Is the game that good.


They All Knew Golgotha...
Feb 20, 2004
Is the game good like REAL GOOD?

I play ground control II which is the closest this is to it.
The Total War series is amazing! I have been a fan for a long time... they just released a new version called "Medevil II"... thats the one you want to get. It has all the latest graphics. I have played other RTS war games as well... this is the best. This is better the Civilization by far.
lol. Total War better than Civilization?

Yes, better the Civil.. if you want to fight massive battles with a million men on the field at a time and have the best graphics in the business... if you want to chop wood and net fish... then you probably will enjoy civilization more... Total War, is about combat, thats it. Civil, is about building cabins and pickig berries.
Yes, and it gets boring after about 4 or 5 massive battles which is why you need a hundred different Total War versions, add-ons and 'all the latest graphics' to maintain your interest. Great games last forever, you can play them 20 years later and they are as good as if released yesterday and that's why Civilization is great. Do you really think you'll be playing Medieval 2 in a year when it is outshadowed by more advanced graphics, more armies and bigger battles?