Is metal the new christianity?


Hair Metal
Mar 17, 2003
'Astinz innit. Yoo kay.
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just struck me the other day how similar metal is to christianity, for a start there is the worship and idolisation of a transcendant figure who we work towards being more like, sharing the morals and ethics of-Jesus=Satan.

secondly metal is just as divided as christianity-Ch=catholic,protestant,babtist,mormon,evangelist,church of england,papist,fundamentalist,puritan.....

thirdly there is an inherant distaste for all things non-metal (i dont share this but MANY do) such as the hatred of punk or classic rock or 'urban' (which is obvious) wheras christianity is inherently anti-semetic, anti-islam,anti-left, anti-human...

fourthly there is the symbol of worship, christianity has the cross and the fish, metal has the pentacle and the inverted cross.

fifth- method of prayer, Ch=press palms together pointed towards heavens
metal=devil horns

sixth= holy scriptures- Ch= bible
metal= satanic bible and the inside cover of black sabbath!

ps, im fucking bored so excuse the bullshit. :hypno:
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Thou art a silly creature, thou art. Tho thou makes some senth, methinx.

YES! Of course! You're right!!! We shouldn't have to worry about the existence of higher powers! We should just worship and praise metal! A materialistic religion that doesn't have to be derived from pussy satanism.
thirdly there is an inherant distaste for all things non-metal (i dont share this but MANY do) such as the hatred of punk or classic rock or 'urban' (which is obvious) wheras christianity is inherently anti-semetic, anti-islam,anti-left, anti-human...

Umm... It's true that there are a lot of metallers who hate punk and non-metal a lot but Thrash wouldn't of come up if it wasn't for hardcore and hardcore punk. Metal and Punk are related and they influenced each other over the years to let you know. I prefer heavy metal over punk any day personally.
MURAI said:
Umm... It's true that there are a lot of metallers who hate punk and non-metal a lot but Thrash wouldn't of come up if it wasn't for hardcore and hardcore punk. Metal and Punk are related and they influenced each other over the years to let you know. I prefer heavy metal over punk any day personally.

yeah i know, i love punk (not remotely in the same league as metal though) and acknowledge its influence but many dont.

'punks for stupid commie pinkos, its shite' is the normal line i find coming from so called metalers in my area (know as nibblers for their tendancy to nibble at 'alternative' styles like rats, you know the like, 14 yr old slipknot fans who all have 'troubles', papa roachers and the like.filth)

i was just messing around anyway.
finally: we are as stubborn and closed minded as christians are when it comes to our music and their beliefs
but we do listen to some pretty kick ass music and most of them listen to N'Sync
No offense to the poster, but I don't see it at all. I'm not religious, which certainly includes the satanic, the symbol of worhip and the method of prayer.
Also while I don't own much of the music, I also don't dislike classic rock. I do have some Boston, Foreighner, Kansas and Steve Miller mixed in with my metal CDs.
As far as morals, I don't think you would find any kind of consistancy with the morals of metal-heads, but then again the same would parobably be true of Christians as well, so in that respect, they are similar.

Bryant said:
No offense to the poster, but I don't see it at all. I'm not religious, which certainly includes the satanic, the symbol of worhip and the method of prayer.
Also while I don't own much of the music, I also don't dislike classic rock. I do have some Boston, Foreighner, Kansas and Steve Miller mixed in with my metal CDs.
As far as morals, I don't think you would find any kind of consistancy with the morals of metal-heads, but then again the same would parobably be true of Christians as well, so in that respect, they are similar.


i was taking the piss.
this is about stereotypical 'metal-heads' and 'christians'.

obviously no social group can be pigeon holed like that but it amused me briefly to do so.

sculptedcold has got the idea.
Yeah I think one can "pigeon-hole" any group. "Rednecks" would be the perfect example. I know them all too well, as I live in Alabama. I have met some that I couldn't stand to be around for five seconds and know some that would be my first choice to be in a fox-hole with me in a war. What does this have to do with the price of tea in China or the relevance of this thread, probably very little, but I tend to get that way sometimes. : /

Bryant said:
Yeah I think one can "pigeon-hole" any group. "Rednecks" would be the perfect example. I know them all too well, as I live in Alabama. I have met some that I couldn't stand to be around for five seconds and know some that would be my first choice to be in a fox-hole with me in a war. What does this have to do with the price of tea in China or the relevance of this thread, probably very little, but I tend to get that way sometimes. : /


yeah true, some certain social group are based on attitude and personality as opposed to choice of music/faith.

such as pikies, i fucking hate them, overly aggressive and stupid cunts. :yell:
i hope they all die.

ive not come across a social group where everyone in it is somebody i'd be friends with though, doesnt happen.not where i live anyway, every 'scene' is just a competition to be 'cooler'. its all lame.
Slaughter Of The Soul said:
Calm down man....why burn them ?

(no, im not christian. im an atheist)

Im just joking around... i dont seriously mean it..... however i do wish to take over the world one day and rid the world of all those fuckin stupid republican turds!