I never quite understood this sentiment. Maybe it's true that there was no good thrash metal or no good American metal. Obviously the most popular American 'metal' at the time was nu metal and rap metal.
But fuck bro, there was lots of brilliant metal around that time:
In Flames: Whoracle, Colony, Clayman
Dark Tranquillity: The Mind's I, Projector, Haven
Children of Bodom: Something Wild, Hatebreeder
OPeth: Arms/Hearse, Still Life
The Haunted: The Haunted, The Haunted Made Me Do It
Dimmu: Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Of course, this is a just a handful of my favourite albums from this time. Although a few years earlier, At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul - one of the best metal cds of all time.