ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
Okay, so...heres the deal,

I'm pretty goddamned serious about this armed forces thing. I don't know as of yet which branch I would like to join, but I'll figure that shit out as the date approaches. My goal is to be enlisted at the end of my probation this coming August. If you don't know why I'm on probation by this point...lurk moar.

Now, in order for me to join any branch of the armed forces, I'm going to have to make some major changes in my life.
  • I need to get myself in shape.
  • I need to quit smoking.
  • I need to keep my finances in order to clear the majority of my debt (save for school loans. I'll be paying off those suckers for years.)
I'm going to go all out and kick this shit off on New Years with a bunch of other resolutions including but not limited to:
  • Cut back almost entirely on my drinking. (I'll still have the occasional mixed drink when out with friends, but I'm cutting our beer entirely :cry:)
  • Get with a couple more women before I get shipped off (I've only been with 5.) I don't give a shit if you think this is shallow, but it's something I want. I don't want to end up marrying some chick who's slept with god knows how many guys when I have so few in comparison. It wouldn't bode well for this imaginary, potential relationship. Now I'm not talking 20 chicks in 8 months, but I'm going to play the field a bit as I get in better shape.
  • Start actually doing the work I get paid very little to currently not do.
Now, the reason I bring this up, is because January 1st, 2008 is fast approaching, and this is a HUGE fucking change in my life. I've never done anything with my life. I coasted through high school doing as little as possible, and college was pretty much the same (except I got better grades.) I currently work for an insurance agency owned by my father, a job that I fucking loathe.

I hate my job so much, that I've resorted to posting on COB:OT to pass the time when I should be doing something productive. I have unopened mail (that I've been hiding in drawers) that dates back to the end of October. :lol: I feel bad about it too, because my father kind of got this dumped on him when his boss died back in February. He's really backed up with shit, and he's constantly falling behind on some pretty important shit (eg.- as of 1/1/08 I don't have healthcare any more, and he was supposed to take care of it today before he left the office. Chances are, he didn't.)

So anyways, as I was saying I'm starting to get really nervous about 1/1/08. If I fail...thats it. I've not only let myself down, but I embarrass myself as well so failure really isn't an option...and that makes me fucking nervous. IT'S 4 FUCKING DAYS AWAY!!!!

*begins hyperventilating*

*pulls out paper bag*
:lol: Dude, setting dates is often a good way to fail because if you think yo can just flip a switch on that day and everything will come together, it won't. It's gonna be HARD fucking work. Really hard. But if you want it bad enough, there's no reason why you can't do it. People fail when they set a 'day I'll quit' date because they falter the first few days and get discouraged. Best advice I can give you without wasting my time writing is "Any amount less you do of X is an improvement." You don't have to quit smoking/drinking right away, but if you cut down bit by bit, it's an improvement. Anything different than it was before it on the right track. Trust me, I've stopped drugs, smoking and booze. I have iron motherfucking willpower now, but I was once a weak slave like everyone else :lol:. You can do it man, sure as fuck if I can you can.

As far as your job, if you're gonna fuck your dad over I'd come clean :lol: If he thinks you're doing your job and relying on you then... fuck :lol:
I need to do it at once though. Its the way I am, and I know its going to be hard as hell....thats why I ranted...but keep in mind, I'm still gonna be smoking pot pretty much as long as I can go. Also caffeine, I'm going to have to stop using caffine at some point before august, but I'm going to wait on that. It would be far too much to try and do. I hear what you're saying, and I do appreciate the feedback, this is a "make it or break it" point in my life. Either I succeed and move on in my life with a future and opportunities and travel and new people and excitement, or I remain working at my fathers insurance agency and someday taking it over becoming a fucking loser townie who amounted to nothing in the process. Big dreams, perhaps...but what else is there at this point?
My advice is stop smoking pot, first and foremost. Trust me :lol: I know what I'm talking about. 2 years ago I would have NEVER been able to envision myself not smoking weed, I thought I'd be smoking till I was 80. But just trust me. Pot is only going to work against you in what you're trying to do, it will in NO WAY benefit your cause. I'd stop smoking weed first/slow down on the drinking first. Use cigarettes as a crutch. One you're clear of that, cut back on the smoking and caffeine. Try diet drink products, or phase them out completely.

I went from a guy who smoked 2-4 grams everyday for 4 years, drank like 8-12 cans of pop a day, stayed up 24 hours regularly, smoked cigarettes like a fiend to someone who now does none of that shit, except the insomnia but I eat enough healthy food and drink enough water that I should be fine :lol:
I need to do it at once though. Its the way I am, and I know its going to be hard as hell....thats why I ranted...but keep in mind, I'm still gonna be smoking pot pretty much as long as I can go. Also caffeine, I'm going to have to stop using caffine at some point before august, but I'm going to wait on that. It would be far too much to try and do. I hear what you're saying, and I do appreciate the feedback, this is a "make it or break it" point in my life. Either I succeed and move on in my life with a future and opportunities and travel and new people and excitement, or I remain working at my fathers insurance agency and someday taking it over becoming a fucking loser townie who amounted to nothing in the process. Big dreams, perhaps...but what else is there at this point?
Also, start practicing a sport or at least start doing some physical training. With Ninjutsu + physical training on saturdays I got quite fit. Never been in better shape in my life.

You need to start caring about your health man. Quit smoking now, and try to drink only on social events.
My advice is stop smoking pot, first and foremost. Trust me :lol: I know what I'm talking about. 2 years ago I would have NEVER been able to envision myself not smoking weed, I thought I'd be smoking till I was 80. But just trust me. Pot is only going to work against you in what you're trying to do, it will in NO WAY benefit your cause. I'd stop smoking weed first/slow down on the drinking first. Use cigarettes as a crutch. One you're clear of that, cut back on the smoking and caffeine. Try diet drink products, or phase them out completely.

