Israel's military actions justified?


Mar 1, 2006
As I'm sure most people have seen, Israel has launched military operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Most military and political experts believe that Iran and Syria have their fingerprints all over Hezbollah's actions, but the situation boils down to Hezbollah crossing the southern border and kidnapping 2 Israeli soldiers and killing another. Knowing that Hezbollah operates out of Lebanon with Iranian and Syrian aid, what other options were available to Israel? The death of civilians is always horrible, no matter who pulls the trigger, but Hezbollah's actions are obviously an act of war. The situation in Gaza plays a big part in this of course. I would be interested in reading opinions on the current conflict.
At base level, yes they are (due to soldiers being kidnapped). However, to think that Israel is faultless is naive & ignorant beyond comprehension (or a good Anne Coulter diatribe).

When the IRanian president publicly declares that Israel has no right to exist and should be 'gone", it has to defend its existence.

Of course, Sharon simply added buckets of fuel to the fire. I'd hoped that things would calm with him being out of the picture, but that was naive.
I don't believe that either party is without fault in terms of the entire Arab/Israeli conflict, but that isn't the issue at hand. There was no point and no justification for Hezbollah to abduct and kill those soldiers on the border. Unless their intent was to bring more pain and death to the people of Lebanon. Hezbollah knows that Israel will not negotiate with terrorists, so what exactly were they hoping to achieve? Unlike other Islamic organizations, Hezbollah has been rather clear and careful about their goals and aims. I see this as an attempt to create a larger war in the area, and in effect take the focus off Iran and their nuclear ambitions.
Two soldiers were kidnapped, but the over-reaction by Israel is astounding!
Does it say in the Talmud "If a leaf from your neighbour's tree blows into your garden, you should burn your neighbour's house down"?

The IRA has killed thousands of the British public, and soldiers, yet Britain never bombed southern Ireland.

Israel will probably follow on with a pre-emptive air strike on Syria. But this is just the beginning.

If Syria had reinvaded Lebannon, imagine the international outcry! Syria would have war declared on them by the US. (Infact there are even comparisons to be made with how WWII started as a result of Germany invading Poland).

"Yet, the Israeli reaction to attacks by Palestinian militants and Hezbollah is rather bizarre. Although, both Palestinian militants and Hezbollah were originally targeting legitimate military targets, Israeli retaliation was clearly aiming against civilian targets, civil infrastructures and mass killing directed against an innocent population."

It is quite possible that the bombing in India was done by Mossad (Israeli secret service, motto: "By means of deception you shall wage war") as a destraction from the military activities of Israel, also to create anti-muslim feeling. And even, if it comes to a nuclear strike, between India and Pakistan, that would be so convenient for Israel!

They are seriously keen on using nukes (getting the US to do it) on Iran some time soon. It helps PR wise if nukes have recently been thrown around by India/Pakistan.
Norsemaiden said:
Two soldiers were kidnapped, but the over-reaction by Israel is astounding!
Does it say in the Talmud "If a leaf from your neighbour's tree blows into your garden, you should burn your neighbour's house down"?

The IRA has killed thousands of the British public, and soldiers, yet Britain never bombed southern Ireland.

Israel will probably follow on with a pre-emptive air strike on Syria. But this is just the beginning.

If Syria had reinvaded Lebannon, imagine the international outcry! Syria would have war declared on them by the US. (Infact there are even comparisons to be made with how WWII started as a result of Germany invading Poland).

"Yet, the Israeli reaction to attacks by Palestinian militants and Hezbollah is rather bizarre. Although, both Palestinian militants and Hezbollah were originally targeting legitimate military targets, Israeli retaliation was clearly aiming against civilian targets, civil infrastructures and mass killing directed against an innocent population."

It is quite possible that the bombing in India was done by Mossad (Israeli secret service, motto: "By means of deception you shall wage war") as a destraction from the military activities of Israel, also to create anti-muslim feeling. And even, if it comes to a nuclear strike, between India and Pakistan, that would be so convenient for Israel!

They are seriously keen on using nukes (getting the US to do it) on Iran some time soon. It helps PR wise if nukes have recently been thrown around by India/Pakistan.

I agree the actions by Israel are ridiculously over the top. One with think a country with so many smart people, wouldnt be so dumb and act like such arrogant violent asses. Israel remains our greatest enemy: greater than any terrorist cell.

Interestingly, while switching through FOx and CNN, fuddy duddy analysts (tv commentators) are going on about how Iran is controlling Hezbollah, and how Israel had to do what they did. I switch over to the BBC, and find american experts and academics saying the exact opposite thing. Funny how our media works.
Certain facts like how badly the war is going in Iraq are more likely to be reported in Europe than the US, so that morale is kept higher than would otherwise be the case, and less demand for troops to be withdrawn.

(Welcome back Hubster, btw).
I don't like the direction that this whole thing with Israel v Syria is going in. I fear it's a prelude to World War 3.
Hey Guys, I'm not a regular of "The Philosopher" board but I always lurk around here. Didn't expect to post again here on such a sad occasion, but I feel involved and I have something to share.

