Outwardly racist???Good god, you're such a bullshitter. Defend your claims. Elaborate.
White pride is intrinsically linked to centuries of whites being higher in the social hierarchy
Black/Hispanic/Asian/etc. pride is not simply being "proud" it is saying "Your majority culture tries to silence our cultures, we will not be silenced, we will live our lives the way we wish to"
racists are worse than non-practising paedophiles tbh
Blacks have accomplished great things too, people of all races have accomplishments. But that doesn't negate that the whites have as well
by refusing to discourage it you are actively promoting racism
Seriously why are you proud of being white? It's not an accomplishment, and it's not like you yourself have done anything impressive. Taking pride in the accomplishments of others is pretty fucking lame tbh.
This type of thinking is the fucking worst.
think about it in a more small scale situation
you are walking along and you see a person drowning in a lake
you know full well that you can get to the lake and save the person from drowning, but instead decide to continue walking along
your inaction caused that person to drown
think about it in a more small scale situation
you are walking along and you see a person drowning in a lake
you know full well that you can get to the lake and save the person from drowning, but instead decide to continue walking along
your inaction caused that person to drown
or your inaction saved your own ass.
That person getting in the water caused then to drown.