ITT we briefly review the game we're currently playing

El Stormo

Mar 20, 2003
Flanders - Belgium
I thought it'd be cool if we all said what game we were playing right now and gave a short review/appraisal of it, and then argued with each other about which game is best, using various insults toward people's hygiene, social status, and ancestry.

Me, I'm currently playing Clive Barker's "Clive Barker's Jericho" by Clive Barker. Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee slagged it off mercilessly, saying it was a terrible game, and while he makes some good points, there's things I totally don't agree with, mostly because he takes small negative points and tends to blow them out of proportion.

Jericho is a unit of soldiers specializing in the paranormal and the occult, and at the beginning of the game, a squad of Jericho soldiers is called upon to investigate a disturbance in the Al-Khali desert. It turns out that this disturbance is another attempt by an ancient being to cross over into our world. It has attempted this before, and every time, as it gets locked away, it takes a piece of the world with it. The last time the Firstborn was sealed away was during the Second World War, and your squad has to travel through all those time periods to ancient Sumeria, where the Breach was first sealed.

The game itself is incredibly beautiful, with scenery reflecting the time periods Jericho passes through, from the present day over the Second World War, The Crusades, Ancient Rome, and finally Sumeria. Don't expect heavy realism, but intense combat, which admittedly can be frustrating at times, mostly because your squad is pretty stupid. Thankfully you can take control of every one of them to make them behave the way you want to. Combat gets a bit repetitive at times, but it always stays a lot of fun (Ghost Bullet is something I just can't get tired of using), and remains challenging.

The story itself is a bit confusing at times, but definitely interesting, especially the element of the Pyxis, the prison of the Firstborn, consisting of "slices" of different time periods. The characters are a bit one-dimensional, and the one-liners occasionally get on one's nerves, but they're still a lot of fun to play with. If you don't mind the unrealistic feel of the game mechanics, and the rigid linearity, Jericho is definitely a nice game to play, if only for the atmosphere and the incredible scenery.

There, now agree with me or don't, and post what games you're playing now and if you like them. No need to write out such a long review, as long as it gives us something to talk about :)
Is Clive Barker involved with that game?
Definitely. It's got quite a few flaws as a game, but one fault it doesn't have is that it doesn't use a famous name without actually involving the owner of that name. Clive Barker was involved throughout the entire game process, and it kinda shows. It's got a good storyline, a few great twists towards the end, and it's definitely professionally written.
I bought Mario Kart for the Wii as a gift for my brother a few days ago. It's basically the same game as the very original one but maybe it's part of the success of the franchise to NOT break the formula. The online mode is a very nice addition and it works very smoothly without any noticeable laggage. I love it.
I bought Mario Kart for the Wii as a gift for my brother a few days ago. It's basically the same game as the very original one but maybe it's part of the success of the franchise to NOT break the formula. The online mode is a very nice addition and it works very smoothly without any noticeable laggage. I love it.
That and Twilight Princess would be the only reasons I'd ever even consider a Wheee.
That and Twilight Princess would be the only reasons I'd ever even consider a Wheee.

Reason enough!

Mario Kart wii is a WORTHY update, and that means a lot coming from a Mart Kart obsessive such as meself. Double Dash was a parasite on my life, and the lives of all 6 other people who lived in my house a couple of years ago. It was a multi-daily habit.

The new one is different though, and there still are a couple things I have to get used to, or continue to groan about, but the pluses vasty outweight the minuses.

Call of Duty 4.

Fantastic fucking game.

Though shooting someone with an M4, point blank, with a grip, IN THE BRAIN and them not dying and popping me once with an M9 just makes me furious.

Speaking of Furious, Krig log on.
GTA4 and NHL 08

GTA4... I have nothing but praises for.

NHL 08 good update, great graphics... and the skill stick is absolutely outstanding. I don't know how I ever played a hockey game without it.
Man, if my TV wasn't super fucking expensive there would be a controller through it.

Playing Planescape Torment

Awesome RPG so far, and it's far from your typical elves'n dwarfs thing. You're The Nameless One, an Immortal being that loses memory every time you die, and everytime you live again you try to figure out why you're immortal and how you can fulfill your destiny. Alongside there's a floating skull sidekick called Morte that'll make comments so funny you'll forget you're in some kind of morbid dimension between life and death (I think the Planescape, as it's explained in the game, is where you go after dying once, and you achieve what they call "True Death" when you die again).

The whole atmosphere of the game is pretty sad, but very well thought. Graphics wise, it's similar to Diablo II. The main difference in this game is that instead of getting quest in a City and moving outside to complete them, the City ITSELF is the quest. There's also no mana in this game, the magick system is thought very differently. Also, you don't really get uber gear thorough the game, but you can get tattoos and stuff to increase your stats like stamina, intelligence, etc.

Also, you actually get more EXP when you can solve your problems without killing everyone, and having a high charisma, intelligence and wisdom rating is actually very useful. The game is very long to complete, I must have been playing it for around 25 hours and I have seen something like the 2/3rd of it.

I'm still trying to figure out if I have to join EVERY faction in the game. I guess not......
Age of Conan

Review: I'm digging it. Pretty hellish on the resources at the moment though, though they've been rolling patches out quick since its getting real close to release.
There's also no mana in this game, the magick system is thought very differently.
Actually, it follows the classic AD&D magic system of memorizing certain spells before being able to cast them. But yeah, Planescape: Torment is pretty fucking awesome, that's for sure.

