Israil Vs Lebanon

Warren dear...
your misconception and comparison of Israel's action to say the holocaust is irrelavent and is just going to piss off some people here.
I understand you see things in a somewhat anti Israeli way because that's the way the british press puts it...I watch BBC so I know...
every press is affraid not to be against Israel because reporting something pro Israel means riots in your city by extemist mob lead by sheik asshole...
I don't know about you but I don't want some assholes to burn the virgin megastore on Oxford street for something said on the bbc.
now that we cleared you can't trust the media...

please please put an hour of your time to read the entire politics thread...
it will give you an exact idea of what's going on and how far from the truth you are...
you mean the bbc is not objective?????? ohhhhhh wait now i understand, they are subjective in the same way the israeli media are, thanks for clearing that up!

where 2 people are fighting, 2 people are stupid.
Warren dear...
your misconception and comparison of Israel's action to say the holocaust is irrelavent and is just going to piss off some people here.
I understand you see things in a somewhat anti Israeli way because that's the way the british press puts it...I watch BBC so I know...
every press is affraid not to be against Israel because reporting something pro Israel means riots in your city by extemist mob lead by sheik asshole...
I don't know about you but I don't want some assholes to burn the virgin megastore on Oxford street for something said on the bbc.
now that we cleared you can't trust the media...

please please put an hour of your time to read the entire politics thread...
it will give you an exact idea of what's going on and how far from the truth you are...
So the fact I am defending you guys and trying my hardest to be both sympathetic and also stress my anti-any war stance still isn't good enough! I might as well be as bigoted and closed-minded as some of you on here!
Id really like to hear from the band on this matter. All I called for was for orphaned land to stop Isreal bombing Lebanon and just make peace and now Im being spoken to like an enemy of Isreal and its people! Fuck it im shutting this down!
Some one shut this down. All I wanted was an end to the 'war' an violance and thought my fellow OL fnas would argee but obviously you want war. To quote Shakespeare 'A Plauge on all your Houses!'
AnTz0r said:
you mean the bbc is not objective?????? ohhhhhh wait now i understand, they are subjective in the same way the israeli media are, thanks for clearing that up!

where 2 people are fighting, 2 people are stupid.

I never said Israeli media was's not.
but it's the only press that can report pro Israel without having riots and vanadlism and all hell brake loose.

I'll give you an example of what I mean...
last week 3 palestinian suicide bombings were planned and were stopped before they could press the button...Israeli media reported this.the bbc didn't.

as a reaction Israel arrested one of palestinian parlament officials...this was reported on the bbc.

so we get here an unprovoked arrest by Israel at the eyes of Brits and a perfectly legitimate action in the eyes of Israel.

now if you take this and multiply it over a long period of time you get people to see Israel as the agressor even though none of the conflicts was actually innitiated by Israel.
you guys are exhausting me with this politic shit.
Lets just all hope that this war will end, and the three kidnapped soldiers will be brought home.

I have L O T S of Lebanese friends whom I been with in OL shows in Turkey.
This is not a war between Israel and Lebanon.
Mabool said:
How would you like it if I said all Israleis are war moungering bigots who want to grab every bit of land and push around those who aren't jews, or I blame you for the death of Christ?
Firstly, that's not the right way to look at it. Israel isn't taking over land. If they were, they wouldn't have given away so much of the land that belongs to them. Even though they gave that land away in the name of peace, people are still attacking Israel.
First of all, even if the Jews did kill Jesus, wouldn't that mean that the Jews did what was supposed to be done to him? If Jesus was not crucified, than according to Christian beliefs, they would not have been forgiven for the original sin. Christianity would not even exist.
But all that doesn't matter since the Jews could not have possible killed Jesus. He was killed on Passover, a holiday, and the Jews never performed executions on their holiday or Sabbath. If there was an executioner on one of those days, he would have to be executed sine that is the punishment for breaking the Sabbath or holiday. Murder of any kind, even a bug, is prohibited on the Sabbath.
Also, the Jews never crucified. They had a few different execution methods, but cruicifixion was a Roman technique.
So those are not fair analogies to compare it to verbally attacking Muslims.

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Muslims. I have some friends who are Muslim in Detroit. But there is a big difference between a Muslim guy who is just Muslim, or a Muslim guy who is dancing in the streets on 9/11 (yes, I saw people doing that!).
Folklore said:
you guys are exhausting me with this politic shit.
Lets just all hope that this war will end, and the three kidnapped soldiers will be brought home.

