Israil Vs Lebanon


May 17, 2006
I try to steer clear of politics on this or any site and especially here if it involves the Middle East and Israil but here I have to make an exception!

Oprhaned Land I call you, ask of you to try and do somthing about Israil bombing Lebanon! Im not a Lebanon Im English but this I feel strongly about!
Please try and do somthing to stop it!
It is damaging Israil's reputation, it will bring more religious violance and just violance against you, Christians, Muslims and Jews will fight again. Isralis are some of the nicest people I have every met, so warm and inviting this I would never wish on anyone, its uncalled for and unjust. I know Israils history, its intwined with my own history (we held it until the state was forged), plus the constant fighting and bickering between you, Palastine, and all others around is played out day by day on TV sets around the world.
So I beg of you help from the bottom of your hearts, the humanity inside you, would you like this to happen to your families?, practice what you preach about bringing Jew, Muslim and Christian together and do something, anything: write a song, call a demonstration, write a petition anything just to someting to stop this unjust, silly, pointless "war"! You may even help bring peace to the middle east and give places like Palastine a true home.

Your friend,

Orphaned Land is an excellent band and all, but I don't think they have any political influence like that.
Maybe but they may be able to get the Government noticing that there are those out there that feel this is a stupid "war" or whatever they call it, unite those on both sides of the baracade
Mabool said:
Maybe but they may be able to get the Government noticing that there are those out there that feel this is a stupid "war" or whatever they call it, unite those on both sides of the baracade

i'm totally agree with you man
that's not fair
all the world is watching the israeli and american crimes on Lebanon and Palestine without any move
if Orphaned Land can do something , that will be very nice fom them
perhaps not all the members share the same political ideology?
even if they do what can you expect them to do apart from joining the Israeli citizens demonstrating in Tel Aviv against the war?
Haha, you picked the wrong forum, I think, since I'm guessing that there's more than a slight chance that some people here may be from Israel, and don't think that what Israel is doing is half as bad as whats being done to her. And I'm one of them.

It's very easy to say "stop, can't you see that violence breeds violence" but I'm pretty sure that if we just stop, they won't.

But hey, don't let my post get in your way. What do I know?
Frosties said:
Haha, you picked the wrong forum, I think, since I'm guessing that there's more than a slight chance that some people here may be from Israel, and don't think that what Israel is doing is half as bad as whats being done to her. And I'm one of them.

It's very easy to say "stop, can't you see that violence breeds violence" but I'm pretty sure that if we just stop, they won't.

But hey, don't let my post get in your way. What do I know?
I definitely agree.
I think the guys from Orphaned Land are doing as much as they can to show how Jews and Arabs can live we have same hobbies, and love the same music.....
believe me, the band are doing a lot.....but they are only a metal band.....

I will speak for myself here.....this band, and this forum is the light in the dark tunnel......i was pasimistic all my life......but the people here show that there is another way....way of peace....
and everything thanx to the band!
Mabool said:
I try to steer clear of politics on this or any site and especially here if it involves the Middle East and Israil but here I have to make an exception!

Oprhaned Land I call you, ask of you to try and do somthing about Israil bombing Lebanon! Im not a Lebanon Im English but this I feel strongly about!
Please try and do somthing to stop it!
It is damaging Israil's reputation, it will bring more religious violance and just violance against you, Christians, Muslims and Jews will fight again. Isralis are some of the nicest people I have every met, so warm and inviting this I would never wish on anyone, its uncalled for and unjust. I know Israils history, its intwined with my own history (we held it until the state was forged), plus the constant fighting and bickering between you, Palastine, and all others around is played out day by day on TV sets around the world.
So I beg of you help from the bottom of your hearts, the humanity inside you, would you like this to happen to your families?, practice what you preach about bringing Jew, Muslim and Christian together and do something, anything: write a song, call a demonstration, write a petition anything just to someting to stop this unjust, silly, pointless "war"! You may even help bring peace to the middle east and give places like Palastine a true home.

