Is it just me...

Well....I am not trying to say that commiting suicide is the right thing to do or anything but I had a pretty decent childhood myself and also suffer from pretty severe depression. Depression is a chemical imbalance, a mental disease and I'm sure the price of fame and his brain being overtaken by heroin demons had a lot to do with his depression and suicide.
MAybe he was being a buddy, thinking "if I kill myself, Dave and that other dude I don't know who is will be bloody rich and can start bands like Foo Fighters and stuff and be even more famous than me".

BTW, Gav, how much are your scythes? The kindergarden outside my window annoys me.
Needled24Seven said:
nirvana is a horrible band thats totally unoriginal. look we can play simple power chords go us!

Look at their most famous song, Smells Lke Teen Spirit
Listen to the solo
Not power chords.
Steve420 said:
Look at their most famous song, Smells Lke Teen Spirit
Listen to the solo
Not power chords.

That "solo" is the simplest one I've heard. I enjoy Nirvana sometimes myself, but only 3-4 songs from each album is any good, the rest is just too....monotonous, or whatever you call it in english...Too fucking boring...The same crap over and over again...
At a recent local gig I saw the weakest guitar solo. ever.
Some awful attewmpted british rock band with 3 13 year old kids was playing, and the one solo they did play was simpler than a nu-metal melody...
smell like teen spirit is NOT a song they liked...
it soon came a pop song and they hated this fact, every groupies would fucking listen to them and go like: i love nirvana, and they were no more the rebel dude they wanted to show they we're. Kurt shooted himself, so people liked him, (it's a fact, if you suck, suicide youself and people will loves you) and nirvana came to be known as pop shithead

anyway they sucked
all the nirvana pattern is based on rebel girls who alway's been hatred cuz they're ugly and decide they hate the world and listen to grunge music, and think kurt is fucking cute, and wish a boy like that, althrouth theyre multicolor hair and patched jean fuckin suck
Welly said:
all the nirvana pattern is based on rebel girls who alway's been hatred cuz they're ugly and decide they hate the world and listen to grunge music, and think kurt is fucking cute, and wish a boy like that, althrouth theyre multicolor hair and patched jean fuckin suck

dude, at my school there were lots of them, fuck I hated those witches, every year when was anniversary of cobains death they wore black and cried all the time, that was so retarded. The worst thing was some of those girls could be really hot, but wearing those dirty shitty hippy clothes and fuckin rainbow instead of hair they looked disgusting, but as Welly said most of them were really ugly and nothing could change it (those ones I could partly undersand).
I dont have anything against Nirvana, nothing special to me I see no big deal in suicide of some junkie and I dont understand why people made a hero of him.
Ralf said:
dude, at my school there were lots of them, fuck I hated those witches, every year when was anniversary of cobains death they wore black and cried all the time, that was so retarded. The worst thing was some of those girls could be really hot, but wearing those dirty shitty hippy clothes and fuckin rainbow instead of hair they looked disgusting, but as Welly said most of them were really ugly and nothing could change it (those ones I could partly undersand).
I dont have anything against Nirvana, nothing special to me I see no big deal in suicide of some junkie and I dont understand why people made a hero of him.
why they made a hero out of him?

mediocrity is commercial :p
Torgoth said:
No. Look on the bright side is suicide.;)

Lost eyesight I'm on your side ;)

Don't think they're overrated, there's really beautiful poetry in Nirvana's lyrics (specially In Utero). Most of those hair-coloured kids wouldn't notice a shit though...
_Quarantine_ said:
Lost eyesight I'm on your side ;)

Don't think they're overrated, there's really beautiful poetry in Nirvana's lyrics (specially In Utero). Most of those hair-coloured kids wouldn't notice a shit though...
im really sorry, but i'm totally traumatized with this kind of shit... so, if it wasn't nirvana you were talking about i wouldn't say anything but,


sorry :p
@Tut: Poor thing!! Are you traumatized because of my comments :cry: LOL
Have you payed attention to the lyrics? They're actually worth it, but I guess you wouldn't give it a chance...
I can understand that you don't like the music, but Cobain's lyrics are far beyond his music, he creates some amazing metaphores which quite often let you see how twisted his mind was... Anyways, I guess I wont convince you... :p
_Quarantine_ said:
@Tut: Poor thing!! Are you traumatized because of my comments :cry: LOL
Have you payed attention to the lyrics? They're actually worth it, but I guess you wouldn't give it a chance...
I can understand that you don't like the music, but Cobain's lyrics are far beyond his music, he creates some amazing metaphores which quite often let you see how twisted his mind was... Anyways, I guess I wont convince you... :p
no, not your message
just the overall overrating of nirvana we have here in brazil :lol: :p

well, sorry, but i can't stand it :lol: