Is early Darkthrone really death metal?

Soulside could easily be considered one of the first European technical death metal albums.

not to mention one of the very first DM albums to have a kind of otherworldly abyssal feel almost totally removed from the more primitive slayer/hellhammerisms of the '80s. of course i love a load of that stuff but i'm also really glad albums like soulside came along and opened up the genre, everything from demigod & amorphis to the chasm and ATG may well be indebted to this album to some extent. obviously i'm not talking about style here so much as that general approach supplementing the visceral with a ton of apocalyptic atmosphere and strangeness. it's one of the benchmarks in the genre going past a mere frenzied slaughter into something more cold, calculated, primordial, mythical, awe-inspiring.

incidentally this is why a lot of people new to the genres don't really understand why soulside isn't black metal - it basically represents the black metal approach applied to the death metal genre. it's no surprise at all that darkthrone went in the direction they did methinks.
^Good post,that´s basically why i prefer the late 80-90´s before the early-mid 80´s when it comes to metal,Soulside Journey was one of the first records that challenged your mind in another way than with just the "obvious" evil and agressive riffs of for example Slayer. I think that otherworldly approach culminated with Demilich´s Nesphite.
to be fair to slayer i think it takes a hell of a lot of nuance to write a song like, say, 'at dawn they sleep', and they were ahead of their time in many ways too. but yeah can't argue about nespithe, what a crazy mindfuck.
Soulside Journey is textbook old school Death Metal. Pure and simple.
Haven't heard aBitNS. Need to get some more Darkthrone.

Soulside could easily be considered one of the first European technical death metal albums.
I've seen it called tech death and I never understood why. It doesn't sound all that technical to me. Although I guess my concept of tech death is necrophagist, which is obviously not particularly representative of the genre.

I love the evil sorta black metal atmosphere on the album that Old Wains was talking about. Makes it way more unique and distinctive.
SJ is certainly death metal. And ABITNS pretty much defined the black metal aesthetic, being probably the first widely available BM release. That being said, it's not without death metal influence, but tons of BM albums are significantly influenced by other genres.
I've seen it called tech death and I never understood why. It doesn't sound all that technical to me. Although I guess my concept of tech death is necrophagist, which is obviously not particularly representative of the genre.

Yeah, because Soulside Journey actually has songs on it.
I would call everything I've heard from Darkthrone black metal. It's the kind of black metal that I can only listen to in small doses in my bedroom alone. I don't know if I've heard anything off their first album though.
Maybe it's a deliberate corruption of the word "winds".
In Russian there is a word for trend(поветрие) which is derived from the word "wind"(ветер)
Perhaps the band's name means something like Old Trends or Old Ways, i.e. paying homage to the old masters.
Hence you get:
Old Ways+Old Winds= Old Wainds.
An interesting apposition, don't you think, between Russian and English words and their meanings.
Could be something else entirely, but I can't think of anything waind-like in Russian.