Your friend,


Hi Warren
I appreciate your concern about what's going on her but it seems you don't see the whole picture(mostly because international media are not too fond of Israel) and probably don't hear about Israel's massive civillian casualties because no one reports it or they put it as a little footnote.
I understand Israel seems overly agressive but maybe...they're not as agressive as they are shown by the media and maybe this agression(which is in fact not agression but defence.defence of the civillians of the north from attacks by Hizbollah or any other armed militia.) is justified.

about the demonstration against the war in tel Aviv...this is just a very small minority of Israel's people...they are either people that don't want anymore Israeli soldiers dying in lebanon(and trust me we had plenty from 1982 untill 2000) and the others are arabs who support terror against Israel.
matter of fact is a clear majority of Israel's people and Israel's polititains support this war because it's justified.

and last but not least...
I opened a politics thread aspeacially for these kind of things because I and most of the people here don't like to spread this subjuct all over the forum
plus there are many things there that would explain what I just told you here
RashomoN said:
I think the guys from Orphaned Land are doing as much as they can to show how Jews and Arabs can live we have same hobbies, and love the same music.....
believe me, the band are doing a lot.....but they are only a metal band.....

I will speak for myself here.....this band, and this forum is the light in the dark tunnel......i was pasimistic all my life......but the people here show that there is another way....way of peace....
and everything thanx to the band!

Totally right. Orphaned Land has done a tremendous amount of good with their music, especially Mabool, already. That is great enough; no way could I expect more. (well.. I do have high hopes for the next album, lol ;) )
I agree with you both obviously...Orphaned Land has done more to bring Jewish Muslim and Christian hearts together in harmony more than anyone else here did.
Having fans in Lebanon and the mutual love the Israeli and the Lebanese OL fans have for each other...and that just says it all

Next album will be about a warrior of light probably fighting forces of darkness
and I think you can guess who I think is the forces of darkness...
that's right
people fighting against the apartheid in south africa,mother theresa,the jews,fire fighters at 9/11 etc etc...
I understnad this may be in teh wrong place, I didnt see the politics thread but at least it stands out. Im not trying to make a feud here and Id hate to fall out with you all coz your all absoultely awsome. I was anti-war in Iraq and I have to say from what I have seen, read and heard It has made me anti this. I feel that Israil is taking this 'saving captured soldiers' thing abit to seriously and Lebabnon are just defending themselves just as Israel are defending themselves and it comes back really to why must we all fight why cant we all get along. I may be a Chrisitan but I have German Jewish blood running through me so in a subconcoiusly Israil is my spritiual home 2 times over. But in my life time (of 21 years) all I ever see is Israel bitching and genrally being assholes to the Palestinans and bitching with the likes of Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Egypt (look at the 6 day war, who started that?!) ok thats a warped view especially from the UK (even though I will say we see much more of world news and politics than say America) considering we never aknowledged Israel upon its creation and had to coz the USA did.
But still I dont understand why they have to fight? What will Isreal gain out of it? more enemies and more trouble! It has always seemed to me like an Ireland/Eire situation, a never ending bitching session.
My view on this subject is not an attack or a blinded, ignornat view on thre normal, jo public of Israel like yourselves or of any other country, im just pissed off with your Govnerment for being assholes, Blair for doing sweet FA (as usual) and Bush and 'Condi' for doing sweet FA and like Blair just using wrods, not action.
dear Warren,

well....i can say we have something in common....we both hate wars..... have some mistakes regarding the history facts....6 days war and so.....
understand.....there is a man with belief who writing the history arab will say something against arab, as no jew will say something bad about jews.....
there is NO objective history book, as well as movies (there is a man behind the camera who chooses the right angle)...and so on....

but since '48.....everyone in the area are trying to erase Israel.....we (jews) had a lot of problems since the beginning of time, and you can't say i am wrong!
it is a lot more complicated than you think.....or know!

and another can't say we are over-reacted after kidnapping the is the idea.....but not only.....
think about every soldier as your own brother, or kid.....or you yourself!

i feel sorry for the familes.....exactly as i feel sorry for the families of the innocent lebanese who got killed in this stupid fighting....
but i am sorry.....Hizbollah had started!
Heaven sake can a man be against somthing without being blasted?! What I think Israel is doing is wrong or if not abit heavy handed just as much as the war in Iraq is wrong or the Armanina massacre of 1918 or the Holocaust were wrong. I can understand nations defending themselves. If Israel didnt start the 6 day war who did? I recall reading in many a history book (for I am a History uni student) plus seeing many a TV footage archive that Isreal said they started it about a day or so afer the 'war' had ended.
But can you understand why everyone has been bitching with Israel, we leave Palastine then the 'Israelis' walk in and start pushing the Palasinteains around saying "this is my land fuck off" and then wonder why every Muslim or Arabian country starts bitching? Then its a consiracy theory that they are trying to Iradicate Israel. Israel will never be exterminated because it has America behind it and at the moment America dosent like any Arabian country because it 'breeds Terroists'.
All I am saying is that this is wrong and needs to stop it has nothing to do with the people of Israel or Lebanon or Syria and so on they in my eyes are the victims and are all kind and loving people.
I know maybe it wasnt the best place to put it but I thought as we are all Orpahned Land fans and come from all three of the relgious sects that are fighting and beleive in Oprhaned Lands cause of bringing our relgions together in peace and harmony that we may at least try and stop it somehow regardless of the Brainwashing, the conspiracy theories, the Hsitory book etc!
if theres something that i have learned from all my years living in israel, is that the only languege that most of the muslims understand, is violence.
why hezbolla had to kidannap two israeli soldiers? what have we done to them? nothing! they just want war, so war we give to them.