I have L O T S of Lebanese friends whom I been with in OL shows in Turkey.
This is not a war between Israel and Lebanon.

so true!
I would just like to add to your wishes living safely in the middle east.
Dear Mabool.
I certainly appreciate your anti-war stance, and the fact that you created this is what we need in these dark times. But...
Pointing the blame at Israel or my country is not the solution. Israel is suffering too, many innocent people have died, and it makes me so sad to mention this again and again.
First off, I hope all my fellow Orphaned Land fans in Israel are safe. It is certainly re-assuring and englightening to see hope in the posts of nice people such as RashomoN and paradoxile. (I'm sorry if I failed to mention the rest of you, I haven't had the time to read all the replies).
It seems that the political and diplomatic efforts are on the increase, it is a good sign, we need to reach a ceasefire soon. While I was a bit disappointed with the US-France drafts, I am relieved with some of the positive Israeli statements. And while many of those who followed Mr.Hassan Nasrallah's last speech focused on his threats, I was also relieved to hear him say he would stop firing rockets at Israel if the Israeli army stopped its attacks. Furthermore, and although our government has been somewhat struggling to find a solution to all this I am happy with PM Seniora's last speech, and the fact that they are becoming serious about sending the LEBANESE army South to insure that Hezbollah stops it attacks when an international decree is reached regarding ceasefire. I am also surprised to hear that the Lebanese Army is calling the reserve troops, it's one of the first times that I hear this so it seems as though the government is finally serious about sending the army south. I sure hope all of this will end soon.
I'd just like to respond to one of the posts which claimed that Arabs think that the only solution is violence, by simply saying I do not agree. I am an arab, I am Lebanese and I am proud to say and repeat that I have always wanted peace with Israel, in fact I dream about it as well. The proof as some of you mentionned is by small daily miracles such as music, Orphaned Land's music for example. But for me, Orphaned Land just one of the reasons that make us come together, I am drawn to other cultures by nature, and I am interested in Israelis, Palestinians, Americans, Europeans, Asians..equally. And Music is one of the forms of culture that brings us together, and hopefully will...really soon.
Mabool, lets not close this thread. Lets start it again, without blaming, without giving excuses for violence ( I am not saying you did, just speaking in general), and lets fill it with hope!
Peace out everybody. :)
Well I never wanted to start a fight I just wanted to call on all my fellow land fans including the band themsleves to ttry and show people both on a national and international scene that some of us, some of you beleive it to be stupid, futile and well basucally against all religious comandments.

Just quickly to metalhead87 I was using that in an analogy, I know the jews didnt kill Jesus, i know there not all war moungers but I was just using it to say you cant tarnish a whole group whoever theya re with teh same brush.
Can I ask people? (i would put up another thread but I thought fuck it I'll ask it on this one) What do people think of Circus Maximus? coz Im ordering their album thurs. Or are most people in here into the death/Black metal scene?
They're pretty good. I like Eidolon better, but Circus Maximus are worth checking out.
I listen to a lot of stuff basically
I do like them but then I like Dream Theater and Symphony X and they are very similar but then I like Opeth and after seeing the Land at Progpower UK in march an getting their back catalogue Im like them both now because they are very similar. Im just seeing what other people think about them.
i am sorry if i seemed to be attacking you......
i just say things are not as they are shown in the media.....
the israeli media, like any other media in the world, is not objective.....but i have to say there are some which shows the other side as well.....
we have arab media as well.....adn we have left winged newspapers (like "haharetz") which are more objective......jews who shows the problems of the palestinians or the lebanese (more objective than that???).

really....i am not trying to attack any one......i respect every person, and every opinion.....
i just want to show there is another side in each story.....
that why i chose Rashomon as my nick for the japanese movie, and you will know what i mean!
Roshomon is a great movie!

Mabool, check out Eidolon's The Parallel Otherworld. It is an amazing album and the vocalist is Nils K. Rue from Pagan's Mind! There is also a sweet cover of Mercyful Fate's The Oath. Read my review of the album here.
Dude, Circus Maximus is the shit. "The 1st Chapter" is an amazing album, and the song "Glory of the Empire" is a freaking -masterpiece-. I can't wait to see them at the ProgPower preshow!!
Zero Hour, Mercenary and Evergrey are going to play too. Oh how I am pissed to miss this. I need to get my driver's license already. I'm sick of missing out on shows because i live too far