Is Mike a Detroit Red Wings Fan?

The Yanks & Habs seem to have more in common

Yankees 26 championships

Canadiens 24

Red Wings 10

Not bashing them as I'm a huge fan of the original six

The opening riff of Deliverance would be a great choice as the puck is about to drop. If it was played, I'm sure they'll use it again.
The Yanks & Habs seem to have more in common

Yankees 26 championships

Canadiens 24

Red Wings 10

Not bashing them as I'm a huge fan of the original six

The opening riff of Deliverance would be a great choice as the puck is about to drop. If it was played, I'm sure they'll use it again.

There you are.

You're not a front-runner if you've been following them since they weren't that good. I remember when they were called the Dead Wings. When I was 11 all of my hockey equipment was red - the other kids thought I was Russian. I have a signed Steve Yzerman card that I mailed to him in 1987. Call me a front-runner? Whatever...

I still say you can't compare the Wings and the Yankees when there is no salary cap in baseball. The Yankees payroll is 36% higher than the #2 team (Boston) and 67% higher than the #3 team (NY Mets)! The Wings have the same salary as everyone else in the NHL.

One more little fact for the non-believers: Detroit's top 4 scorers, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Lidstrom and Holmstrom? All draft picks. And low picks at that (rounds 6, 7, 3, and 10 respectively)! So they've picked up some high-priced talent in past years (Hull, Hasek, Lang, Schneider, etc.) - the core is still draft picks. Yzerman, Fedorov, Osgood, the list goes on and on.

And to Black Session - bite me. The topic is music related - even Opeth related. It's a good question, however much of a stretch it might be. It should be in the off-topic forum, but that's the only problem.

I never understood why people care when non-musical topics are talked about here. So what? We're all fans of the band, we should be able to talk about other things as well.

I was listing names from the past to prove my point. I'm well aware that they're not there anymore. Oh, and Osgood was the starter for their 1998 cup.

I always thought Zetterberg looks like Jared Leto.
By the way, the Wings are a buncha pussies. Sure, they can score, but the fact that they're having trouble filling the stadium this year shows that the fans would like to see a bit of toughness. Too many Swedes I think. . . .

The Wings only had problems selling out because the economy sucks in the Detroit area. With Ford offering the buyouts and literally 50,000 people (average yearly income with benefits about $75,000.00) having their manufacturing jobs go to China, the heart of the Michigan economy, leave the state over the last five years, paying almost $300.00 bucks to take four people for a one night fling is getting hard. The Pistons have had the same problem selling out the Palace.... and speaking of the Palace... I want Opeth to Headline there.
My best freind owns a shot and a beer bar, and for some reason the local cable company decided to blackout the game. Being a person of solutions, he was losing people coming in to watch the game, and since he helps me out, I decided to stream the game over my laptop with my broadband wireless card through the P.A. system they use for Kareoke. Success! Most of the people stayed instead of heading next door, and I got the chance to expose people to my favorite band during the intermission using iTunes.

The Prush's Bar Opeth Setlist

First Intermission:
Face of Melinda

Second Intermisson:
A Fair Judgement

Third Intermission: (because of overtime)

Beneath the Mire!

I had a few people come up to me telling me that they were curious to who it was. I think I had a few converts.

The Wings only had problems selling out because the economy sucks in the Detroit area. With Ford offering the buyouts and literally 50,000 people (average yearly income with benefits about $75,000.00) having their manufacturing jobs go to China, the heart of the Michigan economy, leave the state over the last five years, paying almost $300.00 bucks to take four people for a one night fling is getting hard. The Pistons have had the same problem selling out the Palace.... and speaking of the Palace... I want Opeth to Headline there.

it seems like no matter what nhl team you are talking about, it's hard for them to fill a stadium during the regular season. it's great how the playoffs have sold out game's night after night, but it'd be great if more casual fans became bigger fans. it's sad hearing about teams filing for bankruptcy....
it seems like no matter what nhl team you are talking about, it's hard for them to fill a stadium during the regular season. it's great how the playoffs have sold out game's night after night, but it'd be great if more casual fans became bigger fans. it's sad hearing about teams filing for bankruptcy....

people dont like what they dont understand....

that saying goes hand in hand with opeth