Underground Bands

Well, cem_eesti is kinda right about Estonian folk, it can be quite boring, although there also are some very nice tunes. The problem is I have no idea, where to find real Estonian folk songs on the internet. One day I hope to buy the Anthology of Estonian Traditional Music (it's kind of expensive), then I'll give you some listening examples. :)
But then there are also the bands mixing folk tunes with other music. Neiokõsõ is one example, although I don't like them that much, they're nice for pop, but they're still pop. There are some nice folk rock bands I could suggest like Oort (couldn't find any samples on their page) and Tulli Lum (they seem to have samples). The singer of Tulli Lum is actually not estonian, she's livonian and also sings in livonian. Livonian is an almost dead language (only around 10 people have learned it as their mother-tongue) in Latvia and it is very closely related to estonian.
Then you ca also check the page of the Viljandi Folk Music Festival , they have a video archive of the festival (not all artists are estonian).
well a useful comment you sent...

also check this link too: http://berclo.net/page03/03en-altaic-uralic-lang.html

i can say that we have many common words and we have a same style language with hungarian (hungarians are asian minor people too) and really turkish language is a bit sound like estonian.

but still it hasn't prooved that finnish, estonian, hungarian languages are related with turkish also there is even not any common word between estonian or turkish any more..

same related words between hungarian and turkish:
Hun turkish english
alma elma apple
szakal sakal beard
arpa arpa barley
balta balta axe
tarlo tarla field
erdem erdem virtue
tekno tekne boat
serke sirke nit
... and many others

a book about uralic - altaic languages: http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/language/qt/finnougric.htm

it's a strong possibility that we turks and estonians were related in the ancient times!

as i know only:
kool (okul in turkish) means school and kõr (kıkırdak) means gristle a bit sound like in that two languages. btw õ has same reading in turkish letter ı or the (bli) lettter in russian.

because of your encoding you can see the letter ı as something like y. it's normally the pointless style of "i"
I think I'm very much bribed on this question; My favorite "underground" band is the Israeli "Kna'an", that are my very good friends.. :blush:
Melodic-Death-Metal (though it's not exactly my style). They're cool.
Thanks for all the info cem_eesti! :)

The problem with hungarian is that only about 5-10 % (don't remember exactly) of their words have their origin in fenno-ugric words, so their language is pretty different anyway.

There are also some theories about the sumerians being relatives of the fenno-ugric people, but that's probably only an attempt to tie the first culture known to achieve writing abilities to our own. :D
yea we turks have same attempt too. for example, sümer is a common turkish name here. also the first sumerology department in any university has opened in turkey by atatürk 70 years ago.. :P

just as i read in a few books, they were not speaking any samitic language even they were living in messapotamia but by the guti and akadian rules, they have forgotten their language & culture. and they were a forgotten civilization until the begining of the last century.

they are really very wierd, maybe that's why that became subjects for some bands like morbid angel, therion or septic flesh etc..

and relation between turks and hungarians occour to ancient hun empire (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hun) who was accepting as a turkic civilization by some historians.

and... really.. estonian really sounds like turkish language when someone speaks, same kind of soft langauge... also grammatics are a bit similar too!
yea we turks have same attempt too. for example, sümer is a common turkish name here. also the first sumerology department in any university has opened in turkey by atatürk 70 years ago.. :P

just as i read in a few books, they were not speaking any samitic language even they were living in messapotamia but by the guti and akadian rules, they have forgotten their language & culture. and they were a forgotten civilization until the begining of the last century.

they are really very wierd, maybe that's why that became subjects for some bands like morbid angel, therion or septic flesh etc..

and relation between turks and hungarians occour to ancient hun empire who was accepting as a turkic civilization by some historians.

and... really.. estonian really sounds like turkish language when someone speaks, same kind of soft langauge... also grammatics are a bit similar too!