
You're making simplistic arguments and then aren't liking the refutations that people are giving. You bat the ball back, calling the other person an idiot for not understanding you, and then you have the balls to act amazed when the other person lampoons you - as you justly deserve!

Link one article posted on a respected web page (any university will do) that disproves the data i linked.
Very telling of your psychological makeup.

Makes sense I guess. The average Pole is an argumentative fuckhead with no reasoning skills whatsoever and a penchant for shagging chickens.

Y'know... just average.....:rolleyes:

I know you are kidding.
There is judging a man on a stereotype of a nation he is a member of and then what you wrote here is judging a whole nation on just one example.
"Without a physical proof or at least 2 witnesses, the man is not a thief even if he stole something - thanks to that you will most probably never go to jail if you are a good person."

"so could you please look at that pdf file i linked above and comment on it ?"

Imagine if 2, or 10, or 100 witnesses are worng? (Check cases where someone spends years in the jail just because of the certainty problem)

I will take a look and let my Phd Scientific Methode teacher look at it too.

I won't argumment anymore about this, but I wan't to leave a final comment:

"Certainty" is the problem (even this sentence).
Check the book "The Problems of Jurisprudence" by Richard A. Posner, it will clarify your mind a bit.
I know you are kidding.
There is judging a man on a stereotype of a nation he is a member of and then what you wrote here is judging a whole nation on just one example.

Of course I'm kidding. I'm making a point of sorts... it's easy to sit back and say something generalised and "average" ... and it could easily be as wrong as a black sun!! :p

Link one article posted on a respected web page (any university will do) that disproves the data i linked.

You ask me this, but the bottom line is... I'm not necessarily questioning your data. I'm questioning your methodology. Read The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould... it gives some insight into this topic.

It's not really something we're going to wrap up in a forum thread like this. Especially when you're not quite getting the jist of my (and others) refutations against your claims.

Saying Jews love money and Asians are smarter than Caucasians, and then qualifying both statements by saying "on average" is intellectual bankrupcy at best and outright racism at worst.
It's not really something we're going to wrap up in a forum thread like this. Especially when you're not quite getting the jist of my (and others) refutations against your claims.
These are not my claims, i am not a scientist, what i know is based on reading articles on the subject, obviously i never conducted any text or experiments in this field.

Saying Jews love money
I already said that i also love money, so i didnt know that it was such a terrible thing to say in your cultural circles (i know few guys with jewish roots and i know they would not be offended much).
I apologize to anyone who felt insulted, it was not my intention.

Asians are smarter than Caucasians, and then qualifying both statements by saying "on average" is intellectual bankrupcy at best and outright racism at worst.
I qualified the racial differences with links that had some more links - you rejected them all.

OK now i am fully dressed and going out so don't expect any more entertainment from me for at least few hours.

you do realize you keep siting a psychologist that is widely described as racist and heavily criticized by the scientific community... right?

regurgitating his research is only going to make you look like you belong to some sort of hate group (ahemm! ...Pioneer Fund... ahemm!).

it's not fair to say you are wrong because there is no infallible research on either side but more importantly the world would not change if the research had ceased. it is pointless to get into a four page thread discussion about the potentially racist material of this research when the origin of the discussion was in fact an anti semitic stereotype, slurred by you.

you can backpedal all the way into your mother's womb but it won't change what you said.

either way, the research exists however is it really fair to perpetuate stereotypes?
you do realize you keep siting a psychologist that is widely described as racist and heavily criticized by the scientific community... right?
Links ?
I really want to know.

[edit] OK he is a racist - you are right about that.
If i get some free time, i will have to check some of the material he uses as references in that article.
Yeah, it occurred to me that things have gotten quite tangential, and even if we accept that genetically pure (meaning, isolated) Africans, Caucasians, Asians, etc. have different intellectual predispositions, I don't think the love of money could possibly be one, making it a cultural/ethnic stereotype and not a racial one
Actually, you didn't identify a nation but rather an ethnic group. One would be stating a stereotype as fact the other is just plain racist.
Judaism is a religion like Christianity or Islam, not a race or ethnic group.