IS having TestAmenT as an opening band a bad choice for Anthrax?

I love TESTAMENT, but man on the live front ANTHRAX is definately superior, tighter and more energy. TESTAMENT is more hit and miss, sometimes they are great, sometimes not so....I will admit TESTAMENT has a more consistent catalogue but no standouts like ATL or STD
As far as the "Testament is a good band but never be a great band" much as I love Anthrax, they've never written an album as good as "The Gathering."

I have been listening to that a lot lately. What a monster of an album with arguably the best rhythm section one could think of in the metal genre. Legendary shit.
I love TESTAMENT, but man on the live front ANTHRAX is definately superior, tighter and more energy. TESTAMENT is more hit and miss, sometimes they are great, sometimes not so....I will admit TESTAMENT has a more consistent catalogue but no standouts like ATL or STD

The last two times I saw them with Bush (before WCFYA and touring for it) they were boring as anything. Half the crowd walked out after the opener and it really threw them off the one time and the other time people walked out during the set. They were OK for the Best Buy show. I've never seen a bad Testament show (but I'm a bigger Testament fan so my opinion may be skewered a bit).

Again, it's still a great bill and the only people who should be complaining are probably Beiber fans anyway.
So what the hell are you trying to say by posting these 2 videos IMF09????

The whole point I'm making is Anthrax is a BIGGER band sales wise than Testament, and you post 2 youtube videos comparing crowd reactions to a couple of tunes to try and prove something?

Still, I guess when Testament goes top 10 with their new record, you will have proven me wrong.

So what the hell are you trying to say by posting these 2 videos IMF09????

The whole point I'm making is Anthrax is a BIGGER band sales wise than Testament, and you post 2 youtube videos comparing crowd reactions to a couple of tunes to try and prove something?

Still, I guess when Testament goes top 10 with their new record, you will have proven me wrong.

I seem to remember arguments in previous threads about how the Bush albums didn't sell as well as the Joey albums and everyone pitched a fucking fit saying something to the effect of "then I guess Britney Spears (or whomever) is the best fucking band ever" but now that it fits someone else's argument, they run right to it. I'm not saying that you (timmyc) did it in another thread, it just strikes me as completely hilarious.
As far as the "Testament is a good band but never be a great band" much as I love Anthrax, they've never written an album as good as "The Gathering."

This is a fucking joke right? Gathering is good, but Legacy and New Order are better. But more like Testament have never recorded an Among the Lving
I seem to remember arguments in previous threads about how the Bush albums didn't sell as well as the Joey albums and everyone pitched a fucking fit saying something to the effect of "then I guess Britney Spears (or whomever) is the best fucking band ever" but now that it fits someone else's argument, they run right to it. I'm not saying that you (timmyc) did it in another thread, it just strikes me as completely hilarious.

I completely hear you mate. And I agree 110% - bigger sales does not mean better. We long-time posters on this very board during the last decade know this oh so well!!!!

The discussion was however - who out of Testament or Anthrax was the bigger band. Have a look back through the thread - you'll see where it was going!!!

I completely hear you mate. And I agree 110% - bigger sales does not mean better. We long-time posters on this very board during the last decade know this oh so well!!!!

The discussion was however - who out of Testament or Anthrax was the bigger band. Have a look back through the thread - you'll see where it was going!!!


That's right. Although I've been on this board for 5 mins, I totally get this. Trends and circumstance and can make a great album fail, and a shit album sell, go figure.........
This is a fucking joke right? Gathering is good, but Legacy and New Order are better. But more like Testament have never recorded an Among the Lving

No, it's not a joke, I think "The Gathering" smokes the rest of their catalogue and I've been a fan since "The Legacy" first came out. Yes, I think "The Gathering" is the finest album by ANY thrash band.

And, seeing as I think Testament's output is heads and tails above Anthrax (who I still love) then, you're right, they've never recorded an "Among The Living." ATL (to me) isn't even their best album, Persistence of Time is.