And no, you don't have to join every faction in the game, in fact, it's perfectly possible to complete the game without even joining one.

Right now, I'm playing Penumbra: Overture (Episode 1), and so far, it's pretty fun. You play the role of Philip, a young man who has to travel to Greenland in search of his father, but who ends up in some sort of abandoned mine. I haven't gotten that far yet, but it's been fun so far, very claustrophobic, with some creepy moments. A good aspect is that Philip really isn't equipped to battle the creatures he comes across. So far I've only had one encounter (they're rare in this game), and I managed to kill the critter with a few lucky hits from my rusty pick axe but normally, I should have been dog food. Sneaking and avoiding encounters is the way to go in this game, so good thing your character still moves at a pretty good clip when crouched, because usually I hate sneaking games because of their agonizing slowness.

Controls can be a bit frustrating at times (try turning valves with your mouse, it's annoying), but they behave in a realistic matter. For instance, to get into the mine in the first place, you have to knock away the ice over the hatch with a rock, and that means really smashing the rock into the ice with your mouse. If you liked Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, or games like Alone in the Dark, chances are you'll like this one. The puzzles aren't really puzzles as much as they are situations that can be resolved by logical thinking, which is nice, because I personally hate 7th Guest-style puzzles mucking up my game.

So far, I can best summarize that it's not a game for casual gamers, but rather one for people with experience in games, who look for something more than, "hurrrr I click and the mans fall down".
I thought it'd be cool if we all said what game we were playing right now and gave a short review/appraisal of it, and then argued with each other about which game is best, using various insults toward people's hygiene, social status, and ancestry.

Me, I'm currently playing Clive Barker's "Clive Barker's Jericho" by Clive Barker. Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee slagged it off mercilessly, saying it was a terrible game, and while he makes some good points, there's things I totally don't agree with, mostly because he takes small negative points and tends to blow them out of proportion.

Jericho is a unit of soldiers specializing in the paranormal and the occult, and at the beginning of the game, a squad of Jericho soldiers is called upon to investigate a disturbance in the Al-Khali desert. It turns out that this disturbance is another attempt by an ancient being to cross over into our world. It has attempted this before, and every time, as it gets locked away, it takes a piece of the world with it. The last time the Firstborn was sealed away was during the Second World War, and your squad has to travel through all those time periods to ancient Sumeria, where the Breach was first sealed.

The game itself is incredibly beautiful, with scenery reflecting the time periods Jericho passes through, from the present day over the Second World War, The Crusades, Ancient Rome, and finally Sumeria. Don't expect heavy realism, but intense combat, which admittedly can be frustrating at times, mostly because your squad is pretty stupid. Thankfully you can take control of every one of them to make them behave the way you want to. Combat gets a bit repetitive at times, but it always stays a lot of fun (Ghost Bullet is something I just can't get tired of using), and remains challenging.

The story itself is a bit confusing at times, but definitely interesting, especially the element of the Pyxis, the prison of the Firstborn, consisting of "slices" of different time periods. The characters are a bit one-dimensional, and the one-liners occasionally get on one's nerves, but they're still a lot of fun to play with. If you don't mind the unrealistic feel of the game mechanics, and the rigid linearity, Jericho is definitely a nice game to play, if only for the atmosphere and the incredible scenery.

There, now agree with me or don't, and post what games you're playing now and if you like them. No need to write out such a long review, as long as it gives us something to talk about :)

is it as good as undying was?
is it as good as undying was?
Well, I haven't played Undying, so I can't really tell, but I heard that Undying was very good, yeah, so I don't really know. I personally loved Jericho, but there are a lot of reasons not to love it as well - it all depends on how good you are at never-minding some flaws and focusing on the game's good parts, which is the atmosphere, the visceral combat, and the incredible scenery (because there I think Yahtzee Croshaw completely misses the ball, the scenery isn't all brown castles - the Roman era in particular is incredible).

I guess that from a purely business-sense-review point of view, it's a rather flawed game, but somehow I had loads of fun with it.
Well, I haven't played Undying, so I can't really tell, but I heard that Undying was very good, yeah, so I don't really know. I personally loved Jericho, but there are a lot of reasons not to love it as well - it all depends on how good you are at never-minding some flaws and focusing on the game's good parts, which is the atmosphere, the visceral combat, and the incredible scenery (because there I think Yahtzee Croshaw completely misses the ball, the scenery isn't all brown castles - the Roman era in particular is incredible).

I guess that from a purely business-sense-review point of view, it's a rather flawed game, but somehow I had loads of fun with it.

undying is the scariest game I've ever played. you must play with it! in a dark room at night, with headphones and you will get a heart attack for sure! :D
undying is the scariest game I've ever played. you must play with it! in a dark room at night, with headphones and you will get a heart attack for sure! :D
Yeah, I heard, but these days, I can't find it in any shop...

About Jericho, I'm not a fan of Gamespot, but their review is rather accurate this time. It's like they say, it's a game that is awesome and disappointing at the same time.
Jericho is shit. Though, I will admit, part of the reason everyone is hard on the game is because Undying was fucking amazing, and it was hyped to be another Undying.