and you people in the US, are you forgeten what muslims (al kaida) have done to you?
al kaida, hezbolla, hamas, they all the same. all they want is war and unliberited sesiety.
Erm Dark Medieval Times, Im from England a totally differnt place to the USA, we looked after Israel before the state existed, we built the modern world, we had an empire where the sun never set. So your tarnashing Muslims with the same brush? How would you like it if I said all Israleis are war moungering bigots who want to grab every bit of land and push around those who aren't jews, or I blame you for the death of Christ? Id be booted of this site quicker than jumping jack flash! I know Jews and Muslims and you know what, in fact an aunt of mine is a Muslim? They get on, thats right, they get on they are calling for Jihad or a crusade. So we had 7/7 but that don't mean that I think all Muslims are evil its a small minority that give the majority a bad rep, like those in Israel who beleive boombing the shit out every arabian country gives a bad rep to those who want to live in peace an harmony.
Erm Dark Medieval Times, Im from England a totally differnt place to the USA, we looked after Israel before the state existed, we built the modern world, we had an empire where the sun never set. So your tarnashing Muslims with the same brush? How would you like it if I said all Israleis are war moungering bigots who want to grab every bit of land and push around those who aren't jews, or I blame you for the death of Christ? Id be booted of this site quicker than jumping jack flash! I know Jews and Muslims and you know what, in fact an aunt of mine is a Muslim? They get on, thats right, they get on they are calling for Jihad or a crusade. So we had 7/7 but that don't mean that I think all Muslims are evil its a small minority that give the majority a bad rep, like those in Israel who beleive boombing the shit out every arabian country gives a bad rep to those who want to live in peace an harmony.
Mabool said:
So we had 7/7 but that don't mean that I think all Muslims are evil its a small minority that give the majority a bad rep, like those in Israel who beleive boombing the shit out every arabian country gives a bad rep to those who want to live in peace an harmony.

you putting this in a very bad in Israel there are no perople who want to live in peace and made yourself looks you are one sided and can't see the other side....
but....if you believe that the minority in both sides are the ones who give the bad closed!
Sorry that 2nd one shouldn't be there my comp was going crazy an stuck it up twice.
I'll close this in a sec because its obvious that some people on here can't allow views that conflict to the brainwashing trip they have been told.
All I was asking was that we do somthing about like the Hippy I am but if its that much of an issue for those who beleive that this war is rigtous or those who belive every muslim is a jihad preaching terroist then I'll get rid of it or someone can get rid of it for me.
Its a shame we live in such a 1984 society now days where a man cant even have a point of view.
I also feel alittle bit let own by my fellow Orpahned Land fans who I thought were bigger than to be so ignorant, intollerant of over peoples views, races or religious leanings considering you all seem to at least beleive in the message the band preach both in 'Mabool' an as a philosphy.
I'm also sick of having to defend myself an my view/s!
Mabool said:
Sorry that 2nd one shouldn't be there my comp was going crazy an stuck it up twice.
I'll close this in a sec because its obvious that some people on here can't allow views that conflict to the brainwashing trip they have been told.
All I was asking was that we do somthing about like the Hippy I am but if its that much of an issue for those who beleive that this war is rigtous or those who belive every muslim is a jihad preaching terroist then I'll get rid of it or someone can get rid of it for me.
Its a shame we live in such a 1984 society now days where a man cant even have a point of view.
I also feel alittle bit let own by my fellow Orpahned Land fans who I thought were bigger than to be so ignorant, intollerant of over peoples views, races or religious leanings considering you all seem to at least beleive in the message the band preach both in 'Mabool' an as a philosphy.
I'm also sick of having to defend myself an my view/s!
RashomoN and Mabool, I think you both are misunderstanding each other... In fact you are telling the same thing but the tension's so high that you cannot see it...