ITT we post funny pictures...

Its usually a bunch of bullshit, too... guys that clearly never got the attractive "model types" just acting like "oh yeah I like em thick" cuz thats all they could ever get.

Its unhealthy, its a lame argument.
Bullshit, speak for yourself. You should open a dictionary and look up the difference between fat and curvy.
I'm not into overweight women at all, quite the contrary - but a lot of people see anorexic skeletons as "normal" and it's just not.
It's actually very unhealthy, has caused deaths and tons of mental disorders etc (the pressure to look like photoshopped models, not anorexia itself).


I don't care if anyone likes really skinny women like in the pictures above on the very left, but don't call the curvy ones fat and think "your" type is a healthy looking female or somehow "natural".
Personally, the bottom left girl's body grosses me out. If you like that, you could aswell date guys.
Where exactly were all the 'chunky women lovers' when the tits thread was still alive? I was a lone warrior there :lol:

Back OT, a re-post from back then :D

Out of those 5 women on that picture the last one is the best. She is still thin in my opinion but not skinny. And she has curves :) Not into skinny women and certainly not into fat ones either.
Please provide sufficient evidence that you're not all raging homo's. :lol:

I never tried fucking a woman with my eye, I'll try it thanks. :lol:

I'm too bored. hahaha