Everyone please note the "I think" part; a lot of people here seem to confuse one person's opinion with stating facts. Reading comprehension can be a bitch sometimes.
No, it's not a joke, I think "The Gathering" smokes the rest of their catalogue and I've been a fan since "The Legacy" first came out. Yes, I think "The Gathering" is the finest album by ANY thrash band.

I agree The Gathering smokes all other Testament albums. Not sure if it's the greatest thrash metal album of all time, but it's perfectly reasonable for one to believe so.

What makes that album even more outstanding is that it came out in 1999, when good metal was about as common as pork chops at a vegan buffet. I think it really proved Testament's ability to stay relevant and to give metal the kick in the ass it needed. You absolutely cannot go wrong with the lineup they had on that album, too bad it didn't last longer than it did.

I'd go so far as to say that The Gathering was the best (or only good) thrash metal record to come out in between the time of Sepultura's Chaos A.D. in 1993 and Kreator's Violent Revolution in 2001. Tell me if I'm forgetting something.
You are, Testament's Low was pretty good, and Demonic was death metal, so that doesn't count.
What makes that album even more outstanding is that it came out in 1999, when good metal was about as common as pork chops at a vegan buffet.

I never quite understood this sentiment. Maybe it's true that there was no good thrash metal or no good American metal. Obviously the most popular American 'metal' at the time was nu metal and rap metal.

But fuck bro, there was lots of brilliant metal around that time:

In Flames: Whoracle, Colony, Clayman
Dark Tranquillity: The Mind's I, Projector, Haven
Children of Bodom: Something Wild, Hatebreeder
OPeth: Arms/Hearse, Still Life
The Haunted: The Haunted, The Haunted Made Me Do It
Dimmu: Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia

Of course, this is a just a handful of my favourite albums from this time. Although a few years earlier, At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul - one of the best metal cds of all time.:rock::rock:
I never quite understood this sentiment. Maybe it's true that there was no good thrash metal or no good American metal. Obviously the most popular American 'metal' at the time was nu metal and rap metal.

But fuck bro, there was lots of brilliant metal around that time:

In Flames: Whoracle, Colony, Clayman
Dark Tranquillity: The Mind's I, Projector, Haven
Children of Bodom: Something Wild, Hatebreeder
OPeth: Arms/Hearse, Still Life
The Haunted: The Haunted, The Haunted Made Me Do It
Dimmu: Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia

Of course, this is a just a handful of my favourite albums from this time. Although a few years earlier, At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul - one of the best metal cds of all time.:rock::rock:

I'm just not into the death metal (except for Testament's "Demonic" and Amon Amarth) thing so none of those bands are even on my radar. The only other good album that I can think of (off the top of my head) that came out that year was Nevermore's "Dreaming Neon Black" which is a friggin' masterpiece.
I never quite understood this sentiment. Maybe it's true that there was no good thrash metal or no good American metal. Obviously the most popular American 'metal' at the time was nu metal and rap metal.

But fuck bro, there was lots of brilliant metal around that time:

In Flames: Whoracle, Colony, Clayman
Dark Tranquillity: The Mind's I, Projector, Haven
Children of Bodom: Something Wild, Hatebreeder
OPeth: Arms/Hearse, Still Life
The Haunted: The Haunted, The Haunted Made Me Do It
Dimmu: Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia

Of course, this is a just a handful of my favourite albums from this time. Although a few years earlier, At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul - one of the best metal cds of all time.:rock::rock:

Please excuse my mental retardation for forgetting about Slaughter of the Soul. Definitely one of my all time favs, just haven't listened to it in a while.

But yeah, I come from more of a punk/hardcore background so I don't claim to have listened to ALL things metal. Just my perspective based on what I've been exposed to, so excuse the blank statement. Honestly, the only stuff you listed that I've heard is the old In Flames stuff. I've been super late on checking out The Haunted. Will do so very soon though.
I'm not big on death metal either accept for some of the essential stuff like Death, Morbid Angel, Obituary, etc... But The Gathering was definitely the only good THRASH to come out around that time.