is school boring there to

Aug 16, 2003
Athens GA USA
Visit site
im in the southern US, and school here sucks, how about everywhere else in the world, is it cool out there or is it balls like here. and im sitting in class wi\hile writing this, so to be bitched at for being online, have u guys every had that problem, hypocritical teachers who yell at you for doing what your told
No, here it's funny. :p
Of course it's boring, even if you like the subject. I prefer to study some book on my own, rather than having to bear some bad teacher. I didn't go to class much and that worked for me.
But now i've finished studying, i guess that i'm not young anymore :cry:
I like school alot (as you can tell from my grades :p) as long as it keeps me occupied and with things to do. I hate just going around not having anything useful to do there, thats just waste.
I tried going on here from my school once, but they have like everything restricted except for the "essential needs"

But my school sucks ass ...i get homework every single day, and it's boring. The teachers are old..and yea..
My school isnt boring at all, except for maths which suck donkey rectum. But despite this I like it a lot even if it involves hard working all the time even at home (fuckin model making....) and my teachers are mostly cool except for math bitch :)
taste_of_flames said:
im in the southern US, and school here sucks, how about everywhere else in the world, is it cool out there or is it balls like here. and im sitting in class wi\hile writing this, so to be bitched at for being online, have u guys every had that problem, hypocritical teachers who yell at you for doing what your told
Yeah? That sucks man!
No, here we have hover boards to get us through the halls and holographic rooms that bend space-time to allow for the optimal amount of fun during our break. We also each get a laser gun to fuck around and shoot at random targets and people, at anytime during the school day. If you don't like a class you can move to the side where there are a couple of PlayStation2's (in each and every room) ..If they don't have the games you want to play right there you can stop the teacher and send him/her to get some from the principal's office.
..and that's just during midterm exams week. It's usually funner though..

Sucks to be you man!
Im on the Warsaw University of Science, this is quite cool, ppl are really friendly and polite, but there is much of work. We can do whatever we want, nobody takes responsibility for us, but its in our bussiness to keep studying :D
MagSec4 said:
Yeah? That sucks man!
No, here we have hover boards to get us through the halls and holographic rooms that bend space-time to allow for the optimal amount of fun during our break. We also each get a laser gun to fuck around and shoot at random targets and people, at anytime during the school day. If you don't like a class you can move to the side where there are a couple of PlayStation2's (in each and every room) ..If they don't have the games you want to play right there you can stop the teacher and send him/her to get some from the principal's office.
..and that's just during midterm exams week. It's usually funner though..

Sucks to be you man!
okay dude, you should stop USING the crack and start DELIVERING it :p

i just came from 10 straight physics classes .... and im alive!!! WEEEEEEE!
MagSec4 said:
Yeah? That sucks man!
No, here we have hover boards to get us through the halls and holographic rooms that bend space-time to allow for the optimal amount of fun during our break. We also each get a laser gun to fuck around and shoot at random targets and people, at anytime during the school day. If you don't like a class you can move to the side where there are a couple of PlayStation2's (in each and every room) ..If they don't have the games you want to play right there you can stop the teacher and send him/her to get some from the principal's office.
..and that's just during midterm exams week. It's usually funner though..

Sucks to be you man!


(i like to respond to threads in the 100s)
MagSec4 said:
Yeah? That sucks man!
No, here we have hover boards to get us through the halls and holographic rooms that bend space-time to allow for the optimal amount of fun during our break. We also each get a laser gun to fuck around and shoot at random targets and people, at anytime during the school day. If you don't like a class you can move to the side where there are a couple of PlayStation2's (in each and every room) ..If they don't have the games you want to play right there you can stop the teacher and send him/her to get some from the principal's office.
..and that's just during midterm exams week. It's usually funner though..

Sucks to be you man!

I tried not to laugh loudly at that. My supervisors are Nazis about people web surfing.
§killer_angel§ said:
we did so much caos in class trhat it was funny... even durins tests XD

but I ended last summero so.. sometime I'm missing calss mates idiocy...
what do you mean there were also subjects :p
Come again.o_O