I've discovered something about online friends lately

Thanks for putting input into this thread. :) Yes, I consider a few people from the GMD to be "close online friends" and I've talked on the phone to 2 banned members along wth 1 current one here. But that's a small percentage of all those I've talked with online. And what do you mean by you smell bullshit in this thread whiskey funeral?
And I didn't block someone based on impulse, this person I had considered doing so for a while, actually now I'm glad I did it and should've done it earlier.
Everyone on here is just a word producing avatar to me. If I haven't met you in real life, we are acquaintances at best... but not friends.


actually now I'm glad I did it and should've done it earlier.

You go girlfriend.
That boy was just a bad influence in yo' life.
You gotta go yoself outta there.
And other such generic, possibly black infused, sarcastic comments.
hey derek, sorry if i didn't give to you some attention at some moment.

btw, to meet ''online'' friends is very cool. last saturday i met my friends from a brazillian forum.






i'm the one with the silver necklace, very ugly, i must recognize, and yeah, my engrish stills a piece of shit.
The best way to describe online friends, to quote Fight Club, they are single serving friends. To maintain a long and meaningful relationship with someone there has to be some physical contact. I mean, if they really consider you their friend why don't you meet up? (distance problems are an exception, of course) This however, does not mean you cannot build a good relationship online, but I wouldn't really care about someone if my spark with them has died down over the years.