I went from a guy who smoked 2-4 grams everyday for 4 years, drank like 8-12 cans of pop a day, stayed up 24 hours regularly, smoked cigarettes like a fiend to someone who now does none of that shit, except the insomnia but I eat enough healthy food and drink enough water that I should be fine :lol:

Also, start practicing a sport or at least start doing some physical training. With Ninjutsu + physical training on saturdays I got quite fit. Never been in better shape in my life.

You need to start caring about your health man. Quit smoking now, and try to drink only on social events.

Holy flying cows Batman, they are capable of logical and inspired posting! (Sorry guys I couldn't resist! :heh::loco:)

Heed the words above Dred. Great advice. I also wish you luck. You are already well on your way in that you have come to a point that you realize what you're doing doesn't work for you or others around you. Takes a lot of balls to admit where you lack at in life, so kudos for posting it here.

Just don't give up, if you want it bad enough, and are willing to really work for it, then it will only come easier for you.

Good luck!
Holy flying cows Batman, they are capable of logical and inspired posting! (Sorry guys I couldn't resist! :heh::loco:)

Heed the words above Dred. Great advice. I also wish you luck. You are already well on your way in that you have come to a point that you realize what you're doing doesn't work for you or others around you. Takes a lot of balls to admit where you lack at in life, so kudos for posting it here.

Just don't give up, if you want it bad enough, and are willing to really work for it, then it will only come easier for you.

Good luck!
MetalAges? In my COB-OT? :lol:

Nah, seriously man, you love us. You gotta admit that. :D

:lol:, can we be mods now?

yeah! can we? :lol: :lol:
:lol:, can we be mods now?

.......... :lol:

MetalAges? In my COB-OT? :lol:

Nah, seriously man, you love us. You gotta admit that. :D

yeah! can we? :lol: :lol:

You two have become like the sweet cuddly dog you can snuggle and play with and it can be quite enjoyable - but then it craps right in the middle of the living room and chews up your best shoes to get attention - and it makes you want to stomp a mudhole in it's face!
.......... :lol:

You two have become like the sweet cuddly dog you can snuggle and play with and it can be quite enjoyable - but then it craps right in the middle of the living room and chews up your best shoes to get attention - and it makes you want to stomp a mudhole in it's face!

I will take that as a "Yes, I love you both" :lol:
.......... :lol:

You two have become like the sweet cuddly dog you can snuggle and play with and it can be quite enjoyable - but then it craps right in the middle of the living room and chews up your best shoes to get attention - and it makes you want to stomp a mudhole in it's face!

Sweet cuddly dogs, in my CoB-OT?
You two have become like the sweet cuddly dog you can snuggle and play with and it can be quite enjoyable - but then it craps right in the middle of the living room and chews up your best shoes to get attention - and it makes you want to stomp a mudhole in it's face!


ITT: Hijinks ensue

Seriously though, I'm almost 24, I've been smoking pot on and off since I was 16, I'm not new to this shit. I'll probably be smoking every day after the gym to help me sleep better (and get to bed earlier) at night. Once my sleep schedule becomes normalized, I'm going to start jogging in the morning before work. Besides, I enjoy smoking pot. I like to smoke a bowl and chill out and watch a movie, or play some video games. It actually allows me to sit down and focus on something for a while (I have the attention span of a ferret.) Its how I'm going to be regularly winding down the busy and stressful days ahead.

ITT: Hijinks ensue

Seriously though, I'm almost 24, I've been smoking pot on and off since I was 16, I'm not new to this shit. I'll probably be smoking every day after the gym to help me sleep better (and get to bed earlier) at night. Once my sleep schedule becomes normalized, I'm going to start jogging in the morning before work. Besides, I enjoy smoking pot. I like to smoke a bowl and chill out and watch a movie, or play some video games. It actually allows me to sit down and focus on something for a while (I have the attention span of a ferret.) Its how I'm going to be regularly winding down the busy and stressful days ahead.

:lol: Dude, if you work out good, you won't need help to fall asleep. Trust me. I used to run 3-6km's a day depending followed by a bunch of circuit exercises in my powerfit class. Once you get home, you will have no trouble passing out :lol: But if you think it will help then ok, but I can tell you, eventhough it's gonna be hard to stop smoking pot at first and seem like you'll be better off with it, in the long run that won't be true.
Making an itinerary or a schedule could help. For the rest, I agree with Joe and Gon.

It's nice to see that you want to make changes in your life :).
I can seriously relate to you. I am now 25 years old and this is absolutely NOT where I pictured myself at at this age.

I dropped out of college with only one course, a few internship hours and a monograph pending to finish the whole thing, I pretty much fled my country/family because they (and I) are insane and I needed a break or I'd kill myself, I am being sued by a fucking lunatic back home, I have a shitty job with even shittier pay, I've been experimenting with crazy drugs, drinking so much I black out on a regular basis, I have no steady relationship and the only certainty I have so far in my life is that this is all very pathetic.

I wish I had some words of advice to share, but all I can think of is that you (and I guess I, as well), are actually lucky to even be thinking and worrying about all this. Some people never do and they behave like 17 year olds for the rest of their lives, relying on and being a burden to their relatives/state/whatnot. It's easier said than done breaking old habits and making major life changes, even if slowly, step by step. It can obviously be done, though and I think you're in the right track. You know what you want to change and you know what you have to do. That's more than half way through, so congrats;) I'd normally say "don't be so hard on yourself", but I think this is one of those times when you actually have to. Don't let yourself down and think how some years from now you will be glad you had enough will power to make these incredible changes and do what you had to do.

I am sorry I stole some of your thread space with my own rant! :lol: I just couldn't help myself.