It almost brings tears to my eyes


Feb 20, 2005
The Mesa Boogie Plant Tour video, that is :lol:

Seriously, between the incredibly soothing music of Andy Timmons and the quality of craftsmanship that goes into the products the company stands for (not to mention their reputation as a great company with excellent service), all I can feel is just a huge amount of pride in my country, in that Randall Smith embodied the American dream by just being a talented dude who built awesome amps and had enough business sense to build his company into what it is today! Ditto with Hartley Peavey of course, but they're on a bit more of a mass-produced scale, so I can't have quite as much of a misty-eyed view of 'em ;)

Geez Marcus do you fap to the sound of your dual too? Haha I love Mesa Boogie, but lord haha not as much as you do. Also as a random note the Krank left for a Soldano. So I got a Soldano in the house and I have a custom white Dual Rec coming this week. I will have to get some pics of the dual rec for you to see.
Haha, well I haven't been able to get it up recently since becoming disenchanted with my Stiletto cab, but once I sell it for a Recto cab the chubs will be erupting left and right once again! :lol: And fucking awesome that you got a Soldano (which one, Avenger?), and I can't wait to see the white Dual!
Yeah I got the Avenger. Always wanted an Slo but couldnt afford it so this is the nearest thing being as its the Slo lead channel.
I want a Mesa Stiletto Stage Deuce, sounds fuckin' beast when it's boosted. The problem is, it was between that and re-voicing my Rocktron. I'll take my chances with my current amp before I drop some serious money on a new amp. My gear list is pretty ridiculous for a non-pro though:
Heh, pretty funny when they first show you how they put together the amps, really carefully and inspect everything and whatnot .. and then one guy comes in and starts bashing the amp with a hammer! :lol:

Yeah yeah, I know.. but it looked funny, didn't see that one coming! :)
Heh, pretty funny when they first show you how they put together the amps, really carefully and inspect everything and whatnot .. and then one guy comes in and starts bashing the amp with a hammer! :lol:
Yeah yeah, I know.. but it looked funny, didn't see that one coming! :)

Yeah the hammer thing, I was like "WTF" ahahah

anyway thats some great promotial material. I feel good now that I have a mesa LAULZ :lol:
Öwen;8126351 said:
You yanks and your mesa masturbation :(

Jealousy is a sickness, get well soon! :heh:

This makes me want to buy a Mesa product. Even though I absolutely have no need for one.

I KNOW, it's the same feeling I had after going to the Mercedes Benz museum in Stuttgart, you start at the top floor, immerse yourself in the company's glorious history, and by the time you make your way down to the dealership at the bottom floor your sold! And yeah, the hammer thing is pretty funny, but hey, it goes to show they stand by the road-worthiness of their stuff! And DAMN I love that Timmons song, it's so disgustingly insidiously perfect for making my heart swell at the thought of Mesa and all those happy hard-working folks building their amps with a little bit of pride and joy in each one ARRRGGGGHHHH :lol:
Yeah mesa for life, I love my dual recto!
Do you think guys it's possible to visit the factory?it would be a great experince to me ;)

I gotta find out for myself! But of course the vid would have you believe it's not a factory so much as just one big garage with a bunch of kindly craftsmen tooling away :D
Heh, pretty funny when they first show you how they put together the amps, really carefully and inspect everything and whatnot .. and then one guy comes in and starts bashing the amp with a hammer! :lol:
Yeah yeah, I know.. but it looked funny, didn't see that one coming! :)

Thats exactly what I thought :lol: Endurance tests ftw!

And god, that wood-finished Lonestar looked absolutely astonishing... i'd cut my little toe on my left foot for it!
incredibly soothing music of Andy Timmons

Andy Timmons is from my home town. when i was a little kid he was always in a local music shop shredding shit up. It was mind blowing to watch him play when i was that young. Amazing guitarist and really cool guy.

O yeah and i own a Triple Recto lol
Amazing guitarist and really cool guy.

and doesn't afraid of anything!

Haha, on-topic though, I can kinda agree with you Marcus, the video is very beautiful, but that is also what they want you to feel when you watch it! What if they pee in your amps in reality? Hahaha... sorry, just a sick thought I had.

Anyway, very nice vid! Now go sell that damn cab of yours and get a proper one so we can try some reamping dude :D
Haha, on-topic though, I can kinda agree with you Marcus, the video is very beautiful, but that is also what they want you to feel when you watch it! What if they pee in your amps in reality? Hahaha... sorry, just a sick thought I had.

Oh I know, I've been saying that the whole time, but I don't care, I'm ready to believe! :D

And no one is more eager to get rid of this cab for a Recto than I, but I can't force a buyer's hand (not like it's stopped me from trying, mostly by nagging everyone who has shown any interest, as yet to no avail :Smug: )
Haha when I watched this I just saw a image in my head of you Marcus sat with a tear rolling down your cheek with your palm pressed to your chest :)