I've discovered something about online friends lately

Oh! :)

I'll definitely try, I've just been so busy lately. I will say that now I'm much less of a metal noob than when I first started posting here. I will admit that I don't post as much as I lurk in GMD but that's because the rest of you guys know more than I do.
Online friends are definitely no replacement for in-person friends. People have a biological need for social interaction, and staring at a computer screen does not accomplish that.

Derek, if you're worried about online relationships not mattering enough, you should definitely make more of an effort to hang out with people in person.

Oh, and you should probably also move out of Tennessee, since there's fucking nothing out there. :)
Just try not to worry about what people think of you in both real life and the internet.

Something, I wish I could learn to do.
Seriously... It's like a misanthropic buttfuck fest.

Everyone on here is just a word producing avatar to me. If I haven't met you in real life, we are acquaintances at best... but not friends. Nothing against you, but this is the fucking internet. You can all go cry and think to yourself what you could have done better to gain my adoration. It takes work that you haven't put in yet.

For those of you I have met in real life, you guys are cool, and I consider you friends, though... congratulations.
Everyone on here is just a word producing avatar to me. If I haven't met you in real life, we are acquaintances at best... but not friends. Nothing against you, but this is the fucking internet. You can all go cry and think to yourself what you could have done better to gain my adoration. It takes work that you haven't put in yet.

That's not what you said when we were cybering last night. :cry:
The bastard! That's it. I'm blocking him and putting him on ignore. I have some self-respect you know. I'm not some cyber-manwhore.
Derek, your "online" friends don't care about you because their actual involvement in your life boils down to a few exchanged posts on a lonely message board, a few IMs, and an sent pic or two. All off this lacks a personal touch that would make a real friendship special. I suggest you examine how your real life friendships were formed when compared to your "online" ones and see why the online one have failed. I am not saying online discussion is a bad thing, I am just saying don't count on it to go anywhere for a very large majority of the time.
Given the nature of online communication, the likelihood of having a meaningful and long lasting friendship with somebody is greatly diminished. I don't think this even needs to be pointed out. Those who suggest that true, meaningful friendships online are impossible or overwhelmingly improbable, are wrong. And, to be honest, you don't have to even seek that type of relationship out. I know a handful of people that I met through the internet that I would truly consider my friend, some of whom I've met in person, others not.