Anyways, most of you guys have a point to some extent. We, the people of Lebanon, are left confused and mad because of what is happening.
First off, someone asked why did Hezbollah kidnapp those two soldiers. They claim they did it because they want more of the Lebanese prisoners who are held in Israeli prisons released. (Mind you, they did the same thing last year and it did amount to the release of over a hundred prisoners) Hezbollah said had Israel released all the prioners this would have not happened. Either way, it seems to me that both knew this was coming. For the past five months, Israel had been constantly breaching our airspace, while it is no secret that Hezbollah got stronger over the past 6 years. I am pretty sure both parties were waiting for an excuse to attack each other, because they are both attacking their targets very accurately.
Personally, and I do not speak for the majority of the Lebanese people (or lets say for the majority of the muslims) when I say this but, I am very mad with what Hezbollah has done. It feels like they took over the country, our government claims it did not know about this attack, The leader of Hezbollah, Mr.Hassan Nasrallah is declaring open war on Israel without even asking the government, who does he think he is? he is dragging 4 million people to a war we never asked for or at least everyone except the Shi'ites in general did not ask for. Lebanon is NOT what you see on TV, we are not all followers or Hezbollah, we do not spend our days cursing the jews or cursing Israel and the Americans or the West or whatnot.
In the past few days we have lost more than a billion dollars because of this, we were expecting a record of Tourists this year, Concerts, festivals, Conferences...all gone. You might ask, why can't you stop hezbollah, why can't the government do it? Well simply because they we do not need another civil war. We've been through so much, and just when we thought we were out of it all and starting to build everything again, this happens.
I think Israel has the right to defend itself, but here's the problem, it is fighting an enemy that is hiding behind innocent people. We do not want war with them, but so far until today I think we are in too deep to be able to get out. All the foreigners are preparing to leave the country, it seems to me that the international community has condemned us to death.
I do not know what more to say, I just hope this ends soon.
Hope dies last.
Norsemaiden, Mossad, India?
what the hell are you on about
you're probably one of those people who read too many conspiracy theories...
Verwuestung said:
Norsemaiden, Mossad, India?
what the hell are you on about
you're probably one of those people who read too many conspiracy theories...

I didn't read anywhere that Mossad was behind the recent bombing atrocity in India (you do know about that happening don't you?). It is simply that in trying to work out who did a crime, it is always helpful to ask: who benefits? The finger points firmly in the direction of the master terrorists. They should be at least under suspision.

Falconspirit - I really feel sorry for your people being drawn into this evil game of power.
In the Biblical Covenant between God and the Jews, all the land between the Mediterranean sea and the Euphrates river belongs to the Jews. If they have a claim to the Palestinian land where Israel is now, then they have claim to this also. This includes: Lebanon, half of Syria, Jordan and half of Iraq.

If Olmert is a mad Jew who thinks he's the Messiah, he has the only right recognised by Nature to take this territory - ie. the right of the strong to dominate the weak - and ethnically cleanse the area for his own race.
Norsemaiden said:
In the Biblical Covenant between God and the Jews, all the land between the Mediterranean sea and the Euphrates river belongs to the Jews. If they have a claim to the Palestinian land where Israel is now, then they have claim to this also. This includes: Lebanon, half of Syria, Jordan and half of Iraq.

If Olmert is a mad Jew who thinks he's the Messiah, he has the only right recognised by Nature to take this territory - ie. the right of the strong to dominate the weak - and ethnically cleanse the area for his own race.

Who cares!!! "Nuke em" out in the middle east the suns gone to there heads all of these years they believe land rights is a human it means shit. If i wanna put my tent up in your back garden and read a daft book on scientology then ill do it.... obviously ill get kidnapped and done in by the neighbours but hey thats the human race for ya. Hey Say it loud... cmon lets get together all of us non-Religieous people and "Nuke" the whole of the middle east.... cause they are stil arguing about the same old shit that they have been fighting over for years.... they are all obviuosly totaly stupid in the heads.... too much sun.

How to solve a problem of who gets to eat all of the cake.............
answer: divide it up into equal shares so everyone gets a piece, that way nobody starves... thats fucking basic human decent bahavior, love and respect for your fellow man.... Palastinians and Jews???? "Nuke em"....the greedy bastards.
EGOR said:
Who cares!!! "Nuke em" out in the middle east the suns gone to there heads all of these years they believe land rights is a human it means shit. If i wanna put my tent up in your back garden and read a daft book on scientology then ill do it.... obviously ill get kidnapped and done in by the neighbours but hey thats the human race for ya. Hey Say it loud... cmon lets get together all of us non-Religieous people and "Nuke" the whole of the middle east.... cause they are stil arguing about the same old shit that they have been fighting over for years.... they are all obviuosly totaly stupid in the heads.... too much sun.

How to solve a problem of who gets to eat all of the cake.............
answer: divide it up into equal shares so everyone gets a piece, that way nobody starves... thats fucking basic human decent bahavior, love and respect for your fellow man.... Palastinians and Jews???? "Nuke em"....the greedy bastards.

Ok EGor, you get one "nuke them" post and no more.
speed said:
Ok EGor, you get one "nuke them" post and no more.

Why? :cry: .....Why, why, why, Why not? :cry: :cry: :cry:

Now look what you have done you have upset Egor.... cmon Egor time for bed.... let the nasty man have his own way........................................... ( a nuke free zone )
Two ethnic-cultural groups cannot get along in the same space.

Either they must separate, or one must win, or both become assimilated.

Israel is doing what everyone with a brain knew they would end up doing. Those of you who feel otherwise were deluded by wishful, impractical, unrealistic, delusional thinking.
EGOR said:
"Nuke em"

I've seen the photos from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Adolf Hitler referred to the atomic bomb as "an immoral weapon."


Definitely I am afraid of whatever did that to civilian and tree, warrior and dog, house and flowers alike.

Total equality. Total abuse-prone power.
infoterror said:
I've seen the photos from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Adolf Hitler referred to the atomic bomb as "an immoral weapon."


Definitely I am afraid of whatever did that to civilian and tree, warrior and dog, house and flowers alike.

Total equality. Total abuse-prone power.

Its hard to say whether he was being facetious or not, but four posts of "nuke em" seemed a trite bit repetitve to me. Sorry Egor, go back to your cave or catacombs, and dream up something that involves a little thought.