Is there any old Opeth fans who actually LIKE Deliverance?

I have officially 'got into' this album now. Ive had it for nearly 2 weeks and I am glad to say its grown on me, totally. It took a while because it is so different, well not heaps, but it is in certain ways.
Great stuff :D

Originally posted by Minder
I don't like the way Opeth is evolving.
"My Arms..." and "Still Life" are ex aequo best Opeth albums in my opinion. That's because each time I listen to them, I recognize more and more guitar work put in them. All the heavy riffs with accoustic guitars somwhere in the background ("April Ethereal", "Demon of the Fall", "Moor", etc.). All the acoustic masterpieces played several times (or with several guitars) at once with slightly changed notes each time to provide very complex result. More! Heavy riffs change to acoustic parts naturally, logically. This is great! Sometimes I start listening to "Prologue" and then I "wake up" from the trans at the end of "Credence" :)
"Deliverance" surprised me in not-so-positive way. I was expecting alot better album after superb "MAYH" & "Still Life" and very good (almost great) "Blackwater Park". "Deliverance" is simply good. What good are heavy riffs and growls if the whole song isn't constructed as logically as the ones on previous albums?

I agree with everything you said here, especially about the guitarwork... that's the main thing that has always amazed me about them, but didn't this time around.
I've had it for a few days now and have been getting a steady diet of it but that will come to an end today since I'm not really impressed with it. Maybe I'm not in the right mood to connect with it and someday down the road I will be but for now it's back to Morningrise, Still Life and My Arms Your Hearse for my listening pleasures.
I'm not sure if this is going to make much sense, but I'll to explain anyway. I love every song on Deliverance when examined separately. But, when all the songs are put together, I don't feel it makes a good album. I mean, is that possible? To like all the songs but dislike the album? As Liquid said, mayhaps I'm just not in the proper mindframe to digest it-- the same thing happened with Emperor's Prometheus. I dismissed it as soon as it came out, sold the CD, and rebought it nine months later after the songs had started picking my brain. So, there's my opinion-- good songs, bad album.
I think it's great! It is supposed to be the heavy album and that is exactly what it is. They have all of the elements of Opeth on there and I think some of you people need to give the album a few more listens. By the way I have been a fan since '98 so I didn't jump on the BWP bandwagon.
I don't know if I qualify as an "old Opeth fan" or not... I didn't start listening to Opeth until MAYH... something like 5 years ago.

Regardless, I've been completely blown away by Deliverance... even if it's different, I don't see any weakness... even after really examining every song to find what people keep bitching about.

I'm starting now to like it as much as MAYH... didn't take me long to get into it ;)
I already like the album much more than BWP, but it is far from reaching the level of greatness that MAYh and SL did for me. I'm sure as I listen to it more (just got the CD today, but have had 3 mp3's for a while now) It'll start sounding better, but it just doesn't sounds as exciting as some of their other work. Sounds fairly stripped down, and more more rhythmic oriented. And the vocal lines don't seem quite as compellign as they did before. Does anyone else think that in the title track, Mike's clean vox melodies sound a bit like Maynard from Tool? Not that it's bad, just an observation....
I feel like a bastard saying this, but I have to agree with Lina. I'm not as much of a fan of new Opeth as I was when I first heard Morningrise, or Still Life. When I picked up Still Life, and I heard The Moor, I literally was in absolute awe. It is so heavy, so textured, so colourful, so adventurous, so explorative. I couldnt' believe it. Still one of my favourite albums/songs of all time.

I'm not as big a fan of My Arms..., however, it is still an explorative record. Before it used to seem that Opeth had no boundries, that they just played with feeling (which I feel is so rare in metal) but now their music seems so constrained, and restrictive. It is somewhat boring, and the grey and white tones they place in their music is just no where near as colourful and thought-provoking as before.

Coming from a very faithful fan for 3 years, who listened to Opeth almost everyday in the car when driving to school/work, I'm pretty disapointed. Their music just doesn't have the same "thing". No where near as beautiful as it once was.

A fucking shame.

Deliverance is a good CD... don't get me wrong. I think it shows (as usual with new Opeth albums) their knack for always coming out with musical dynamics that beat the ones on the last album you could swear nobody could ever top...

Having said that, I'm going to commit what is probably tantamount to blasphemy in one sentence...

'Deliverance' is darker than the previous albums, but it has some sequences, especially in 'Master's Apprentices' that to me are reminiscent of '...And Justice for All'.

It is a good album. But it doesn't blow me away like MAYH did.
I don't think Deliverance (or Blackwater Park, for that matter) are very good in comparison to all the pre-BWP albums. I guess I'll have to wait and TRY to let this album grow on me, although I end up stopping the CD half-way through most of the time because I get so bored by Wreath and Deliverance. I think the last 4 tracks are great, but the first two (IMO) suck. Who knows...maybe I'll start to like them. I hated Orchid at first, but then I started to love it.

Another thing...I kind of feel bad about not liking Deliverance much. I feel like I'm obligated, due to how hard the band worked on it.

Anyway, I'm hoping Damnation will be better...
i've taken that test. i was something around 45% or so.

anyway, i've liked this band since the beginning of the year, and i think Deliverance is a damn good album. only listened to it once in full, but it's still good.
It may be too early to tell, but this may be my favorite Opeth album, as a whole. I kind of feel the opposite of Elysian Blaze: not every song may be totally outstanding, but together they just "clicked" for me. (Blackwater Park had nothing but great songs, but it was a bit too much all together.) As for By the Pain I See in Others, that's easily one of their greatest songs yet. It makes perfect sense to me. As an opener, I think Wreath is pretty awesome, though I'm not really sure yet how it compares to Advent, The Moor or The Leper Affinity. They are all excellent.

(I've been a fan since Still Life, so I'm a comparatively "new" fan, but not quite from the new wave of Blackwater Park bandwagonmembers.)
It's intriguing how differently people view Opeth songs/albums.

Personally, I like Deliverance. I haven't totally gotten into it yet, but I think I will.

The guitar and vocal sound on the album is so different on Deliverance. To me, it sounds very different to anything they've done before.

What really keeps me interested in Deliverance are the lyrics. They are dark and personally, but not too personal/specific. It's honest and dark - I can't really ask for more there. Of all the tracks, the song "Deliverance" has very captivating lyrics. I think that will inevitably be the more or less classic song from the album, although "Master's Apprentices" is a close second.

By the way, my favorite Opeth album is probably MAYH. I'm glad Opeth is going into a different style. Even if it is not the preferred style of choice for me personally (and I don't feel suited to judge that yet), I'm glad Opeth is trying new things out.

I particularly look forward to Damnation as well. Deliverance is somewhat experimental, but Damnation will likely go far and beyond the somewhat limited experiments of Opeth, previously.
Well I can't only bash this album.

A good convergence of the themes in morningrise, definetely has that vibe in it.
Drums are also recorded well - they are quite prominent, opposed to the jazzier sound in their earlier albums.

Good production - as in hearing everything, but not sure if it takes away from "raw emotion"

nevertheless, still classic Opeth. I think i may have come down on it a bit hard earlier.

I also like how some elements of "power metal" have been introduced. There are some riff that could just as easily be in a 80's metal band on this album, and it provides a nice flavour for Opeth.
I'm somewhat a closet fan of that ostentatious 80's metal sound that is ridiculously showy. i.e. painkiller by priest :rolleyes:
I'm a fan of all opeth, and MAYH is my favorite record of theirs, but I still like Deliverance (or what i've heard of it)...but you're right, something sounds missing. Maybe it's just the fact that it's the first time i've heard it. I know it will grow on me.
The cover art is great as well, although with my taste i'd rather see another picture of a forest, lake, or whatever.

Good job Travis. Your work on Resurrection Through Carnage is amazing...i can't get enough of it...
Your are 15% Goth

You wanna be a GOTH. But you are not. Smoking cloves and too much eyeliner a goth does not make. Go home and take your Cure CD's with you.

I wanna be a goth!?? This is news to me....

(edit: WHAT Cure CDs?? I don't have any!)
Been a fan since Hearse and I really like this album.

To many people are missing it's power. This is in my opinon the sharpest the band has ever played. Solos have gotten better as well as riff progression (Wreath).

Im not going to be the expert review person like some of you think you are ,but I really like the album and cant wait to see what the future holds for the band.
My fav album was My Arms Your Hears until I heard Deliverance for the 5th time or what... At the first time i was so excited about it but then i thought it's lame and boring and the songs don't have as much charakter as them in MAYH.
Now i changed my mind. I love the dynamic, the best clean vocals of mikael ever (of course the growls are better, too). Also I think MAYH or BWP are more one big thing (i don't know how to explain) and each song makes that great charakter of the hole album... deliverance doesn't have so much charakter like MAYH. each song is great but it isn't one unit.

but... i like the artwork ;)

deliverance is the best fucking album ever and i can't wait until i got damnation in my hands...