Is there anything TRULY EXCITING going on in metal these days?

bite me Mikey

and Master's Hammer ... what the heck is going on there? strangely catchy songs although I have no idea what they are singing about in Slavic ... sounds like some mix of Burzum, Spinal Tap and Tankard.

don't know if any of you saw these photos, but if you click on the demo covers on this page ... you access an extensive gallery which is hilarious!!!

these guys are surely the forefathers of hipster BM :lol:
sounds like Darkspace on a 1,000,000 tons shuttle. Interesting, will try and grab some more tunes.

wtf ninja edit

i deleted it because i'm not sure i actually really like it and can endorse it yet. but it is "interesting" certainly

and yeah it's a member of darkspace doing a thing on the side so there you have it


here it is again
The Sun of The Blind album is quite good and there really isn't anything new and exciting in the pop/techno/whatever tracks on the first page of the thread. Solid tracks, but nothing that hasn't been done before.

The Chasm is overrated.
I didn't say those bands were re-inventing the wheel (other than AC), but I do think they represent new twists of older sounds (Gorillaz especially), at least new enough as compared to the likes of traditional shit like Kings Of Leon i.e. "rock." If you want truly innovative (like NOTHING else), I'd think for a couple seconds and post the following:


^^best song of 2009

New music that excites me.
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Metal these days: Same shit; Different indecipherable band logo and unpronounceable band name.

Need some of these labels to start going under to fix the over-saturation of the market. Anyone with six strings, an evil-scary-dude demeanor, and a cymbal is signed up for worldwide release these days. The metal bubble must burst!
I didn't say those bands were re-inventing the wheel (other than AC), but I do think they represent new twists of older sounds (Gorillaz especially), at least new enough as compared to the likes of traditional shit like Kings Of Leon i.e. "rock." If you want truly innovative (like NOTHING else), I'd think for a couple seconds and post the following:

^^best song of 2009

New music that excites me.

all this is typical hipster stuff I hear in local bars here ... please tell me you didn't buy a single speed bike too.
Have you actually paid attention to the music itself? Believe me, I had a tough time separating the content from the fanbase, but you have to admit that this stuff is EIIWIRDDSS and interesting to say the least.
yeah, I listened to that shite ... :loco:

I tell you what did catch me in a big way right now ... that M83 link ... this band is fantastic!
Have you actually paid attention to the music itself? Believe me, I had a tough time separating the content from the fanbase, but you have to admit that this stuff is EIIWIRDDSS and interesting to say the least.

this is how i tell this is shite ... all hipster stuff is more about doing different stuff for the sake of doing different stuff ... i can't explain, but I was always able to tell forced stuff from natural talent.

this M83 is silky :loco: