darkthrone really death metal?

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
For a long time I've heard people say this, and I've even accepted it at times, but when I really think about it, Soulside Journey and (especially) A Blaze in the Northern Sky seem to have much more in common with black metal due to the epic feel, raspy vocals, thin guitar tone, etc. Especially when compared to bands like Morbid Angel and Death who show a closer thrash influence and generally have a more brutal sound. Also, from my understanding, Darkthrone were pretty closely tied to the Norwegian black metal scene even on these first two albums.

So yeah, just wondering what people had to say about this.
Soulside Journey is not even an issue. Neither is Goatlord. These are clearly death metal. A Blaze in the Northern Sky is an interesting album in that, while at the core it is a Black Metal album, there is still a great deal of vestigial death metal influence, both in song structure and in riffs, the obvious influence being Autopsy (which, amusingly, at the time, Fenriz heavily shunned in interviews following the band's decision to move in a new direction. Of course it's come full circle now with Abcess being signed to Tyrant Syndicate...good stuff).
Soulside Journey is not even an issue. Neither is Goatlord. These are clearly death metal. A Blaze in the Northern Sky is an interesting album in that, while at the core it is a Black Metal album, there is still a great deal of vestigial death metal influence, both in song structure and in riffs, the obvious influence being Autopsy (which, amusingly, at the time, Fenriz heavily shunned in interviews following the band's decision to move in a new direction. Of course it's come full circle now with Abcess being signed to Tyrant Syndicate...good stuff).

It's quite clearly death metal.

Fair enough. I'm obviously not familiar enough with Darkthrone's influences to judge what genre it belongs to. I just think it sounds blacker than most death metal.
The riffs on Soulside sound like something off an Entombed album, which is undeniably death metal

One of the guitarist from Entombed was in the studio with them the entire time helping them with the guitar tone which is really cool. Nocturno Culto was really into old Death at the time which inspired his guitar solo's on Soulside Journey.
I put SSJ on for the first time in ages cause of this thread, I forgot how much I liked it. Prolly my 3rd favourite after TH and UAFM.