
not america's problem
i hate to be so blunt, but there's really no possible "endgame" over there
there's definately going to be lots of violence going on over there every single fucking day for the rest of eternity no matter what the fuck america or any other country does
the way i see it, america just needs to quickly pull out completely and get to a point where the violence over there doesn't affect america anymore
does anyone remember all of those "african genocides" that they kept talking about on law and order??? none of those involved the deaths of any americans, and you know why not??? because they all happened durring clinton's administration and clinton flat-out-said "it's not america's problem"
we need to do that again
we need to find a way to make a situation where the violence over there doesn't affect us and then just fucking leave already

For as long as USA will import huge quantities of oil, it is in USAs best interest for that region to be as stable as possible and they will go to war whenever they decide that going to war is necessary to keep that stability.
The price of oil jumps every time something extreme happens there.
Thats the number one reason USA is so active over there.

No one wants the war, but sometimes when the situation gets too heated - war will come anyway, then peace will follow and stay for as long as people remember how bad the war really is.
"none of us is in a position to eliminate war, but it is our obligation to denounce it and expose it in all its hideousness. War leaves no victors, only victims." - elie wiesel

war is always an option but it's never the answer.

Then i must be also a racist for thinking that on average asians are smarter than caucasians and caucasians smarter than africans...

This thread is fun.

Yes, yes you are.

"racism |ˈrāˌsizəm|
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."
Yes, yes you are.

"racism |ˈrāˌsizəm|
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."

I wonder if you know what "on average" means in english and how it means something totally different than "all". :)
you may not be racist. but your comment was racist. which is why i said "i don't love money" ...i'm jewish. although not from israel, i believe that when someone casts a generalization towards a specific race or people, i would consider it racist.

what you said is not a fact, it's something you perceive from a stereotype.

i'm sure you didn't mean to be racist though, primarily because you thought Judaism is a nation.

*it's not just a nation... it's a religion, nation and ethnicity.

Then i must be also a racist for thinking that on average asians are smarter than caucasians and caucasians smarter than africans...

This thread is fun.

and here's something above average to add to your list

You really might be illiterate - it says right at the top of the article that:

"There is no widely accepted formal definition of either race or intelligence in academia,[2] and any discussion of their connection involves studies from multiple disciplines, including psychology, anthropology, biology, and sociology."


"IQ tests performed in the United States have consistently demonstrated a significant degree of variation between different racial groups, with the average score of those with African ancestry lower than that of European ancestry and the average score of those with East Asian ancestry being higher than that of European ancestry. While the existence of racial IQ gaps is well-documented and not subject to much dispute, there is no consensus among researchers as to their cause."

There is no correlative evidence between average intelligence and race, if you can measure either. If anything, it'd be socioeconomic standings influencing intelligence.
hmm... i take back what i said.

if you thought it was "common knowledge" that would mean you had no idea what you were saying... which not only makes you look racist, it makes you look ignorant.

common knowledge: fire is hot, ice is cold, earth is a planet... not, "...jews love money."
You really might be illiterate - it says right at the top of the article that:

"There is no widely accepted formal definition of either race or intelligence in academia,[2] and any discussion of their connection involves studies from multiple disciplines, including psychology, anthropology, biology, and sociology."


"IQ tests performed in the United States have consistently demonstrated a significant degree of variation between different racial groups, with the average score of those with African ancestry lower than that of European ancestry and the average score of those with East Asian ancestry being higher than that of European ancestry. While the existence of racial IQ gaps is well-documented and not subject to much dispute, there is no consensus among researchers as to their cause."

There is no correlative evidence between average intelligence and race, if you can measure either. If anything, it'd be socioeconomic standings influencing intelligence.
Read the whole page first you dummy.
The American Psychological Association has said that while there are differences in average IQ between racial groups, and there is no conclusive evidence for environmental explanations, "there is certainly no [direct empirical] support for a genetic interpretation," and no adequate explanation for the racial IQ gap is presently available.
hmm... i take back what i said.

if you thought it was "common knowledge" that would mean you had no idea what you were saying... which not only makes you look racist, it makes you look ignorant.

common knowledge: fire is hot, ice is cold, earth is a planet... not, "...jews love money."
Context :)
Common knowledge that there are differences in average IQ between races.
Read the whole page first you dummy.

Did you even read what you just quoted me?

"The American Psychological Association has said that while there are differences in average IQ between racial groups, and there is no conclusive evidence for environmental explanations, "there is certainly no [direct empirical] support for a genetic interpretation," and no adequate explanation for the racial IQ gap is presently available."

1. IQ tests have been shown to be skewed towards whites.
2. No direct empirical support for a genetic interpretation.
3. No adequate explanation for the racial IQ gap.

It's official - you're a racist, illiterate antisemite.
The American Psychological Association has said that while there are differences in average IQ between racial groups,
=There are differences.

and there is no conclusive evidence for environmental explanations,
=The differences have no correlation to environmental conditions so they can't explain the differences with that factor.

there is certainly no [direct empirical] support for a genetic interpretation and no adequate explanation for the racial IQ gap is presently available.
=There is no genetic data that would explain why there are differences, in other words they could not find the gene responsible for this.

That doesn't change the fact that IQ tests are skewed to begin with; a point you conveniently avoided.

It's not "common knowledge" and it can't even be empirically demonstrated that the correlation exists.

*edit* I'm not going to read the entire article. It's long as shit, about a subject I don't care for, and frankly I have work to be doing rather than jerking off on a forum (again) dedicated to a topic I'm not really interested in.