It's going down!


Mar 10, 2003
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No matter where I read through the threads, there's always somebody lamenting about bands he doesn't like for any reason, and it's always the same reasons: <<too many others like them, i don't like the ones who like them, they're not "true", they're too new(what the?), they're not underground/extreme enough, they can't even play solo parts, i hate this guitar player, i hate that drummer>> and so fuckin on....

but the worst i ever heard: "they think they're better, cause they mix acoustic with heavy parts and use complicated lyrics and play long songs, that's why i hate them" (most know that band)
--- so every band in this world: STOP BEING CREATIVE o_O

i don't know what's your aim, you think you're the only ones with a taste?
You,fucking you are the ones who make all the music complicated by fucking trying to teach everyone whats and whats not "true"...
and to all that "this-or-that-musical-direction-is-the-best-fuck-the-rest"-freaks: what youre doing is what i call INCEST...

you are the reason for the existance of the so called mainstream, as too much weakminded buddies have too think about what music is cool, cuz you tell them this or that music is shit, and so they simply listen to everything all the others listen's all the same scheme...

they would get much faster into "good music" if they realized on their own, that theres much more out there in the great great music-universe

thats destroying music-culture and feeding the mainstream-monster

had to say that
(forgot the half of what i wanted to write, by writing)
Well you get some people in here that are just young-minded to music. They will grow as they get more exposure to different styles of metal. Eighteen years ago if someone played some of the keyboard based ballads I like from SX or VP etc. I would have probably bitch-slapped them. You view things differently once you have more exposure to other options.

Blackwater.... you have a poin there. But shuldn't get mad at those people.. just ingnore them. Those are weak persons who only listen to "extreme"music... the most underground, the ultra heavy music... if its not underground, it sux, if its not super mega heavy it sux..
there is a word to describe those kind of people: POSERS
This is pretty much the same point I was trying to make about the excessive Metallica threads. I think you'll find, as I have, that this is overall a really cool forum. The majority of the members here seem to be very open minded. Every forum has it's deadwood, so to speak, but that element is minimal here as compared to other forums.
Opeth can tend to be boring some times. People overrate them. Don't get me wrong, they're talented as hell, but they seem to get too much attention for making music that's not too spectacular.
I think it is human nature- especially the nature of fans of underground music- to re-think, lament, curse both mainstream bands, and underground bands. What is more important to an underground music fan, than his arrogance of possessing the pinnacle of musical taste? This underground fan will deride any band whose creativity- or even lack of creativity does not fall in line with his own. Or, if one of his favorite bands, takes another path, one that leads to popularity, or the incorporation of different musical styles- a path that leads to the bands success or success in a style of music that the underground fan no longer understands- just what will the undergound fan do? He will most likely label false accusations against the band, to preserve his own musical arrogance and intelligence.
If you don't like something, you don't like it.

If this something is in something you feel passionately for, you speak about it passionately.

You telling them to shut up for saying it is just as bad as them saying it (although I agreed, metallica threads should at least contain a warning).

Anything else - this forum would be a dull fucking place if it just went...

"I like opeth - who agrees?"

"yeah - me too!"

"I agree"

"Opeth are cool"
