Is Pyramaze a Christian band?

dargormudshark said:
Ofcourse their opinions!!!! The fans of these bands (pop/rock christian bands) supposedly like them soley on their lyrics...please that is bullshit. It has nothing to do with the actual music, the lyrics are seperate.

Umm, why else would Christians listen to the music if not for the lyrics?!?!? It most certainly is based heavily on the lyrical content.

dargormudshark said:
I am not anti-christian (I am against christians who are ignorant and push their beliefs on others, like my aunt and uncle who gave me abook telling me I am a satanist) I think 99.23424% are just as stupid, not because their "beliefs" because they are using it as a gimick.

Ok, you keep making statements about these people using it as a gimmick, but you haven't even given an example or at least provided a reason WHY you believe this. I understand what you are saying, I just think that it's baseless.

dargormudshark said:
I never said it is wrong to make money, I think it is ashame that bands that I believe to be insencere make money. I do have a problem with Ozzy making millions because he is a no-talent assclown.

And which bands are those?!? As you said in an earlier post, the "majority" of Christian bands. Whatever you may think about Ozzy, you are still, for the most part, singling out Christian bands. Plus, whether people are sincere or not doesn't even matter, it is still their intellectual property, which is the main point I am trying to make here. Whether Shagrath is sincere in his satanist beliefs or not has no bearing on whether he should make money on the songs he has written.

dargormudshark said:
I never said it's on South park therefore it true, how long has it been before you took a lesson in reading comprehension?

Dude, I was being sarcastic. Calm down.

Hi people!

Before this thread becomes a "war" about who does what and why,
and who is honest and who isn't, I think I want to say a few closing things from my side.

Pyramaze is not a Christian band -but there are Christians in the band. We also have guys
in the band who have other beliefs (definitely NOT satanic!!). But my point was, and still is,
that this does not matter. It's all about the music and the stories. People should listen to
what makes them happy or feel good. Mostly our music is about good overcoming evil,
but our stories do include evil, 'cause evil is out there.

Our fans will have different opinions about religion, that's just the way it is.
Some might be Christian, some Jewish, others Catholic and some are atheist's.
My point is GET ALONG - and respect one another! We are close to 6,5 billion people
in this world, and if we can't get along and respect each other, then this world is going down!

Now for something different - I want to wish you all a great time at this years ProgPower Festival.
Remember to visit the Nightmare both, and say hello to Lance.

All the best

Michael Kammeyer

saki said:

He must be a devil worshipper! Only satan would give someone the power to play like that.... He worships the devil like this --> :worship:

He's really not that great. When people's solos sound like that, it generally tells me that that's all they have going for them guitar-wise.
ok, the ony reason I didn't provide any bands because I am talking about an extreme majority of the genre. Go to any huge church they have in San Antonio ( I am sure you have them)..btw I am talking about the ones the size of high schools where they take the money they recieve and spend it on an NBA regulated Basketball court. Go to the youth center thay have and ask the kids what bands they like and use those as examples, or check out that Rock the desert festival Ben mentioned..that is a good example.

Surely life isn't fair, but I would really like to see more sincere bands make money rather than the insincere.

And I can't fucking wati until Progpower...not to mention Outworld and Stride tonight.
MGS said:
Came to think of Nitro .. couldn't help it, sorry :)


Wow! and I thought MY hair was blonde.... :eek:
QUOTE=PyramazeGuitar; It's all about the music and the stories.

The beauty of Pyramaze's music is the power and emotion that the band displays. The fact that a so called religious discussion has surfaced shows the bands capabilities to make people think without trying to force religion down our faces, in which I have never thought the band has tried to do. I only see the band as being very talented musically and being able to write songs that take you on a journey, stir your emotions, and all the while kick your f-in ass . Religion, for all the good and bad that it beholds, does not do any of this for me.:kickass:

Being born and raised Catholic-I would also recommend Angtoria's "God Has A Plan For Us All". The plan is not a good one and very opposed to the Catholic church in which I can understand the bands viewpoint.
You would think Catholics wouldn't like them? But I do, because of thier power, emotion and fantastic sound! Its about the music not religion.
I listen to what i want whenever i want.
Like Micheal said as would any1 else, it is all about the music and the stories.

Kinda off topic but I have some very ignorant ppl on my hockey team who thinks I want to burn churches. what a bunch of morons right?